I discovered my Lululemon yoga mat makes a great GREEN backdrop for a photo!
Today I want to do a product review. I purchased these Ezekiel Whole Grain Tortillas last week as a reward for my early rising challenge. The challenge is still going well- I have been getting up between 6-6:20am, with a few slip-ups here and there when I need more sleep. I’m not sure if I will be able to break into the 5’s like I hoped, but I am happy with around 6 anyways.
I was really excited to try these as I have been wondering about them for over a year now.

I had the wrap with a delicious quinoa mixture- 1 cup quinoa, 2 heaping tablespoons hummus, ground pepper, and 1 tablespoon tomato paste. Very delicious! On a bed of baby spinach.

I was a bit disappointed with these wraps because they are quite tough. I was expecting a soft tortilla but these were not soft. They don’t taste bad, but I would prefer to spend my dough on other dough…
I definitely prefer the Ezekiel bread to these. The bread seems more filling to me, even though it is about the same number of calories. Maybe it is because I toast the bread.
Someone mentioned that the Ezekiel English muffins are really good so I think I will try those next!
Celery is like air to me. Very fun to crunch though. That is one thing I love about veggies…so. much. chewing.
I also made a fun discovery with my tea.
I rarely drink black tea lately, but I used to drink it all the time. Eric drinks it a lot so he has got me drinking some decaf at night time again. I wanted a creamy tea so I tried adding coconut milk. I put about 3 tablespoons of coconut milk into my tea. At first I wasn’t sure about the taste, but as I drank it I really enjoyed it. The tea was so creamy and rich tasting! A definite keeper.
Nothing like a hot cuppa tea on a cold winter’s night…
This was a question I posed on Twitter tonight and I got some interesting responses:
“For all the ladies out there who want children- do you have a certain age that you want to have your first by?”
I would also like to ask: For those of you who already have children please share your thoughts on your own experience! Did you have them early enough, too late, just right?
Or have you decided that you don’t want to have children?
Any MEN out there who want to chime in? (I’d pretty much die happy if one did…)

I am 20! and the idea of having a child scares me (maybe bc I JUST turned 20). I would joke about wanting to have a baby when I see a cute little one in a stroller or in the arms of its mother. This is sooo going to sound weird but I had a dream that I gave birth! and that my baby was hungry and crying, but there wasn’t any food available, so I breast fed her. In my dream, that was so most precious moment for me, I felt like I was in the moment (the dream version of me). TMI haha, but then I woke up and I thought woah! maybe it isn’t so bad.
I’m 22 years old and my daughter is 9 months old. When I was in high school I thought I wanted to wait until I was 25 to have kids. I have been with my husband since high school and one day, about two months before I got pregnant, I was late… so I took a pregnancy test. I wasn’t sure what I wanted the results to be but when it came out negative, I cried. I knew then that I wanted to at least go off birth control. We weren’t neccesarily “trying” but I got pregnant soon after.
I can’t begin to explain to someone that doesn’t have children what it’s like to love your child. I respect people’s opinion on whether or not to have children, 100 percent, but sometimes when I look at people and think “you don’t know what you’re missing!”.
I don’t have children yet, but my husband and I plan to start growing our family in about 3 years, when I’ll be about 27 & he’s 28.
I thought I might want to have kids one day, but as I watch my friends getting married and having babies, I realize that I don’t want kids at all. No thank you!
Very interesting discussion!
I always thought I’d be married by 23 or 25, and pregnant by my golden birthday – 26. Well, I just turned 28 and my biological clock has not started ringing yet. I’ve been in a relationship for 5 years, and the Boyf and I are looking at houses, but we haven’t exactly looked at ones with room for a nursery, playroom, etc.
I agree with many of you that there is a certain pressure from external sources, and even an air of guilt about not wanting to get pregnant (yet).
I got pregnant at 19, when I was in college. At that time I wasnt even sure I wanted children because growing up I’ve never really been around younger kids and I didnt babysit. The first diaper I changed was my son’s! Thank god my boyfriend knew how, he’s the one who showed me :)
It’s true when they say a child changes your life…But in a good way! Now I can’t see myself without my little boy (he’s four). Let me tell you, life is never boring with a kid…There’s always something new or funny happening everyday :)
To be completely honest though, there were times when I’d be jealous of my friends my age who only had to worry about partying and shopping and who did whatever they wanted when they wanted. But those things cannot be compared to the joys of raising a child, because there are so many!
So at first I thought I was too young but as soon as I had my son and became a parent I knew it was the right time for me.
I am 36, I had my kids at 31 and 33. It worked out well for me – dh and I were together for ages too but we had a blast in our 20s travelling and just partying it up. Sometimes I think about how ‘old’ I will be when/if I am a grandma but that just motivates me to stay in shape and healthy so if I am old, at least I am healthy ;)
I think the right age is whatever works for your family.
I have some single friends who are now looking at adoption or in vitro because they really want kids but there is no partner on the horizon and they are in their late 30’s.
Wow, what a HOT TOPIC:) My husband and I have been married for 15 years and we have one child. We were 24 and 25 when he was born. I’m thinking any age is perfect because you make it perfect. I have to say the vulgar comments that come from family/friends/strangers about an “only” child are very challenging. I believe you should do what feels right for you, not what society thinks is right.
Well, I’m a day late but I wanted to chime in and say my husband and I have been married 10 years (our anniversary is next week) and we are completely and blissfully happy without children and plan on remaining that way. It is my BIGGEST pet peeve when people use the word family to mean “with chilren” because WE are a family, a family of two (well, four if you count the cat and dog, which we do!!). I volunteer for many organizations, I’m a 4-H leader for one, and I can’t imagine how I would fit in all my volunteer hours with kids of my own. Why would I give up helping thousands of kids each year to focus on one or two? Seems selfish and pointless to me.
what do you think about half of each half
Just found your blog today! Love it!
I always said I wanted to have at least 1 kid by the time I was 30, preferably 2 or 3 by then. Now, I have about 15 days to get pregnant if I want to have 1 by then. I admit, it depresses me, but hey, it is what it is. We’ve been trying for over a year and apparently God doesn’t want us to have them yet! I’m just hoping it’s in the near future because it’s KILLING me with every friend/family member that gets pregnant!
I would like to be done having kids by the time I’m 30. I want to have them young so I have enough energy to take care of them, and are still young enough to do more traveling when they are grown.
I’ve done a fair bit of traveling already, so I won’t feel like I haven’t “experienced being young” whenever I do have kids.
I’m in a long-term relationship currently, and we are looking to get married next year and then probably start having children a year or so after that.
I’m 22 now, so probably around 24/25 we will start trying.