A couple weekends ago when I was feeling under the weather, I picked up the book Unbearable Lightness by Portia de Rossi.

(Ok, ok I also bought a new mug…busted!! haha)
In Unbearable Lightness, Portia talks very candidly about her struggles with an eating disorder, being a ‘closet’ lesbian, and the pressure she felt from the modeling and acting world to have the perfect body. The book is beautifully written, heartfelt, and honest. I ended up reading the book cover to cover in one evening. It completely sucked me in and I found myself crying, smiling, or laughing right along with Portia. I commend her bravery for sharing her story in such an honest way. I know she will help many women.
My only small complaint was that Portia didn’t go into her recovery as much as I hoped she would. In just a small chapter at the end of the book, she talked about some of the things that helped her recover- such as horse-riding or her relationship with Ellen. I finished the book wanting to know much more about her recovery. I really hope that she writes a second book as a follow up!
I also think the book could be triggering for some people who are currently struggling with an eating disorder. Portia is very specific and detailed about numbers and behaviours while she was suffering. This book is definitely a read at your own risk. I personally was not triggered by the material, but if I had read this book 3 years ago, it would have been another story.
Given that it is Eating Disorder Awareness week in the US, I thought it would be a good time to share some of my favourite RECOVERY quotes from the book. The last chapter is so inspiring and I found myself highlighting much of what Portia wrote.
"Do I love myself the way I am? Yes. (Well, I’m working on it!) But that doesn’t mean I love my body just the way it is. People who recover from eating disorders can’t be expected to have higher standards than the rest of society, most of whom would like to alter a body part or two. The difference now is that I’m no longer willing to compromise my health to achieve that. I’m not even willing to compromise my happiness to achieve it, or for the thought of my thighs to take up valuable space in my mind. It’s just not that important.
“I’m very grateful for what [my body] does. I thank my thighs for being strong and allowing me to walk my dogs around my neighbourhood and ride my horses."
"I find that if I can concentrate on getting better at something, rather than getting fitter or looking better, I accomplish all three things- the latter two being happy by-products of the original goal.”
"The fact that I stopped restricting food made it less appealing. I began tasting food and listening to my internal nutritionist as it told me that I truly wanted to eat a crispy salad rather than fries. When it told me that fries were what I was craving, it said, ‘Eat as many as you want knowing that you can always have them again tomorrow.’ So I’d eat just a few or I’d rat the whole damn serving until I couldn’t eat anything else on my plate."
"I stopped weighing myself. I simply didn’t care about weight anymore because it was always a comfortable good weight for my body. As I listened to my internal nutritionist, I stopped wanting to eat eggs, meat, and dairy. While I have never felt more healthy and energized, the most important thing that happened to me when I stopped eating animals was a sense of connectedness. When I was suffering from an eating disorder, my life was solely about me. I was living through my ego. My decision not to eat animals anymore was paramount to my growth as a spiritual person. It made me feel like I was contributing to making the world better and that I was connected to everything around me. Healing comes from love. And loving every living thing in turn helps you love yourself."
"I made the mistake of thinking that what I look like is more important that who I am– that what I weigh is more important than what I think or what I do. I was ashamed of being gay, and so I only heard the voices that said that being gay is shameful."
"Ellen taught me to not care about other people’s opinions. She taught me to be truthful. She taught me to be free. I began to live my life in love and complete acceptance. For the first time I had truly accepted myself."
"I met Ellen when I was [at my heaviest] and she loved me. She didn’t see that I was heavy; she only saw the person inside. My two greatest fears, being fat and being gay, when realized, led to my greatest joy. It’s ironic, really, when all I’ve ever wanted is to be loved for my true self, and yet I tried so hard to present myself as anything other than who I am."
I get chills reading those quotes…many of them really ring true for me.
It is long overdue as women, we start embracing our bodies instead of holding them up to some unattainable ideal. A big part of the battle is learning how to re-frame our negative thoughts.
Instead of cursing my thighs, I now thank them for being strong, powerful, and for helping me run in races.

For me, happiness and self-acceptance does not always come easy. The difference between now and then is that I am now willing to put in the effort if it leads me in a positive direction, rather than a negative one.
There is no ‘happiness finish line’ in my world. It’s an on-going effort requiring daily work, love, and attention. I know if I put that effort in each day, I will be in a good place.
Thankfully, I’ve never minded a good challenge.
“The difference between now and then is that I am now willing to put in the effort if it leads me in a positive direction, rather than a negative one.” I love how you said this at the end of the post. I’ve been feeling the same way lately but couldn’t quite articulate it (I’ve struggled with depression and binge eating in the past). While I still have things to work on, the way I respond to bad feelings now is much more positive than before. It’s so important to take action and make a positive choice when you’re feeling down (i.e. going to the gym, talking to a friend, writing etc.)– for me, that’s the best way to stop negativity in its tracks. Thanks for this post!
I love the statement about cursing the thighs and then thanking them; my thoughts exactly. Amazing how transformations come about!
Beautiful post, Angela. Just beautiful.
I love your closing comment & had to share it… “There is no ‘happiness finish line’ in my world. It’s an on-going effort requiring daily work, love, and attention. I know if I put that effort in each day, I will be in a good place.”
Thanks for your inspiration.
I have not read the book. I found your blog last year and have been an avid follower ever since. I was very moved by your story but it devastates me everyday to see some of the beautiful souls who also follow your blog and HOW MANY suffer with an eating disorder. WOW! I had no idea there were so so so many out there. I have two daughters and I am now so so scared for them to grow up surrounded by this fear and the perception of perfection.
