Good morning!
I always tell myself that working on a weekend is something I am trying to get away from, but sometimes there is no better feeling than getting up on a Monday morning and seeing 8 parcels ready to be shipped out. And a clean house. And clean clothes hanging in the closet. And leftover enchiladas in the fridge that I’m hoping Eric doesn’t take to work.
You know what is also great?

Pumpkin Pie Parfait with Cinnamon Spiced Banana Soft Serve
- Pumpkin Pie Vegan Overnight Oats (1/3 cup oats, 1 cup almond milk, 1/3 cup canned pumpkin, 1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice, 1.5 tbsp chia seeds, 1/2 tbsp pure maple syrup)
- Cinnamon Spiced Banana Soft Serve (Process 1 frozen banana with 1/2 tsp cinnamon and a glug of almond milk)
- Topping ideas: Cacao nibs, raisins, coconut, maple syrup, cinnamon, walnuts, pecans, etc.

Monday Morning Bliss.

I think I’m going to be going through a lot of pumpkin this fall!
I forgot to mention, when you make the pumpkin pie vegan overnight oats, it is ready to eat very quickly. I think it is the pumpkin that makes it really soft and it also absorbs tons of the milk. It is honestly ready to eat in less than 1/2 hour- and if you really wanted you could eat it almost instantly. I should know because I was picking at this last night when I whipped it up! ;)

Here is a cute read that I came across this morning that I thought you might enjoy…
Have a great start to your week!
The pumpkin oats look yummy!
I loved the link to the list. I have two children and totally agree with all 10.
Oh my goodness, stop it with all of these pumpkin recipes!!! You’re making me very sad that I have no cans of it in my pantry! lol
This looks AMAZING. But your breakfast parfaits always do :-D
Do you track the calories when you make these oats? I have been eating them pretty consistently and am finding that one serving can be close to 400-500 calories depending on what I add. I was just curious if you had experimented with various sizes and how you got your measurements.
No I don’t track the calories
Resting on a weekend always feels good, but being prepared on a Monday morning feels GREAT!
Cute article on kids, thanks for sharing :-)
I was eating pumpkin pie oatmeal like crazy for awhile and I totally got out of the habit as soon as summer came and the fresh berries were rolling out.
I still have a can in the cupboard, so I’ll have to try this soon!
That parfait is SO pretty! I am in love with all-things-pumpkin, and I can’t wait to start eating it again! Our weather is still a little too warm for it yet, though… hopefully it will start feeling like fall soon!
I don’t mind working on weekends, either, if it means my Monday is a little easier! ;)
There is nothing quite like waking up to a clean house. It is a sure sign of a free day!
Pumpkin is so delicious. I can’t wait to try this recipe. :)
I’m not going to lie..I’d be pretty stoked all day knowing I could come home to those enchiladas. Lucky for me, I’m getting Mexican tonight!
Um, can you pleaseee open up a breakfast shop?? I would come there every morning :)
This morning I made my first ever batch of Vegan Overnight Oats and I fell in complete love and utter bliss with it! I never knew almond milk could taste so good :D Can’t wait to try out this pumpkin pie version…reminds me of the we’re getting closer to autumn and closer to the bittersweet farewell to summer :(
I have to be honest with you, I really REALLY tried to like overnight oats. I made them a few times, I tried different variations, I threw most of them away. I don’t know, texture? Temperature? I like oatmeal, but cold gooey oats just didn’t do it for me. On the OTHER hand I am totally hooked on green monsters and have started making green smoothies for breakfast several times a week and I know I will be making more once school starts and I have to be there at an ungodly 8am every day! My question is…why would they schedule theatre classes at 8am?? Don’t they know us stage folk are all nocturnal??
Just wanted to say I love your blog…it was one of the first healthy living blogs I started reading close to a year ago and really has inspired me. I am making huge changes in my own life similar to you (quit the corporate job, pursuing what I love, making positive health changes) and I just started a blog too…nowhere near as pretty as yours yet, but you gotta start somewhere, right? Have a great day!
~Tina (The Shakespearean Tomato)
Glad you enjoy the blog! =)
Great list of things. Kids change your life so much.
Enjoy your trip this week and thanks for loaning us Eric tonight for babysitting. We’ll see if he can relate to the list after one night of looking after his niece and nephew
Yum! Those overnight oats look delicious. I love pumpkin and banana soft serve so I will have to try this!
PUMPKIN…PUMPKIN….PUMPKIN….it makes me want fall to be here!!! Of course, in Dallas, Tx., fall doesn’t happen till like November…LOL! Yuck!
I think I drool over your breakfast every day! Yum! :)
I tried overnight oats a few weeks ago and am loving every minute of them BUT Pumpkin overnight oats…… …… I can’t WAIT to try this!!! Pumpkin is my favorite part about fall!!!
It’s been a couple years since I grew pumpkins, but it might be time to start again! Yum!
You’re startin’ early with the pumpkin this year! I’m going to *try* and hold out until October. However, September is more realistic :-P
Looks delish!
The pumpkin voo just keeps getting better and better. Can’t wait to try it! I need to go get some pumpkin!
I miss pumpkin so much. It was never something I had just during fall or winter month. I bought it all year round. I can’t find it in any stores now. Last year there was a bad crop I believe, so Libby’s is nonexistant and I haven’t been able to find other brands in any stores in Baltimore. I’ve considered buying a case online…Maybe I’ll break down. I miss canned pumpkin. I wish I’d have stocked up last winter when it was still available!!