Hello :) Hope you are having a good start to your week!
After yesterday’s post about the 7 course vegan feast, I left you with a cliff-hanger about Sarasota. The weather was warm but the rain put a real damper on our plans to hit up the beach and relax all day! We decided to see if we could cancel our hotel that we had booked and save some money by heading back to my mom’s place. Luckily enough, we could cancel and then we decided to spend the day in Sarasota looking around.
We went to St Armand’s Circle and it was really fun. Tons of shops and such. However we didn’t stay very long with the rain. After that we headed to the Sarasota outlets and decided on this place for lunch. When I saw the sign I knew it would be up my alley:

There is just one location of the Fast n Fresh. Eric and I could see this restaurant doing SO WELL in Toronto!! They definitely need to expand.
When I walked in there was a sign that said you could customize your own sandwich or salad!!! Ummm…basically a vegan’s dream! How cool is that?

I was all business as I decided on my wrap. ;)
Eric got a Chicken Ceasar Wrap!
I got a veggie wrap. I deemed this the vacation of wraps. I just can’t get enough of them! Wraps are such a great way to pack in a ton of veggie servings.

Amazingly I ate every last bite ;)
Then we hit a few shops…My eyes bugged out of my head and I screamed when I saw this store called Fit 2 Run- The Runner’s Superstore. A runner’s superstore!?!? I left Eric in the dust and sprinted to the entrance. ;)

Not only do they have a treadmill to test your gait with various sneakers on, but they have an indoor track to run on!

As you may know, I have had a terrible time with blisters ever since I started running. No one has ever been able to figure out why or fix the issues (even my foot doctor who made me custom orthotics!). I decided to have my gait analyzed and see if I was truly the severe overpronator that I thought I was. Well, it turned out that I am only a mild pronator and the Brooks I was wearing for the past two years were for severe pronation! Doh.
Additionally, the sales person said that I have very tiny ankle bones and narrow feet and I should have been running in narrow width all this time! This could be why I get blisters a lot because my heel slips around.
After trying and running on many pairs, these BROOKS Adrenaline GTS 10’s were the PERFECT fit! I have high hopes for these babies.

You know how they say when you try on the right wedding dress, you will just know? Well as soon as I tried these on (in narrow width) I finally felt like they were ‘the one’. They felt great and hugged my heel like a warm embrace. :mrgreen:
I also picked up a pair of my favourite running shorts:

And blister socks that the saleslady swears by (she is a marathoner)

They are sooooo comfy. I saved a ton of money by shopping in this store, so it was a win win situation all around! If you are ever in the Sarasota, Wellington, or Tampa area I highly suggest you check out this amazing store!
By the way, have you guys seen these new Five Fingers running ‘shoes’??? Apparently they are all the rage…

After the outlets we headed back to my mom and John’s place. By this point we had driven 6 hours yesterday and we were ready to relax and unpack out suitcase.
We had a quick and easy dinner:
Salad with tomatoes, mary’s crackers, and red wine vinegar:

Butternut squash:

Hummus with toast:

