Did any of you catch Zesty’s awesome presentation on Blogging 101 either at the summit or watching it online? You can check it out here if you missed it. I listened to about 4 sessions on Saturday afternoon while I worked. It was so fun!
This afternoon I am going to talk a bit about an issue that I started thinking about after listening to Zesty’s presentation.
Zesty gave some great tips on how to make our blogs successful. I am not going to reiterate everything he said, but I will just point out a few of the take home messages that I found most helpful.
1) Content is the most important aspect of your blog
Content is what keeps people coming back again and again. It’s so true isn’t it? We need to have good content above anything else. It is important to find your own niche and how you can make your blog unique.
2) Quality
Remember that every time you hit publish, you are publishing a post for the world to see. Each post you put up will be online forever (unless you remove it/edit it), so make sure that everything you publish is your best work and is the best representation of your blog’s content.
3) Make sure you have a catchy title
Zesty says your title can make or break your post. Make your title captivating and you will attract readers and make them want to click on your blog.
My thoughts:
One message that hit home for myself was the point about content and quality. As you may know, I try to adhere to the 3-times-a-day posting framework for Oh She Glows. Morning, afternoon, evening posts are the norm for me on most days, unless I am away.
With that being said, I would be lying if I said that it wasn’t stressful at times. Given that the majority of my posts are writing-heavy posts (like my hot topics), the posts can take a lot of time to prepare and plan before it goes up. So some days I find myself in a rush to throw up the post so I can get back to my other work.
What is the result of rushing posts?
- Poor content,
- Lack of research,
- Typos,
- A generally ‘hurried’ or ‘rushed’ tone to the post.
- Stress!
Now don’t get me wrong, I do think that some of these quick and rushed posts are real and reflect a real person behind the screen who is leading a busy life like the next person, but at the same time I stop and ask myself why I feel that I should adhere to this strict 3 times a day posting schedule. Is it because I think that I won’t have as many readers if I post less? Or people will think that I am not as dedicated to Oh She Glows?
I think that 3 times a day posting can work for a lot of food bloggers. They eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, so it naturally can work for many people, but for others maybe once or twice a day works the best. For about 3 months I was posting 3 times a day while working full time in the workplace. This meant posting before work, on my lunch break, and after work. It was insane and I can’t believe I did it that frequently! Talk about being in a rush to get a post up. Yeesh.
When I tell people about OSG, I don’t tell them I am a food blogger. I tell them I have a healthy living blog where I write about various health and food topics. Yes, I do post pictures of what I eat, but I also write about fitness, health, beauty, food issues that appeal to myself and readers. So why this need to feel like I should post 3 times a day? I know for a fact that I could write higher quality posts if I gave myself the proper amount of time.
I think of many blogs that I absolutely love that are hugely successful- Vegan Yum Yum, Smitten Kitchen, and Bakerella– and they post once or twice PER week. I know, I can hear your *gasps* from here. Their posts are not rushed, I never see a typo, and they read beautifully.
They post whenever they damn well want to post, but you can be assured that when they do post it is good, ohhhh it is good.
A while back I did a poll on OSG to gather your thoughts. I remember being a bit taken aback by a couple comments I received that went something like this:
“Angela, I don’t think you should post 3 times a day. I have a hard time keeping up and I hate missing some of your posts!”
And I thought to myself, my readers want me to post LESS frequently? Huh? I couldn’t quite understand it. But now I think I see what they were getting at.
I have also talked to other bloggers who used to adhere to the 3 times a day posting framework and they got completely stressed out about it. They said they stressed about when they couldn’t post and they started not to like blogging anymore. Once they eased off a bit they found that they had content coming out of their wazoo and they were much happier.
Much like running, when I take a step back, I come back renewed and refreshed with lots of energy to give back.
Now this isn’t to say that I am going to stop posting 3 times a day or vanish from all eternity (although some days that sounds appealing! haha), but I do think that I need to stop and reflect on things more when I do feel that pressure to ‘throw up a post just for the sake of posting’. I have such a strong research background, but I hardly ever maximize it on this blog because I feel like I never quite have enough time in the day to do actual research in scholarly journals anymore. Perhaps, if I gave myself more time, I could do this more often (as I so enjoy doing health research). Makes sense, right?
And I know I can’t be alone. I know there are a ton of you bloggers out there who feel the same pressures to post. I also know that there are many readers out there who can’t keep up with all the posts they want to read because us bloggers are just posting-so-damn-much-all-the-time-when-do-we-sleep!
Thoughts? :D

For me, blogging is a lot like my daily food intake – I have to do what feels right for me, not just what I THINK is right.
Sometimes my body wants fruits and vegetables up the wazoo and sometimes it just wants chocolate. I feed it whatever it wants when it wants it and it keeps me happy.
Likewise, I like to blog when I want to blog otherwise blogging isn’t fun anymore. Sometimes I want to blog daily, sometimes not so much. If I’m starting to dread blogging, then I’m doing something wrong. It should be an uplifting part of my life, not something that drags me down.
I think in the interest of time for bloggers and readers, one well-thought, quality post is much better than several a day. I find myself not fully reading the posts and just scanning through photos when there are so many posts, and one post might lure me to read more content.
On the way home I could not decide to comment on this post or not, so I will keep this short:
The main reason I started to read OSG is because you posted throughout the day.
The content is fantastic; I benefit from reading every post! (OSG is my stress relief @ work!!)
I love the photography!
Do I want to read scholarly in-depth articles about health and fitness every single day….No.
Would I stop reading if you only posted once a day…HECK NO!!! :)
Do what feels right for you! We will all be here reading and enjoying OSG no matter what!
