Good morning!
Happy 1 day til Friday.
Today is a busy day for me! My mom and stepdad arrive tonight and the house is still a dusty mess. Eric and I were up cleaning last night until 12:30 and I will be cleaning most of today.
I can’t wait to see them. They live out West so I don’t get to see them too often. My mom and I have already scheduled Friday to be a baking day- how fun is that? :) I can’t wait to have her taste test some of my Glo products.
So as you probably saw, this morning is a Fitness post! And not just any fitness post, a fun bikini boot camp challenge!
But before I get to that, please let me tell you about my fun workout yesterday!
Wednesday Workout details:
- Treadmill, 4.0-4.2 mph, incline 10%
- Duration: 47 mins.
- Max heart rate: 159 bpm
- Avg heart rate: 143 bpm
- Feel the burn: 375 kcals
I ran intervals again! It was day two of introducing runs back into my workout. I ran a 1 minute interval at speed 4.2 mph at every 5 min. marker. So I ran one minute from minute 5-6, 10-11, 15-16, etc etc. All the way to min. 45-46.
Remember, I am only going at speed 4.2 mph, so I am taking it very easy from the get go.
Intervals are a fun way to torch calories and make the time go by faster! Did you know you actually burn more calories doing intervals that you would at a consistent pace?
I made a video of my training since the injury so I hope to get that up soon. :)
OSG Bikini Body Boot Camp
Spring is now here, and summer won’t be far off! Are you feeling ready to step into that teeny tiny bikini yet? I’m sure not!
Oh She Glows will be hosting the 1st Annual Bikini Body Boot Camp until June 1st. I am challenging everyone who wants to feel good and look good this summer to join this challenge. I will be featuring weekly segments on OSG to detail my progress, add motivating workouts, tips, and tricks to getting into your bikini for the summer. I will also highlight other participants stories.
Who doesn’t want to feel great in a swimsuit? I think we all do!
All you have to do to:
1. Email me at [email protected] and tell me you want to sign up!
2. Take a ‘before’ picture of yourself in a bikini or if you prefer, shorts and a tank top
3. Take your measurements and write them down somewhere safe. (Waist, hip, bust, arm, thigh, etc)
4. Leave a comment below and tell me what body part you would like to change the most!
Note: You do not have to send me a picture to participate in this challenge!
That’s it! At the end of OSG Bikini Body Boot Camp, I will ask you to take an after picture as well as your measurements again.
If you wish, you can send me your results and I will be judging the winner. Remember, if you do not wish to submit a picture of yourself in a bikini, no worries. Just take one in shorts and a tank. Judging will not be based solely on pictures, it will be based on your story, triumphs, and fitness/dietary improvements as well. I realize that 2 months isn’t a long time to make tons of noticeable changes so do not despair!
What’s in it for you?
Well, three awesome prize packs, that’s what!
To celebrate your success, I will be baking up some healthy Glo Bakery goodies for our 3 winners!
3rd place: To be announced
2nd place: Your choice of any Glo Bakery bread or a dozen muffins
1st Prize: Super Glo Bakery treat pack: Includes a dozen muffins, a dozen cookies, and a dozen Pumpkin Spice ‘n All Things Nice bars.
I will also possibly be offering mid-way prizes at the end of April to keep our motivation going! Stay tuned for details.
If all goes well I will be putting together a weekly or biweekly OSG Newsletter including the details of my Bikini Body Boot Camp. I will be featuring weekly exercise challenges and workouts and new things to add to your diet. I will also be asking participants to send me any of their successful tricks and tips should you have any!
Alright, who’s with me??? Lets make this the best summer yet!
I’m off to take my ‘before’ picture and measurements. :)
OOH,I’m in!! I’ll email you tomorrow from my work address, which is what I use all the time.
Body part I’d most like to change? My thighs and rear end :)
I’d like to trim the fat on my buddha bellah and maybe start seeing some semblance of a waist! also the back fat has GOT.TO.GO.
Hi Angela! Is it too late to join up?! I just joined a gym TODAY because I realized I only have two months to tone up before I move to Australia and see my boyfriend for the first time in 5 months! EEEEKK! Haha, if its not too late, I am going to be hardcore toning my arms, tummy and thighs… and if it is too late, I am going play along anyways! Thanks for the motivation :)
I’m in! I’d like to change my stomach the most, but perhaps changing my legs would be just as satisfying and more attainable, as I’ll be running alot from now on!
Okay I caved- I’ll be taking my pic & measurements tonight! I would like to work on my core & tone up my stomach. I’ve never been good about doing crunches or strength training but I’m hoping this will give me the motivation I need. Thanks Angela!
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