Some type of orange…not sure what kind it was, but it tasted like a cross between an orange and a grapefruit. Pure love!
It is still raining here so we are going to hit up some of the outlets in Naples today and I am going back to SUPER TARGET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes. It will be off the hook.
My Approach To Exercise While On Vacation
I haven’t had any formal exercise for the past couple days, but I hope to run in my new sneakers later today when the rain stops.
My approach to exercise on vacation is to exercise when you can fit it in, but don’t stress when you can’t.
I also like to try new forms of exercise. We swam a lot at the beach and also in the hotel pool a couple times last week. We also have done a ton of walking, so even if I don’t get in formal exercise I know that I am being active.
Last week, I was able to fit in really strong workouts each day because I knew that there would be a few days of really early mornings with little sleep when I would not be able to fit a workout in. I love to workout while on vacation because it just makes me feel so good and I feel like something is missing when I can’t get in a good sweat to start the day.
What is your approach to exercise while on vacation? Do you take a break, try new things, or stick to your regular routine?
That running store looks awesome. I could have a lot of fun in there as well.
When I travel I try to exercise as much as possible when I can, it doesn’t always happen and I too try not to stress over it and just enjoy the vacation. Though it is hard because I enjoy working out. But vacation is also supposed to be a vacation ;)
I agree with your philosophy about exercise on vacation. I do tend to do it, but I don’t stress when I can’t fit it in, especially if its a vacation with a lot of walking!
That’s great news that you found shoes that might work. It really kind of annoys me that there are not a lot of people out there who can accurately tell if someone is a severe overpronater vs. just a little bit. C’mon people!
I 100% agree with your approach on exercise while on vacation. I agree with it so much it’s like the words came right out of my mouth. :) It’s so true how it makes you feel good to exercise while being on vacation, but it’s also nice to take a little break and relax.
When were at the beach we swim and jump waves in the ocean, throw the frisbee, walk on the beach, etc so it’s just hAving fun and what comes natural. We don’t eve think of it as exercise; just playing!
I always try and run on vacation just because I’m not relaxed if I haven’t run. The point of vacation is to relax- don’t even think about working out if you don’t want to!
I love Brooks shoes! great choice! (my mom showed me those finger shoes because she got really into chi running…I’ll look forward to hearing about them; they look bizarre to me)
OH MY GOODNESS!!! My parents live just south of Sarasota and I am SO GOING TO THAT STORE the next time I visit! Thank you thank you thank you!
Whenever we’re on vacation we’re usually pretty active (hiking and things like that). I bring my running stuff with me and try to get some runs in if it’s nice, but if I can’t, I don’t stress. It’s vacation!
Enjoy the rest of your trip!
Oh goodness, I dont think they’d be able to close a wrap if I ordered there! I’d have to order two just to fit it all in there ;) I’m the same with with vacay exercise – if there’s a hotel gym, I’ll do some light cardio in there, otherwise I hike, surf, boogie board, swim, do some serious shopping, ice skate, etc…never an inactive moment! Enjoy the last couple days of being an honorary Floridian!
That store looks amazing. An indoor track….amazing!
I love wraps! I will put almost anything in a tortilla. :)
A runner’s superstore??? HECK YES!!
When I’m on vacation I tend to exercise just as much if not more. Usually vacation is closely related to exercise (ski/ snorkeling / swimming etc..)
I’m a college student and I went on a cruise for spring break. I used the gym on the ship, walked A LOT, went hiking in jamaica, went waterfall jumping & swim in the ocean, snorkel, and DANCE for hours every night.
On the other I did drink a bit too much. oops.
Love the wrap! And that running store sounds amazing! Wish I lived in FL :)
I like to take active vacations that involve walking, hiking, swimming, canoeing, biking,trying new activities, etc. If a vacation is going to be unactive (i.e., visiting my grandparents in the dead of Canadian winter), I’ll try to set aside specific exercise time each day. But otherwise, I usually end up moving more than I do at home, which is saying a lot because I am quite active.
Oh wow! This store looks even better than Jack Rabbit Sports in New York. I get my exercise while on vacation however I can find it. If I’m staying at a hotel and the hotel has a gym then I wake up early and go there. If I’m near a beach, or on the beach (which I can rarely ever afford) I get up and run on the beach. When I was in Europe a few years ago there was no gym in my hotel, so I went sightseeing and walked for hours and took the train everywhere. In Jamaica we did water sports (and went dancing every night). I guess I have an anything goes attitude.
You are so inspiring! Your upbeat attitude always motivates me to treat my body better.
Thanks for being so awesome!
I am pretty sure I’d be in debt if I went to that store – sooo fun! Glad you found some new kicks =]
Ange! We have the same shoes! Brooks are amazing, and I feel strongly that they will change your life. I also have a pair of those pink socks. Our feet are twins :) Hope you are enjoying your vacation! GREAT eats!
I’ve been debating for a pair of those Vibrams for MONTHS. I workout barefoot or in water socks and think those would be a perfect fit. (No pun intended.)
My vacay routine just varies depending on where we are going and our schedule. I’m pretty chill about it.
Hey there! That wrap looks delicious : )
When I’m on vacation I usually let myself do whatever I feel like. Which in turns usually makes me WANT to work out! I just went away to India for 2 weeks and I did Yoga almost every morning!
That wrap looks delicious!! I love fresh and simple lunches like that when eating out and on vacation! I’m headed to FL in a few weeks, so I’m going to put a bunch of the places you’ve been to on my list of places to make sure to hit up!
I’ve been a vegetarian for a year and a half and have recently gone vegan. I was wondering how you deal with bread when eating out and being vegan? That is, since you don’t have a list of the ingredients, what do you do about not knowing if there are milk and/or eggs in the bread or wraps?
Also, could you share your vegan graham cracker recipe with us?? I ran out of chia seeds recently, and after getting some more yesterday and putting some in my banana soft serve, I remembered your post about how well the graham crackers went with it, and I’m dying to make some!
As far as exercise on vacation goes, I try to get workouts in when I can, but mostly make sure I walk everywhere.
That running store looks AMAZING! It’s like heaven, for runners. That’s so interesting that you hadn’t been fitted in narrow shoes… I hope these new ones solve the problem and work out for you. I’ve had problems with blisters too–Glide usually takes care of the problem, but this blogpost makes me wonder if the real issue is fit??
My hubby just wore those Vibram shoes to run the Athens, Greece Marathon. He LOVES them!
I have been running in Brooks Adrenalines since my very first half marathon years ago, and I’m a HUGE fan! I think you will love them! :)