Here are some of my most popular posts!
Daily Glow Series *NEW
What’s Your 6-Word Love Story?
Without Self-Love, I Have Nothing.
Unbearable Lightness: A Story of Loss and Gain
How to Save Money on your Grocery Bill
Kicking the Pop Habit: Eric 1 Year Later
How to Reframe and Negative Thought with a Thought Record
My Road To Health Series: How I ended the disordered eating and got healthy
My Road To Health: Part VI (How I switched to a vegetarian and then vegan diet)
A Year Can Change A Lot Series: (How I changed careers)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10 (1 year later), Graduation Fears
Beating the Freshman 15 Series:
How I beat binge eating:
Binge Eating: Why You Shouldn’t Feel Ashamed
Florida Vacation 2010:
Fill Up My Tank (What I eat before a flight)
Hello From Florida! (Naples)
Walk, Eat, and Drink in Naples (Naples)
The Photography Continues (Naples)
Stuffed Silly (Naples)
sWank (Ft Lauderdale)
Sublime OSG Meet-up (Ft. Lauderdale)
A Fabulous Day of Eats (Ft Lauderdale)
Hey Ya’ll (Orlando- staying at Caitlin’s, meet up #1)
Snakes and Gingerbread (Orlando, Universal Studios)
One Course, Two Course, Seven Course…FLOOR! (Orlando, meet up #2)
Exercise While On Vacation (Sarasota)
Run Free (Naples)
Goodness ME! (Naples)
Sunsets and Great Friends (Naples)
She Sells Sea Shells (Sanibel Island + Fort Myers)
Beach Runner 12.12 (Sanibel Island + Fort Myers)
Projects, Movements, and Boot Camps:
My Race Recaps:
My very first race (10km) June 14, 2009:
The night before the race + how I prepared (video)
Race recap 1 (video)
Race recap 4 (what I ate!!!)
Acura 10-Miler (July 19, 2009):
Part 2 of my race recap (what I ate before and after!)
My 10-miler training plan + I answer your questions
Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Half Marathon (Sept. 27, 2009):
Goodlife Fitness Toronto Half Marathon (October 18, 2009):
My second half marathon race recap
Hot Topics:
33 things I learned as a Health Blogger in 365 days
Do You Feel Pressure To Have Kids?
Do You Feel Pressure From Your Job To Be Thin?
Jobs and Weight Pressure Part 2
Blogs and the Social Comparison Trap
The social comparison trap part 2
How food blogs changed my life
What our friends and family think of our love for food blogs
How to power through tough workouts
Comparing ourselves to real women
Reader’s comments on comparing to other women
Guilt and Exercise: What’s healthy?
Food Blogs: Passing Fad or Here To Stay?
Raw Food: Is it always better?
Photo Journaling: Helpful or Harmful?
Muscle Repair and Intense Exercise: Part II
North America’s Healthiest Cities: Where Does Yours Rank?
Make-up: Can We Live Without It?
Women and Aging: New Pressures Each Day
Exercise and Heat: How It Affects Us
When Healthy Eating Goes Too Far
I Talk about my exercise slump (video post)
Running in a Carb-Depleted State: Good Training?
Blogging Frequency, Content, and Quality
My Running Journey: From 1 minute to 10 Miles
The Galloway Method: Do Walking Breaks Help?
The Superwoman Syndrome: The Dangers of Over-Training
When To Push and When To Pull Back
Rest Days: What Exactly Do You Do for Rest?
Evolutionary Psychology 101: Why Diets Fail
Evolutionary Psychology 101: Exercise Is Key
Free Your Heart and Your Mind Will Follow
Models and Weight: From Runway to Real way
How To Beat Negative Thinking: Part 1 and Part 2
How Do Our Emotions Affect Illness?
How Do Reduce Stress and Increase Well-Being
The Sleep Cycle: Do you get enough undisturbed sleep?
Changing up exercise: How often do you do it?
Driving with a hand-held device- banned!
Some of my favourite posts of all time:
1. My very first post: Boo. I admit, this is a no frills post, but at the same time my potential is just oozing out of it. lol. Notice how ‘Spooky Sketchie’ is a prominent feature in the post- no surprise there! There was a very similar Sketchie featured in one of my posts this week- anyone remember?
2. My 4th post ever: Running and Sketchie. Sketchie was an overnight celeb. I was dog meat.
3. Sketchie gets SAD No, not even cats are immune to Seasonal Affective Disorder!
4. My favourite ab exercises in pictures This was before I had ever heard of vlogging. Or drogging for that matter!
5. OSGMOM’s first appearance on the blog! I’m a nice daughter, I waited until we were outside of the airport before I snapped her pic!
6. Pumpkin-Apple Streusel Muffins– I LOVE these muffins and many readers have raved about them too. Take a gander at the pictures, you can’t go wrong when muffins look like that!
7. How To Beat the Freshman 15 (4 part series)– This was my second most popular series next to my Road to Hell, err…Health, that is.
8. All About Me and How OSG came about! My background education, work history, and the evolution of Oh She Glows and Glo Bakery
9. Where I got the name for Oh She Glows Isn’t that what we all wonder? Why the heck did she call it that?
10. 2008 In Review: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 My life in 2008 at a glance. Tons of pictures!
11. Project Glow How to get healthy, glowing skin. I created this program for Caitlin over at HTP. PS- It worked!
12. Our Engagement Story– How Eric proposed. Notice that the first few pictures include tequila.
13. My Road To Health: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5a, Part 5b! My whole journey…from the bad days to the good days, the ups and the downs, and everywhere in between! This is by far my most popular series to date. I will be writing Part 6 in the near future.
14. My Before and After picture What everyone wants to see!
15. Glo Bakery: Skinni-Mini Glo Buns My most recent and hugely popular healthy cinnamon bun creation! 75 calories a pop and vegan to boot!
16. How To Design The Website of your Dreams (Guest post): Part 1, Part 2 Some interesting info if you are looking to improve your website
17. Angela Interviews Kris Carr from Crazy Sexy Cancer I get the chance to interview my idol!
18. Shop 4 A Cause Charity Auction: June 11th- Visit OSG to place bids on awesome stuff! My goal is to raise $2,000 for my first race on June 14th!
19. Bikini Body Boot Camp! Also, see here for the past 61 days! What us gals are doing each day to squeeze into that bikini come June.
20. How to Learn to Love Your Body– I address a very important reader question!
21. My recipes- including reader’s favourite recipes Only read if you want a puddle of drool on your keyboard.
22. Wedding pictures The happiest day of my life!
23. FAQ’s: I answer reader questions!
24. My birthday celebration OSG goes wild!
25. What’s inside my fridge? Parts 1-4. Part 5 What does my fridge and cupboards look like? What do I eat?