Good’ay mates!
Great hockey game last night. It is so nice to have some of my favourite Canadian players all on the same team!
I received a great response to one of my answers in yesterday’s FAQ post.
Someone asked me what size I am and I responded, ‘Size Healthy’
Since I recovered from disordered eating, I have tried to stay away from numbers. I never liked the number on clothing. It is so inconsistent and it varies so much by the store. I could walk into a clothing store and leave upset because I wasn’t the size I thought I should be. Some stores have vanity sizing and in some stores the clothing runs really small. You just can’t win!
I think it is important to realize that sometimes the number really is just a number. The number on my clothing does not reflect how happy I am. When I was struggling the most with my eating disorder and when I was the smallest in body size, I was also the most unhappy I have ever been. A small number on one’s clothing does not necessarily equal happiness.
The tag on my pants now reads healthy because I know that I am being good to my body and that is all that I need. I know that the size my body is at today, is the size that it should be. I eat when I am hungry and I stay active and challenge my fitness. My confidence has also gone way up since I started being nice to myself and not expect perfection.
I thought it would be a really fun idea to write this message on my pants!
I took a black permanent marker and went to town. It was actually really liberating and fun…

Size Healthy Contest:
I thought it would be fun to have a little contest today!
My challenge to you is to take a permanent marker, write ‘size healthy’ on your clothing tag(s)!
1) Email the picture to me: angela [at] Make sure the subject says SIZE HEALTHY CONTEST.
2) Post about it on your blog and email me the link to your post: angela [at] Make sure the subject says SIZE HEALTHY CONTEST.
The prize:
THREE lucky people will receive a gift certificate worth $15 CAD for Glo Bars!!! Draw will be random.
Contest ends: Friday Feb 19th, 2010 at 8pm EST.
I’m going to have a big size healthy blow out post after the contest is over featuring your pictures!
I’m curious about your thoughts on these questions:
- Do you think there is too much pressure on women today to attain that size 0 or even 00?
- What do you think about vanity sizing?
- Have you ever been asked by someone what size you are?
The next time you are asked what size you are…you can say with a big grin on your face ‘SIZE HEALTHY!’ :)

Hi Ange!! I just e-mailed you my pictures, except i realized I didn’t title my e-mail Size Healthy Contest because I just pressed “reply”!! I hope that’s ok!
My post will be up tomorrow at 11h45am! :)
Ang, I think this is a great idea- but what about the people (like me) that aren’t a “size healthy”? I have been suffering from an autoimmune disease the past 4 years and it’s made me drastically underweight. I would love to be the old size I used to be but am not even close :-(
What do you suggest someone like me do to enter?
So glad you extended the contest because, even though I did it, I didn’t have time to write about it until this morning!
I think this is suchhhhh a good idea.
I am too late to do the contest, but I still really wanted to participate so I made some jeans “size healthy” today…so fun! Thank you! :) Here they are:
“Thank You Angela for such an inspiring post!! If you haven’t checked out her amazing blog, do it now!!”
I am totally going to write “size healthy” on all my clothes tags. I am so sick of women’s sizing for clothes, my hubby goes to buy a pair of pants and they’re measured in inches, he gets a 34 waist because GUESS WHAT!! his waist is 34″.
The fact that depending on what store I’m in I can fit a size 7-15 is just ridiculous!
This sizing issue has come to head with my mother who was the one who picked up my wedding dress. I needed a size 10, but she balked at the idea that I was in double digits so she got a size 8, which still fits but is a bit tight (I’m hoping that by doing the whittle my middle for myself that I’ll be ok).
Trust me, as a girl who was a size 0 until she was 23, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be, I never felt uglier or worse about myself. I was 95 pounds at the time and since gaining 55 pounds to be a healthy 150 for my 5’5″ frame, I have never felt sexier of happier with myself.
I just wish my Mom could see that and stop freaking out over numbers, especially since she has never had the will power to take control of her own weight issues, just just tried to control mine.
Thank you so much for this blog, I just found it through the Green Monster movement and SparkPeople, and I’m thrilled to be following you so that I can learn how to get my binge eating under control
Better to nab it early before it becomes an issue.
-Saff :)
This is an old post but it made me happy to read it! I should start thinking about sizes this way. I guess I have/had disordered eating habits, too. They’re changing in a good direction, but preventative measures are necessary :) Thanks for the post!