For all of you out there, you are so worthy of life…and a happy, healthy one at that. You are all beautiful and are all Creators perfection at this exact moment (and every other moment as well). Bless your hearts! Love yourself, every body part and every flaw are your perfection!!!!
Did you see Portia on Oprah when she was discussing this book? What a POWERFUL show. At one point she talked about her mother on Christmas Day and how she said to her “I accept you for who you are”…because obviously she hid that she was gay and had an eating disorder. That crushed me and made me pick up Sophie off the floor from where she was playing and I just hugged her. I cannot imagine Sophie ever feeling that she would have to hide something from me like that. I hope she grows up knowing that I accept her no matter what. From the excerpts that were read on the show it sounds like quite the book. I learned so much about Portia from that show. I loved how at the end she said that a key to her recovery was not restricting anything from her diet and allowing herself as much as she wants of anything. She believes that the more you allow yourself the less you want it and the more you just listen to your body. Eventually everything evens out.
This is so wonderful. I’m in recovery for an eating disorder (bulimia) and lately have been feeling overwhelmed by the fact that while my physical symptoms have more or less stopped, I am going to have to mentally wrestle with food and weight every day for a long, long time. I love your blog because it’s empowering to see what a happy eater you have become post-ED, but it’s also reassuring in a way to know that even someone as seemingly grounded as you are now still considers it a daily process. I think reframing this struggle in my mind from a life sentence of mental anguish to a daily opportunity to grow in my commitment to health and happiness will help me keep in a positive frame of mind about my recovery and prevent me from falling off the wagon. Definitely considering making some inspirational signs of these quotes for my bedroom walls!
Would you say the book is more or less triggering than Marya Hornbacher’s Wasted (if you’ve read it)? I thought that book was brilliant, and particularly helpful to hand to my family and say “This is what I’m going through,” but it sent me into a two-week-long tailspin the last time I read it (at a point several months into recovery when I thought I could handle revisiting the material). I really want to read Portia’s book, but I’m not itching to relive the Wasted experience. Any insight would be so very much appreciated.
Thank you for always being so candid about your experience! I look forward to the day I feel brave and secure enough to blog about my own eating disorder and recovery. For now though, I continue to lurk behind my quasi-anonymous initial.
I would say that it is on par with Wasted…Portia holds NOTHING back in the book. I commend her for that, but at the same time, one should take caution when reading it. All the best, Ange :)
I think “Wasted” is a separate genre on its own. “Wasted” really chronicles the madness, the depression, the depth…the true depth of one who not only engages in ED like behaviors, but also cutting, manic behaviors, etc…If you’ve read her other book “Madness”, you’ll see this girl faced (faces?) deep challenges.
Much different from Portia’s story altogether…very different since Portia’s has a lot to do with modelling, hollywood, being skinny, etc…of course, it stems from her insecurities, etc…but completely different in my eye.
That’s the thing: I see you and so many others go on and run and run and thrive in life. I’ve ruined my body. I’m done. More than just an eating thing; its a deep, deep darkness. I find these things to be completely separate. Together. But individual experiences are so different —like no one could ever know what its like for me daily to perservere (just as I would never be able to know what another lives with).
This is so wonderful. I’m in recovery for an eating disorder (bulimia) and lately have been feeling overwhelmed by the fact that while my physical symptoms have more or less stopped, I am going to have to mentally wrestle with food and weight every day for a long, long time. I love your blog because it’s empowering to see what a happy eater you have become post-ED, but it’s also reassuring in a way to know that even someone as seemingly grounded as you are now still considers it a daily process. I think reframing this struggle in my mind from a life sentence of mental anguish to a daily opportunity to grow in my commitment to health and happiness will help me keep in a positive frame of mind about my recovery and prevent me from falling off the wagon. Definitely considering making some inspirational signs of these quotes for my bedroom walls!
Would you say the book is more or less triggering than Marya Hornbacher’s Wasted (if you’ve read it)? I thought that book was brilliant, and particularly helpful to hand to my family and say “This is what I’m going through,” but it sent me into a two-week-long tailspin the last time I read it (at a point several months into recovery when I thought I could handle revisiting the material). I really want to read Portia’s book, but I’m not itching to relive the Wasted experience. Any insight would be so very much appreciated.
Thank you for always being so candid about your experience! I look forward to the day I feel brave and secure enough to blog about my own eating disorder and recovery. For now though, I continue to lurk behind my quasi-anonymous initial.
Great review, Angela. This is such an important and delicate topic, and I really appreciate how you’ve articulated your thoughts and perspective, as well as chosen ideal quotes from the book. I think I’m definitely going to put this on my reading list!
As always, thanks for sharing your glow :)
I would love to read this book, but to be honest I’m not really sure if I’m ready for it yet. I think I need something which would cover recovery more.. Do you have any suggestions? :] It’s such a delicate topic and I really admire you for talking about it so openly. Thank you for all the everyday inspirations!
Thank you for this wonderful review. I wanted to read this book, but now I absolutely can’t wait to go out and get it. I just finished Wasted by Marya Hornbacher, have you read? It is very intense and would be very triggering for those who have suffered, but it was an amazingly honest account of her eating disorders.
Hi Angela,
Have you read the book “Eating in the Light of the Moon”? My counselor recommended it to me and I’ve been awed and inspired by every chapter of the book so far. It’s a great way to discover ways to reconnect with yourself. If you feel like picking up another book, I definitely recommend it! Thank you again for being who you are.