Hey there!
Just when I thought I couldn’t be MORE grossed out by public pools you guys have to scare me more! Oh man. It will seriously be like Fear Factor when I stick my toe into that water…
I hope you are having a good Wednesday. :) Today has been a busy one…another training day, orders completed, and lots of business stuff going on. Git er done…!
Lunch consisted of leftovers…
I simply took my lentil Neat Sauce out of the freezer and it thawed in the fridge overnight.
My fridge has certainly been working for me overnight lately…from Vegan Overnight Oats to de-thawing the next day’s food. ;)
This portion is about 2 cups worth, so I split it into 2 lunches.
With some discounted organic celery- which might I add, still has a lot of life left in it!
I actually got up and grabbed the Roasted Red Pepper Hummus for a dip. :) Celery is just…plain on its’ own.
Dessert- Dried organic apricots. One of my all time favourite snacks…
Dinner was leftovers from last night’s Feelin’ Good Stew. I just love this stew! I was looking forward to it all day.
I love the addition of the quinoa in this stew…I’m so glad I threw it in on a whim! It really bulked it up.
Dessert was a tablespoon of organic dark chocolate chips and 1/2 tablespoon of coconut oil melted in the micro.
Random yet blissful.
Eric and I just got back from a visit to a sports store where I tried on 1 piece swimsuits (for triathlon training) and padded bike shorts. I left feeling like a 7 year old with a diaper issue. :mrgreen: Hopefully I have more luck at the next store!
I really need to get used to the idea of wearing a 1 piece swimsuit again. I actually laughed when I tried one on and looked in the mirror. Seven year old or a grown woman, I couldn’t be sure…
Tonight’s question- Do you own a swimsuit and if so, what kind(s) do you rock? 1 piece, bikini, tankini, thong, bikini, speedo…? ;)
Any suggestions for a killer training swimsuit?
Also if you’d like to win a bag of premium chia seeds from Chia Seeds Direct, give me your best tip for SWIMSUIT CONFIDENCE below! Open to Canadian and US residents only please. Contest closes Thursday at 5pm EST.
My best tip for swimsuit confidence is to rock what your mama gave you. No one else has YOUR unique body so go show it off and strut your stuff. Be proud of who you are and how hard you work each day to keep yourself healthy and fit.
On that note, I’m going to pass out on the couch…it has been a long day! Can’t wait to snuggle my man and watch some Marriage Ref (Tom Papa we love u!).
Have a great night. :)
In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet.
Albert Schweitzer
Im too late, but i thought i could still give my opinion. Get a reversible one piece with match goggles and cap. who says you cant be cute and matchy in one pieces?!
i struggled with this a lot because i went to cancun for spring break this past march…i was constantly around wicked thin girls. but i just kept telling myself that i look great the way i am, i worked hard for my body, so i should rock it. and rock it i did :)
Best swimsuit tip? Make sure you’re nice and neat (trimmed) down there. Hard to rock anything when you’re worried about a little “bush” coming out! :)
HOpe to win those seeds mama!
I read this in a magazine and loved it:
Look yourself in the eyes (in the mirror) and SMILE!! :)
I rock a one piece from Land’s End with a racer back that fastens so that I can swim nice laps without boob exposure or one side coming off at the shoulder! My tip is that if you are constantly tugging at your suit bottom to keep it down, get a new suit or invest in some butt glue. There is no shame in it, pageant people know it’s the secret to not wrenching your swimsuit out of your crack every 5 minutes! (waterproof body adhesive is another name for it)
I made the Feelin Good Stew last night, but omitted the sweet potato since I did not have one on hand. Plus I used fresh mushrooms. As I ate it for lunch today I was thanking you for the recipe! It was amazing!!
Although I’m not completely comfortable with my post baby body I am working on it (both the body and confidence), when I holding that little monster I’m actually not too worried about how I look in my suit :). I have a tankini and a bikini. When trying on suits I try to remember that the lights and mirrors are unforgiving. I also have a mirror that for some reason seems to make me look slimmer, it’s always the mirror I use.