Good morning!
I always tell myself that working on a weekend is something I am trying to get away from, but sometimes there is no better feeling than getting up on a Monday morning and seeing 8 parcels ready to be shipped out. And a clean house. And clean clothes hanging in the closet. And leftover enchiladas in the fridge that I’m hoping Eric doesn’t take to work.
You know what is also great?

Pumpkin Pie Parfait with Cinnamon Spiced Banana Soft Serve
- Pumpkin Pie Vegan Overnight Oats (1/3 cup oats, 1 cup almond milk, 1/3 cup canned pumpkin, 1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice, 1.5 tbsp chia seeds, 1/2 tbsp pure maple syrup)
- Cinnamon Spiced Banana Soft Serve (Process 1 frozen banana with 1/2 tsp cinnamon and a glug of almond milk)
- Topping ideas: Cacao nibs, raisins, coconut, maple syrup, cinnamon, walnuts, pecans, etc.

Monday Morning Bliss.

I think I’m going to be going through a lot of pumpkin this fall!
I forgot to mention, when you make the pumpkin pie vegan overnight oats, it is ready to eat very quickly. I think it is the pumpkin that makes it really soft and it also absorbs tons of the milk. It is honestly ready to eat in less than 1/2 hour- and if you really wanted you could eat it almost instantly. I should know because I was picking at this last night when I whipped it up! ;)

Here is a cute read that I came across this morning that I thought you might enjoy…
Have a great start to your week!
oh man… i need to stock up on some pumpkin before everyone gets it for the fall!!!!
I also love getting stuff done on the weekend, I think it makes the week so much more relaxing when you start out ahead!
I really need to get a food processor so I can make banana soft serve – I’m already obsessed with VOO (even though I’m not vegan). Le sigh.
PS. So excited for HLS! :)
Totally agree, every time I see that soft serve I start thinking how I can justify yet another blog-inspired kitchen appliance purchase! :)
One of your avid followers.Was wondering what are the approximate calories in your vegan overnight oats and a regular Green Monster with kale and 1 cup almond milk.Readers please chime in too!
This looks amazing! I have been looking for idea on how to use up my cans of pumpkin that I have, and this is definitely what I will have for breakfast tomorrow! I think I’ll make some of your pumpkin cookies too :). So good for you and so comforting, I could eat it every day.
Pumpkin. Ohhhhh yes! I actually had some fresh pumpkin about a few days ago, from this pumpkin that my mom had been saving for a while for her painting. Pumpkins do last a while :) (I made pumpkin/PB muffins with them, which didn’t work out so well… check out my blog if you want to see :D) (Shameless advertising, sorry!
Another beautiful VOO parfait! Love the photography! Have a great start to your week!
i can’t wait to start finding pumpkin in stores. for real…there is going to be a TON of pumpkin consumed by this little lady this fall!
These look godly! I can’t wait to try them! Back in my hometown [Savannah, GA] They don’t sell pumpkin anywhere!! they aren’t getting any in stock till the holidays, major bummer. Since moving away for the summer however I’ve managed to get my hands on some but haven’t used it yet. Looks like I have a good reason to now :)
I love pumpkin and the sound of pumpkin overnight oats sounds absolutely fabulous :) I can’t wait for pumpkin to come into stores!!
Thank you so much for this post! You are an inspiration to myself and others I’ve recommended this site to, especially as we enjoy our change of lifestyle to vegan. I keep trying to show people it’s not just eating raw vegetables (although there’s nothing wrong with that,) at least here they can see it’s so much more!
I love the ideas you have and keeping updated on the latest.
Fanta :)
I saw a pumpkin pie in the store yesterday and got so excited!! I love your pumpkin pie VOO- just another sign Fall’s on its way :)
Yumm I’m a pumpkin junkie as well! Actually, I was grocery shopping yesterday and I thought of you when I saw all the cans of pumpkin on the shelf! :)
If my breakfast was that gorgeous, I’d never want to eat it!
Pumpkin + VOO = YUM.
Those oats look so good! :)
Perfect, I picked up some canned pumkin last night and wanted to make something yummy with it!
I love the glass!
Breakfast reminds me of fall :) It’s almost here!!
Mmm, those oats look delicious. I also love that their “quicker” than most overnight oats, not that it matters. Sometimes, I throw together “overnight” oats before my morning workout and then eat it when I get back because I always forget to make it the night before!
Love that feeling of clean and organized! Can’t wait to try pumpkin VOO, keeps up my hopes for fall, in 105 degrees!
hi…my monday was busy and i was quiet the whole time concentrating on my work…
i hope my tuesday is better :)