How did no one mention TWEETDECK to me until today!?!?! :D
My life will never be the same (and as productive) again!! Am I the last person on earth to find out about this???
I spent all afternoon (6 hours!!!!) creating the template for my nutrition labels as well as calculating nutrition facts and inputting them into my template. I may have Tweeted somewhere during that time too, lol. If you follow me on Twitter you got to see a sneak preview of my first nutrition label that I created. Exciting times, I know.
I am zonked right now. I got 5 of them done and just had to take a break.
I now have detailed nutrition labels up for Classic, Spirit, Chi, Revive, and Bliss Glo Bars. Check it out here! I will be plugging away at the rest of the bars tonight and tomorrow. It feels so good to finally have made some headway in this area!

I have a confession!
I didn’t do the last two exercise days for the Summer Glow Boot Camp! On Sunday, I was in my 10 mile race and I didn’t want to work my muscles Monday or Tuesday either. So then I missed Tuesday’s strength exercises too. I figured it was best to wait until I was fully healed until I got back into my strength training.
So tonight, I am going to play catch up! I doubt I will be able to do everything, but I will try my best to fit it in. Should be a tough workout! Yikes!
It’s time for another fabulous guest post for the SGBC! This time it is with the lovely Bobbi from NHerShoes.
Bobbi’s Mini Living Room Boot camp Session #1
All you need for this home workout is, 3-5 pound free weights (you can use soup cans in a pinch), a yoga matt, a chair, and 25 minutes! This workout will get your heart rate up and down to help you burn the most fat and calories!
- 2 minutes of jump rope
- 1 minute rows with a squat
- 20 push ups
- 1 minute rows with a squat
- 1 minutes jumping jacks
- 30 sit-ups
- walking lunges with bicep curls
- 1 minutes of burpies
- 25 pushups
- 1 minutes military presses with a front kick, alternating legs
- 38 sit-ups
- 20 bench dips use a chair
- 1 minute high knees
- 15 pushups
- 1 minutes military presses with a front kick, alternating legs (see above photo)
- 1 minute squats
- 23 sit-ups
- 1 minute jump rope
- 1 minute plank
- 15 pushups
- 23 sit-ups
- 1 minute squats with shoulder raises
- 1 minute butt kicks
- 25 pushups
- 38 situps
- 20 bench dips use a chair
- Stretch!
Whew! What a fun boot-camp workout! I love how varied it is. Thanks Bobbi! :D

Another fun green monster recipe today!
This is one COLD and REFRESHING green monster! I just loved it!
The name is very fitting ;)

Heat Wave Green Monster
- 6 large ice cubes
- 3 cups spinach (lightly steamed)
- 1 squirt Kyolic Garlic extract
- 1.5 cups cantaloupe
- 1/2 package Amazing Grass Pom-Mango Infusion
This made me so cold I got Goosebumps! I will definitely be making this during the next heat wave! :D So delicious!! It was a great afternoon snack!
Don’t forget: the Amazing Grass contest ends tomorrow. Get your comment in for a chance to win 4 Amazing Grass bottles, a tee, and a shaker! Don’t forget to submit your green monster for an additional 10 entries.
Amazing Grass Shaker Promo:
Many of you have also been asking me why the Shakers aren’t up on the Amazing Grass websites. To make a long story short, they had to take it off the website for a fix-up, HOWEVER they have offered Oh She Glows readers a special deal until July 31st. Simply, purchase amazing grass products over $21.99 and you will get a shaker for FREE. Just enter in the code ‘ohsheglowsshaker’ at the checkout.
Ok, I’m off to make dinner, kiss hubby hello, and then workout/watch Dragon’s Den (LOVE that show!).
Enjoy your night beauties! :)
love tweedeck! So glad you discovered it! world of difference, huh?!
Love the iron content in that spirit bar! HUGE fan of carob!!
that boot camp workout looks crazy hard. will have to try it this weekend. and i’m not sure what tweetdeck is but i will definitely have to check it out now!
any chance of you shipping your bars to belgium? :-)