Good Monday morning!
I am trying to prepare myself mentally for a busy and stressful work week ahead. I have 2 presentations, 3 meetings, and a bunch of projects due. It is going to be a challenge getting through it without having my exercise release like I usually do.
I am still feeling better injury wise each day. I am hoping to speak with the Sports Medicine Doctor today about my X-ray. I know they were only supposed to call me if something was wrong, but I would still like to go over the results with her. I also would like to ask again if my Bone Scan Appointment has been confirmed.
For breakfast, I made a modified version of Kris Karr’s Nectar of the Goddess drink.
Kris swears by this drink and has it every single morning. I wasn’t able to find a couple of the ingredients on her list (sweat pea sprouts and organic celery), so I made a modified version. She also doesn’t list how much of each ingredient to use, so I had to guess. I felt like a raw food chef or something in the kitchen! muhahaha. Eric was a bit freaked out when he saw what was going into my Goddess drink….
Here was my fabulous spread, before going into the blender.

- 2 peeled cucumbers
- 2 large leafs of Kale
- 1 large broccoli stem
I also added 1 medium banana:

After blending on the ‘liquify‘ setting for a couple mins. on my Kitchen Aid blender:

The One-eyed Green Monster as Eric refers to it:

Eric could not fathom what I was about to put in my mouth.
I said, “Oh God you are being so dramatic. It’s fine. It’s fiiiine.”
As my hands shook, I brought the glass up to my lips. Quivering, I took a careful sip.

I cursed under my breath.
I admit, this will need some work!
In retrospect, I think I added way too much Kale.
It was my first time eating it raw, so I probably shouldn’t have used such a heavy hand when I made my first Goddess drink. Next time, I will probably add just 1 large leaf instead of 2.
I am determined to make this drink a bit tastier (ok, a lot more tastier!) without compromising the healthy ingredients in it. Even though it didn’t taste that great, I felt awesome drinking such a GREEN and healthy drink. I kept thinking how happy the insides of my body must have been when it saw this coming down the tubes. LOL.
This recipe made two- 1 1/2 cup servings.
Facts about Kale:
- It is in season mid-winter to Spring, when it has a sweeter taste
- It has the most nutritional value for the fewest calories of almost any other food (1 cup = 36 kcals)
- It has been shown to fight and prevent cancer
- In the words of WH, “It induces colon cancer cells to commit suicide” lol
- It increases enzymes involved in detoxification of our cells
- Protects lung health
- Boosts your immunity
- Great calcium boost (10% of RDA for just 1 cup)
- High in fibre
Obtained from: Worlds Healthiest Foods
I will be experimenting all week with this drink! Stay tuned. :)
See you this afternoon for Kristi’s Get My Body Back Challenge update!!!
The future is not a result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present, but a place that is created–created first in the mind and will, created next in activity. The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made, and the activity of making them, changes both the maker and the destination.
~John Schaar
PS- Don’t forget to enter contest #2!!!!
Your juice looks interesting :) I’ve actually been wanting to try making veggie/fruit juice as well! But have been too nervous! :)
Kale is sooo good in soups!! I had never had it before but tried it a few months ago and loved!
btw I LOVE your cute fitness clothes in your shop! great idea and they are so tastefully done!! :)
wow, your drink was VERY green! I would have felt like popeye drinking that sucker!
I’ve been wanting to try kale..I will probably try it in a soup first. I had it for the first time sauteed w/ butternut squash & red onions & some pasta – pretty tasty!
I think I will add butternut squash & kale soup to my list of recipes to make next week!
You are very brave to try this–I would have been so tempted to add things to sweeten it up! So healthy though, did you end up finishing it?
Good luck this week!
Love kale! But admittedly I don’t think I could do it straight up like that as it can be bitter tasting to me. I have to cook it and then I’m all over it! :D
WOW, you are brave for even attempting to mix that concoction…let alone try it!! ekkk!!!
Have a great day!
holy moly! i could never be that brave! i’ve always wanted to try those kind of drinks.. but now.. i think i will pass!! thanks for being a guinea pig for the rest of us mortals! lol
I think eating raw is something everyone has to get used too…I’m sure it’s worth it in the end, I just can’t give up my oatmeal and pb just yet! ;)
My first thought when I saw you were making this juice was that you were going to use a juicer. I have a juicer and use it very often to make carrot/kale/apple concoctions. Since it’s juicing the vegetable or fruit, it makes your drink thinner and overall more “drinkable” :). I would highly suggest it.
Kris Karr is great – I LOVE green smoothies, so I’m glad to see this Goddess Juice!! :-)
OMG. no way Jose! I ain’t drinkin that stuff. LOL!
We’ll let you be the guinea pig! ahahaha
Wow what a healthy drink! Lol about your body saying “yum”- now if you could just get your taste buds to agree :) I’ll be interested to see how you tweak it.
I will for sure be trying this – once you have made it better of course! Good Luck getting through the next few trials!
Good luck with the shake… once you get it I’d love to try! I’ve always been interested in going raw… at least for a lil bit :)
Yikes this post should have had an “ick” warning LOL!
Was that pic before or AFTER you drank it??
My dad swears by green juices… but he puts some protein powder and a half an avocado in his!
I’ve tried and enjoyed a few green smoothies, but this looks pretty intense.
Have you ever tried the Green Lemonade from Natalia Rose’s book? You use a juicer rather than a blender, and it’s actually pretty good – it’s kale, cucumber, romaine lettuce, etc but you also use an apple and a lemon which helps make it not so “green” tasting.
You are a brave soul because that drink looks nasty!! LOL
LOL – I remember this day!
i just found your web site. and i must admit.I dont know if i can drink that GREEN stuff either. But I just bought myself a new juiceing machine BREVILLE…. now im looking for recipes for health drinks. If you have any can you please e mail them right to me.
Thank you and enjoy…. bottoms up loloo