Last night I laid out my running gear…
for the 8km Re-Frigee-Eighter race!
My directions were printed…
I had my customary Japanese Sencha green tea:
Full with new tunes!
Despite all of my delicious eats in Toronto yesterday, I woke up with quite an appetite!
Pre-Race Oatmeal
- 1/2 cup oats
- 1 cup almond milk
- 3/4 cup water
- 1 t vanilla
- pinch of sea salt
- Sucanat
- Dark chocolate chips
- Cashew Butter
The Sucanat melts when it is warm and it acts like maple syrup!
Pure heaven!
Game Time Decision
Despite what my BRAIN was telling me to do (run that race!!!!!), the little voice inside of me (aka the gut instinct) told me NOT to run the race.
Here is what my brain was rationalizing to me:
- You need to run your first race of the year!
- The weather is beautiful
- You’ll feel great once you are running
- You will have something fun to blog about
- You need to prove to yourself that you can still race (??? lol…isn’t it weird what we tell ourselves sometimes?!)
And here is what my GUT INSTINCT was saying:
- Your body feels off today and it might not be a good idea to race
- Your hamstrings are still a bit sore from your strength workout on Thursday
- You don’t have that URGE to race today
- Don’t do it…there are plenty more races to run
At first, I tried to ignore my instinct. I thought I would be fine and there was no reason to doubt that I could race today. I packed up my stuff and prepared to leave.
But then I really started to think about it:
- My stomach felt nauseous (this is actually very atypical of me before a race)
- I was dreading the 1 hour drive to the race, sign up, drive home, etc.
- My legs felt weak
When I think back about all of the poor situations I have gotten myself into over the years, it happened usually because I IGNORED my gut instinct. When I listen to the instinct it never fails me- ever.
Today I decided to listen to that instinct and not run the race, despite really wanting to.
I actually caught myself thinking about what others might think if I skipped the race (maybe they won’t think I am dedicated or that I am lazy?). Then it hit me how crazy these thoughts were! I shouldn’t do things because I compare myself to what others are doing, I should do them for ME and my current situation.
I went in to tell the Sleeping Beauties (Eric and Sketchie) and Eric mumbled half asleep, ‘I’m so happy you are going to be home with me.’ and proceeded to pass out. It was so cute. :mrgreen: I love my boys.
As I grow and learn more about myself, I realize how crucial it is to listen to my instinct. I also refuse to let myself feel badly for doing what is right for my body. I don’t think it is a coincidence that I felt this way yesterday and I felt this way today. I think my body just wanted a complete break from everything this weekend.
Do you try to be in tune with that little voice inside your head? Are there any times when you listened to it and you think it saved you from a poor situation- or when you didn’t listen to it and you got yourself into some trouble?
The example that stands out the most for me is my pelvic injury last January 2009. I got up before work and had a 3 mile planned run. I started to run despite feeling an odd pain in my groin area. The little voice said to me, ‘This is not cool, you need to get off the treadmill.’ but I ignored it, stubbornly, and ran those 3 miles. When I got off the treadmill, I could barely walk and was consequently out of exercise entirely for a full 2 months.
I also listened to my gut when I left my job and started up Glo bakery.
Moral of the story– use your gut instinct to your advantage, it is there for a reason. I think society sort of ‘trains’ women to ignore it- do this, do that, not this, not that– but I am certainly my happiest when I listen to my instinct.
USA Vs. Canada Hockey Game tonight- you are watching RIGHT?!? :mrgreen:
I think it is SO important to listen to that little voice inside! It’s great that you actually heard it, too! I find that with myself it’s whispering so quietly that I often don’t hear it until it’s too late… At least you’re home today and you’ll get to enjoy your week-end!! :)
I’m watching the hockey game! So excited!
Obviously if you’re sick you shouldn’t race, but as a competitive runner for the past 6 years, I also suffer from nerves. Personally, if I didn’t run everytime I feel like it, I wouldn’t race! You’re lucky nausea is out of the norm for you – for me, it’s standard pre-race. Just goes to show you that every body is different!
You’re the only one that can hear your inner voice, so you shouldn’t worry what others will think. You rarely (if ever) regret listening to what your gut is telling you. You can race another day!
Thank you for this great post! I recently ended a very serious relationship all because of a gut feeling — one that got louder and louder over time. Now I strive to listen to my gut feelings about relationships, food, exercise, my career…everything! Our bodies know what they need and our hearts know what is best, we only need to listen!
Amen to listening to your instincts! I know exactly how you felt in terms of “what will others think”. That can sometimes be the most damaging thought of all! But it’s so important to pitch it right out the window and listen to your own voice instead.
I’m proud of you and I know you’ll be back running when you (and your body and your instinct) knows it’s time. Not that MY opinion matters, of course! Ha ha ha ha.
Good for you!
Gut instincts are so important! Great post to bring light to this :-)
GO YOU for listening to your gut! You are right, we should do what is BEST for us, regardless of what others might thing. Who cares? Your gut instinct is always right and no matter how hard it is, we should listen to it.
