Hey everyone!
Hope you all had a healthy start to your week! :)
My day at work was pretty good. I finished up my presentation and did some other non-exciting domestic stuff. Another day another dollar! lol.
I got lots of questions and comments about my Green Monster drink this morning, lol.
First off, I must apologize for not putting a warning before that post- especially being so early in the morning! How dare I? Next time, you will know in advance. ;)
Secondly, yes I did drink the WHOLE drink. I am a champ! I actually had the other half last night, but I didn’t have time to post about it.
And being the sucker for punishment that I am, I made another green monster before I left for work! I had it in the afternoon. Luckily, it stayed nice and fresh because it was FREEZING in our office today! Actually, I think I saw tiny ice crystals forming, hehe.
My concoction today involved:
- 2 leafs of Kale
- 1 peeled cucumber
- 1 handful of grape tomatoes
Again, it was not pleasant! This green monster is not for the faint of heart. If you don’t like horror films, this one probably ain’t for you! whahaha.
I said to Eric on the way home tonight, “You know my green monster drinks are a bit like exercise. It isn’t always fun, but when it’s over you feel like a champ!!!” :D
I really do feel amazing when I am done drinking one of those drinks. It is hard to describe, but my body feels ‘happy’ and ‘content’. I feel energized.
Three cheers for K-A-L-E!
Ok, so I didn’t have time to make the kale soup when I got home from work tonight as it was late. I searched in the freezer and was so excited to find a box of Amy’s California Veggie Burgers– that I hadn’t tried yet!
I have heard how good they are so I was really excited to try them. I even cooked up Eric one too.
These babies pack a wicked nutitional punch:
Cooked in the pan 5-7 mins. per side on medium heat with a teaspoon of olive oil:
His and Hers bread:
I was excited to use my Neal Brother’s salsa on this burger!
Well that salsa didn’t last long!!! :D Thanks Neal Brothers!
With hummus, romaine, and a tomato slice:
Now for the review:
Angela says, “These burgers are sooooo good!!! They don’t even taste like a typical veggie burger! They have a very meat like texture. Yum yum yum gobble gobble gobble”
Eric’s turn…
Now let me qualify this. When Eric and I first met he used to not eat any veggies. Ok, maybe 1. Since my persuasion, he now eats tons of veggies and even enjoys them. However, veggie products, he has always been quite resistant to. Especially products that try to come in the way of his MEAT.
Eric Says, “Wow these are good. I like them…they don’t taste like veggie burgers. For a veggie burger I give this an A+!”
My jaw almost hit the floor!!! weeeeee.
I will certainly be buying these every week from now on!
How To Fix College/University Weight Gain Traps
1) 24 hour access to junk food
Well, there really isn’t anything you can do to completely get away from the 24 hour access to junk food, unless you live off campus. Once I moved off campus in my second year I found it so much easier to stay healthy! It was like night and day.
I bought a mini fridge to have in my dorm room when I started getting healthier, and this helped me a lot because I could store healthy grab and go snacks in there.
Great snack ideas:
- Yogurt
- Part Skim Cheese strings
- Apple and PB or AB
- Granola bars (I like Kashi and Larabars- but I probably couldn’t have afforded them when I was in school)
- Cereal (Try to find something with at least 5 grams of protein and fibre, and less than 10 grams of sugar per cup)
- Crackers (again I like Kashi, but regular whole wheat crackers will do)
- Lean meat slices, tuna/salmon, or Veggie slices like Tofurkey
- Veggies and Dip (Find a low-fat salad dressing like reduced fat Ranch)
- Nuts & seeds, trail mix, etc.
For a pick me up snack during class you could have a handful of raw almonds, a yogurt, and a healthy granola bar or crackers and cheese or peanut butter. All of these foods are fairly quiet to eat so you don’t have to worry about disturbing the class or offending anyone with a strong smelling food odour.
2) Alcohol
Oh man, this one is tough. I didn’t drink as much as most people in university, but I still had my fare share of alcoholic calories over the years.
I don’t suggest that you have to stop going out and having fun! You only go away to school once! :) Here are some lower calorie drinks that won’t ‘break the caloric bank’ so to speak:
- Light beer (Under 110 calories)
- Wine (85 kcals for 3.5 fl. oz.)
- Vodka and Diet Tonic (~100 kcals)
3) Emotional Stress and Binge Eating
Talk to people! My biggest mistake was isolating myself when I was feeling down. I tended to stay in my dorm room when I was having a tough time. That is the worst thing you can do. Don’t close your dorm room door when you are feeling low. I know you may not want to speak to anyone, but having someone pop in and say hello just might turn your whole day around. Who knows, it could be a cute guy that is crushin on you too. ;)
If you are feeling really low and can’t shake it, consider seeing a professional. A couple times during my university career I utilized the free counselling services at my school. I saw a therapist and it was amazing how much it helped just to have a 1 hour venting session each week. I could discuss anything I wanted to, no strings attached. They are trained to handle any type of problems, from food/self-esteem issues to school stress. Whatever it is, if you think you need some outside help don’t be ashamed in seeking it out. That is what they are there for and partly why your tuition costs so much! These services tend to be included. My therapist would give me some homework assignments that really put things into perspective for me. Don’t worry it is fun homework! ;)
Did you fall into one of these three traps at college/university? Were you able to find ways to get out of them?
~Les Brown
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Hi! I’m pretty new to OSG, but I read this post randomly a few days ago and decided to try these veggie burgers. They’re delicious! I took your cue and tried one in between slices of toasted bread, but I topped mine with avocado slices and some tomato sauce. Honestly, it was heavenly. Thank you so much for the inspiration! Now I need to move to the next level and make my own veggie burgers… In a Jiffy Spelt Burgers? I think so.
I’ve been lingering on your blog for the past couple of weeks now. You have inspired me so much to quit obsessing over calories and try to listen more to my body!! Ever since I gained weight freshman year I’ve been an emotional wreck when it comes to food and weight. Plus I have the worlds biggest sweet tooth! I’ve read so many of your blog entries on how you ate in college and it sounds exactly like something I could have wrote. I’m currently in France with a host family right now, but I can’t wait to try out your green monsters and other healthy recipes when I get home! Thanks for your blog – the next time I feel a binge coming on I’m going to come read this!
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