Thank you all for your congrats about my Glo Bar announcement! Your comments honestly made my day. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support!
My morning started off with something I haven’t done since before vacation…my Booty Camp DVD! My muscles had a nice break for a couple weeks, but it is time to get back to it. I vow that I am going to stick with strength training in 2010! I find that it is so easy to get out of the habit of doing strength work…especially if you are a (previous) cardio junkie like me. It takes constant discipline and commitment for me to be able to consistently do strength work, but the benefits are so worth it!
[By the way the DVD is not online for sale yet, but I will let you know if/when it is!]
I did Level 2 today which was about 40 minutes of total body work + cardio segments. Sure woke me up!
I was not craving my normal green monster this morning (the horrors I know). All I could think about was the leftover QUINOA in the fridge saying, ‘Pour maple syrup over me and GOBBLE ME UP!’ :mrgreen:
I had about 1 cup of cooked quinoa (heated) and 2 tablespoons of pure maple syrup.
With a bunny scoop of raw almond butter. I was trying to recreate the wonderful almond butter and maple combination! ;)

Pretty in Pink Plate from target! :mrgreen:

Breakfast just doesn’t feel right without some type of veggie or fruit, so I had this super juicy grapefruit to go along with it! I don’t know how I went the first 25 years of my life hating grapefruit, but I sure am making up for lost time now!

It was a great breakfast!
- I installed a plug-in on OSG so that you will now be notified when there is a reply to your question or comment! Now you will know if I (or anyone else) replies to what you said!
- I tried hard to get back to your comments and questions while I was away on vacation, however if I missed any of your questions feel free to shoot me an email with your question- [email protected].
- Green Monster Movement is updated with a ton of amazing recipes!! This bunch seriously blew my mind with the creativity. Enjoy!
Quote and a Question
The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions. ~Alfred Lord Tennyson Today’s question- What are YOUR passions in life? If you could nail them down to 5-10 what would they be? Most importantly are you ACTING on them?
- Writing
- Healthy baking + cooking
- Helping people
- Setting goals and achieving them
- Running
- Animals
- GM’s 4 Lyfe! hahah
Have a glowing and fabulous day!
The quinoa does look excellent. My passions are fitness, food, writing and family. Of course the list could go on. :-)
that quinoa + maple looks so delicious!…must try that! :)
Hey Angela,
First, let me just say that, I love reading your blog. It’s fun and interesting to visit, and you’re always inspiring me for new meal ideas- especially breakfast ones!
My passions would have to be: cooking, running, art, and marketing. I would say I’m working on all of them except the art, which I’m trying to get back into :)
quinoa and maple syrup, who woulda thunk it?
Great question. Mine are family, running, hiking, nutrition and loving life.
First, I just want to say that I love how upbeat and positive your blog always is. Thank you!
Some of my passions are learning, friends/family/boyfriend, running/fitness, animals, cooking, reading, blogging, and art.
I’m a little late, but CONGRATULATIONS on hopefully getting your bars into a store. That is awesome news and I am sure it feels great to see your hard work coming to fruition.
Also, I agree. Once I get out of the habit of ST it is SO hard for me to get back into it. It’s not my first love (that’s running!), so motivating myself to keep doing it is important to me.
I’ve tried quinoa as a sweet concoction. Looks delicious. I can’t stay on a strength training for the life of me.
yum looks great! love the dishes!
family, my dogs, Disneyworld, being fit, learning
My top three passions:
I’m trying to get passionate about going to the gym and getting healthy. Baby steps ….
My passions:
1) Entertaining/ cooking for friends and family
2) Blogging/ food
3) Education (Psychology)
4) Travel