I learned the lesson the hard way, actually the same way as you. I had a run planned one morning and I woke up feeling sore…kinda off… I knew I shouldn’t run but I did anyway. And I crippled over in pain 1 mile in. And then it felt better a week later so I decided to try again, even having that little voice telling me it was a bad idea.. repeat of the last time but worse. Doubled over in pain and hobbled home. I ended up with a stress fracture :/ Haven’t been able to really exercise since Dec. You live, you learn!
Good for you for listening to your body. Just take the day off and rest and relax with your husband and Sketchie!
Well done for listening to your gut – it’s not easy but it is so necessary :D
I think it’s great that you listened to you gut and decided not to run the race. Who knows what could have happened if you hadn’t. I agree, trusting ourselves and not worry about what others will think/say is so important. I think it’s awesome that you shared this experience with all your readers.
PS I love sucant – it tastes and smells like molasses and it’s so yummy on oats!
Have you read Blink? I haven’t, but from what I understand, the premise is about trusting your instincts.
I’m glad you skipped your race because you felt like it. I’ve found that racing in general produces a lot of anxiety for me. Especially the shorter distances. So, I’ve pretty much stopped running them. I never have a good race, and then I end up feeling bad about myself. I can run all I want on the roads near my home, feel good about myself, and have no pressure!
Yes! I have read Blink and you are right. You really know VERY quickly what you should do. It’s about all kinds of decisions, impression, etc., but I agree with Lily. We take in/understand all kinds of information about our surroundings, bodies, relationships, etc. that we don’t REALIZE we are processing.
Good call for listening to your body!
P.S. Blink, and all Malcolm Gladwell books, are OUTSTANDING and very interesting. Read them! :)
I agree! Blink was awesome and The Tipping Point was really thought-provoking. That reminds me, I need to check out more of his books!
I read somewhere the other day…if you don’t know what you want, flip a coin…when that coin is in the air you will know exactly what side you want it to land on. Now if I could just remember where I read that – haha.
It is important to listen to our bodies, that is an awesome quality to have, you should be proud Angela!
No I havent but I would love to! Thanks for the book ideas :)
Good work!! Listening to my body and my GUT over my brain is something that is getting slightly easier the older that I get, but it’s still no cake walk. Sounds like you absolutely made the right decision– there will aways be other races, and you’ll rock them!!!
Thank you for this lesson. I love that Eric supported your decision. At my house the conversation would have gone “I’m not racing today”… “You lazy bum!!”
Your oatmeal looks so delicious! I used to hate suncant but I acquired a taste for it. Now it’s quite yummy! I’ll have to try it on oats.
I love hockey! That should be a great game..I hope it’s on my cable so I can watch!
I feel like a kid on X-mas eve :)
I think the fact that you listened to your gut instinct is really admirable. I’ve struggled to do so in the past, both in terms of exercise and life in general. In this case, it sounds like you took the path of “intuitive exercise,” basing your decision on the way your body felt rather than on some external standards. While intuitive eating gets a lot of press, intuitive exercise is just as important. Be proud that you honored yourself and your body today!
intuitive exercise- what a wonderful concept!!!
Being a generally slow runner and not terribly competitive (except with myself), had the race been close by, I would have probably run it. Assuming, of course, that I’d pre-paid for it. I’m cheap.
I’m pretty sure I would not have driven an hour to run it, though, were I not feeling great.
My exercise philosophy is “go. If you really aren’t feeling well when you get there, you can walk or take it easy some other way.”
But again, that’s when it involves a 5 or 10 min drive, not an hour.
Good for you for listening to your body. If you’re the type to push push through the pain to get a good race time…you’re better of not going!
Luckily I didn’t pay any race fee as I wasn’t signed up yet so it made the decision fairly easy.
I admire you for listening to your gut instinct. I’m good about listening when it comes to certain things, but exercise is not one of them :? Holding off on the race is probably a better decision in the long-run.
At least you had an awesome bowl of oats ;)
Absolutely I have never made a bad decision when I went with my gut. It is hard to listen to though when others input their opinions but I have learned to listen to my own. Congratulations for learning to listen to it at your age it took me a lot longer. It applies to all aspects of life, eating, exercising, relationships, career…always trust your gut :-)
Thanks for saying that! SERIOUSLY! I am learning to pay attention to my body and its cues after NOT paying attention, and like you, pushing myself harder and making something worse..I am now going on several weeks of limitations becasue of a hip flexor strain/tendonitis that I made worse by continuing to not listen to those cues..lesson learned. I’ve realized that somehow I expect myself to be able to “keep up with” someone else, because I should be able to do what they are doing..Truth is, I’m the one that has to live with my body! Trying to be likes someone else in this case is just ridiculous!
well said:
‘I’m the one that has to live with my body!’
Just another example of the good that comes from giving the voice in the back of your head some credit. Good for you, girl!
Listening to your gut is so important. It takes time to learn to trust it…
Have a great Sunday!
yes it does take time and sometimes we have to learn it the hard way before it clicks.