Am I nuts?
Are We, food/health/fitness blog lovers, all nuts?
Or do we just know something that others don’t.
Before starting on my food blog reading journey, I admit, I was not a foodie. I thought of food in terms of how much weight it would put on me or how many calories or fat grams it had.
Fun times.
Then I discovered the blog world. Of course, my curious little self arrived at a whole slew of other fantastic food blogs over the months and I realized that other people had caught on as well.
Us, wonderful and mysterious and magical women, were giving our bodies what they needed:
It was a wonderful concept, especially coming from the 1990’s when you couldn’t click on the web or the TV and see a story about anorexia or other eating disorder. It seemed that as women, we had failed the battle with our bodies.
It seemed as though we had given up the fight and thrown our hands up in the air, all the while shoving flavoured mini rice cakes into our mouths. The whole bag is only 300 calories and I am going to eat the whole thing, damnit! What? You say this has 6 billion milligrams of sodium in it? So be it….!
The blog world changed my life. Or should I say the amazing women behind the bogs. They changed how I viewed myself, the food I eat, how I workout, and my idea of what a healthy lifestyle was.
I have spoken with so many other women who feel the same way as me, many of whom have overcome eating disorders and gained a whole new perspective on food.
In the past, food and eating wasn’t what I called fun. It was associated with so many other emotions that my actual, physical experience with food was stolen from me. I never really had the satisfaction of preparing a new recipes with new foods and enjoying the results. I didn’t think of food in that type of way before.
For me food blogs have opened my eyes to an exciting world where food and health is fun again.
Maybe a bit too much fun…
Now I am curious- How have your behaviours changed as a result of reading blogs? Has your relationship with food and eating changed? What positive effects have you had?
Stay tuned for the next installment on bloggers and readers and the friends and family who think they are crazy! :D You can see Part 1 and part 2 here:

I love this post. I am at a place of discovery. Food blogs were news to me just a few weeks ago. Yes, the healthy meals that you and other bloggers post do amaze me! I am working toward freedom from calorie counting. Food is becoming fun again. Thanks for your inspiration!
I didn’t know everyone started with Eat Like Me.. then to KERF.. and so on.
I started reading Eat Like Me back in June, and started blogging myself, but only 2 weeks ago did I stumble upon KERF and HEAB and YOU and so, so, so many other food blogs. I love it.
I stay awake at night reading past posts because I feel like I need to catch up! I can feel this leading to a long blog journey ahead of me (I’m only 18) and I cannot wait.
Happy eating and blogging Angela! Looking forward to reading all your posts.