Wow, look at this amazing post and the well written comments! This is definitely one you should add to the “top posts” list, Ange :)
I think maybe I had a little shout out in there somewhere with regard to being one of the bloggers you talked to about the posting 3 times a day to the point of exhaustion and the need to cut back – I remember our conversation on that very well! I’m glad to see that you have continued thinking about it and, while I NEVER think your posts lack quality or creativity, I do hope that you ultimately do what’s best for you, where you can produce content that you are extremely proud of and confident in.
You know I will read no matter how many times you post. And it’s so true what you say about blogs like Vegan Yum Yum and smitten kitchen. Sometimes less is more!!
This is such a great post!! I know exactly what you mean! Sometimes I just don’t have time to post three times a day but when I DO have time, I really love it! I love posting. I also love reading blogs and it can get frustrating when I’m trying to catch up at the end of the day and one blogger has three new posts. On those days, I usually read the person’s most recent post and comment on that one and skip the earlier ones.
I agree. I love love love your blog and your posts, but find it difficult to read three times a day. You do a great job, though!
great post. i use googlereader to read blogs and i will agree that when i log in and see 4968686 posts i tend to skim through a LOT of them. i find that the blogs that post the least are the ones i “savour” (because the content is less repetative.
i think as long as you set the expectation that you won’t be blogging 3x a day, readers won’t look for another post or mind.
I was doing 3 times a day and realized that I couldn’t keep up with anyone else because I was busy only posting and it was stressful. now I try to do 1 a day, but honestly you have a much larger following and it seems like some folks really like to keep up with you throughout the day. I just can’t read that many posts
I am amazed by the bloggers who post multiple times a day consistently! I think you have some great content, but like other posters have said, I sometimes find myself skimming the posts when I’m behind. I read a ton of blogs and if my google reader has 100+ posts that are unread, I just don’t always have the time to read everything!!
You need to do what’s best for you, but I think that slowing down a little to focus on great content, less often would be allow you a little more flexibility and a little less stress!
I also feel stressed trying to “keep up” when some blogs I like to follow post multiple blogs in a day. I like the site so I try and keep up- but 6 out of 7 days I only skim b/c it’s simply too much. I’ve even unsubscribed to a few blogs, not because I wasn’t interested, but b/c it became too time consuming.
Posting once a day or even once a week is more than fine I think. You have to do what makes you happy. Otherwise, why do it?
Hey Homey, I personally do not always post 3 times a day and I do not feel pressure to either. I never set the expectation that I would so I don’t feel like I am failing if I do not. Sometimes, I have nothing to say and therefore, I don’t post. It’s all about what works for you.
Hey Angela! I totally agree with you. I have just started out my blog and I am still not even sure what it is about. Pretty soon I found myself not able to think of something interesting to say every day. So just when I was thinking about what to do with my blog, I listened to Zesty’s presentation. And then he said, hey it is all about quality you know! That is when it clicked in me. So now, I only post when I feel like it and when I have the time.
By the way, I really do love you posting several time a day because your blog is just so interesting! But I can totally understand and won’t mind if you post less or just want to skip a post every now and then
I think we adhere to the amount we posted whenever our blog started…which is silly, really as we change just as much as our time constraints! I only started my blog a few months ago, but sometimes I pressure myself to post. Should is a dirty word!
I haven’t posted since (gasp) Friday night. I just need the time to decompress. I sometimes feel I miss your posts because I don’t have time to read all of them. (sheepish) I do enjoy your blog, though. Thank you for your insightful posts and openness with your readers.
Hey Ange! I don’t feel pressure to post three times a day because it would mean loading the pictures I take of breakfast and lunch as a draft in the morning before leaving for work and honestly, having to be at work at 7 AM I try to minimize my morning routine as much as possible! I do feel quite guilty when I completely forget to post (like Sunday!). I have yet to watch Zesty’s presentation though definitely plan on it ASAP. I do need to work on content though! And formatting… Hmmm. I think I see a project in the works :)
I love your blog, but I think 3 times a day is too much. Last time I went on vacation, I came back to 75 OSG posts!!! It’s really hard to catch up when I don’t look at my RSS reader several times a day :)
Oh how I’ve missed your blog while I was on vacation!
I TOTALLY understand your pain. I struggle with the “how-many-times-a-day-should-I-blog?” dilemma ALL the time! In the beginning I was so tense about blogging and I found I was actually making it unenjoyable for myself. I’ve relaxed much more since then and, while I try to get up a minimum of 3 a day, I don’t pressure myself to do so. I blog when I feel moved to do it and if it’s not until the next day, or two days later, I feel like that’s okay! I had to remember that I started this for ME and that’s who I need to continue to do it for.
PS – I LOVE LOVE LOVE Bakerella’s blog! Can you believe how talented she is!?
I’m almost a year late to this party, but I just have to say something: This post seriously speaks to me so much. I mean, I spend about 1-2 hours a day just reading and commenting on blogs – I think that I feel comments are obligatory, too. I don’t understand when bloggers reprimand themselves for forgetting to take a picture of what they ate and call themselves a “bad blogger”. I mean, they’re human, and if you feel a compulsion to take a picture of EVERYTHING you eat and feel bad when you don’t, I don’t know if that’s healthy.
I agree with what everyone said – honestly, sometimes I think that bloggers post too often. I live in China, so I have a different time zone; I wake up and usually I have your breakfast, lunch and dinner post to read! It’s hard to keep up.
This is such a late comment, but I just had to say something! I hate making rushed comments just because I have to, though. I like posts that make me think, and if you can’t always do that, then it’s no problem! It’s your blog, you’ve got great readership, and I think we’d love you anyway :)
I totally went through this too. I’ve since settled into a place that feels comfortable for me, with the amount of things I’m juggling in my world. As with anythings, it’s so personal, there is no rule or certain way to blog. If you try to force it, that zaps the inspiration right out of you.