Good evening!
It was a productive day, albeit not very restful, but for some reason I feel really rejuvenated. Strange. Must be this summer weather giving me an extra kick to my step.
I spent the morning cleaning and doing laundry and then I spent the afternoon baking Glo Bars. I have about 300 Glo Bars to bake + ship out by the time I leave for Chicago. We have a lot going on this week with Eric’s birthday and family coming to visit, so I need to bite the bullet with work to make sure everything gets done on time. I feel a lot better after crossing off 8 orders today.
After work, I prepared dinner! I was so excited for this dinner tonight. :)

Black Bean and Summer Squash Enchiladas (Take II)
Adapted from Fat Free Vegan. See my other version here.
- 1 medium onion, chopped fine
- 2 cloves garlic cloves, minced
- 1/2 cup green or red bell pepper, chopped
- 2 patty pan squash, diced (or zucchini or yellow squash)
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1 teaspoon mild chili powder
- 1 1/2 cups cooked black beans, well rinsed and drained
- 1/2 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
- 2 teaspoons lime juice
- 1.25-1.5 cups enchilada sauce (or tomato sauce)
- 4 corn tortillas
- chopped green onions, for serving
- Mae’s humnut cheese sauce (or cheese of choice)
Directions: Preheat oven to 350F and oil a baking dish. Throw chopped onion into a large pot and heat until caramelized, stirring frequently for about 5 minutes on medium heat. Add in the chopped pepper, chopped squash, beans, and all seasonings and cook for about 3-4 minutes on medium heat. Take a baking dish and pour about 1/2 cup of pasta or enchilada sauce onto bottom of dish. Now take 4 tortillas, one at a time, and fill with mixture, dividing it up evenly between the 4 tortillas. Wrap tortillas and place into dish, fold side down. Cover the tortillas with the remaining enchilada veggie/bean mixture and place into the oven uncovered at 350F for about 25 minutes. While it is cooking prepare the vegan cheese sauce and then drizzle it over the enchiladas before serving. You can also bake them with the sauce on top like I did tonight. Makes 4 servings.
A great use for summer squash! We got a few more patty pan squash in this week’s CSA so I was excited to be able to use them in this recipe.

It was a tight squeeze for 4 tortillas, but I made it work. ;)

Make sure you roll them and place them fold side down so they stay in place.

Now pour sauce over top along with the cheeze sauce (or your preferred cheese).
I sprinkled with a bit more veggies for some colour.
Now bake!
Eric suggested we go for a quick bike-run while we anxiously waited for dinner. It was another beautiful day outside so we took advantage of the weather- him on wheels, me on foot. ;)
The Can’t-wait-for-Enchiladas Run:
- Distance: 3 miles
- Time: 25:45 mins
- Avg pace: 8:34 min/mile
Mile splits:
- Mile 1: 9:12
- Mile 2: 8:19
- Mile 3: 8:11
I was feeling speedy today and my legs felt great! I love runs like that. We talked a lot about our upcoming Chicago trip and what we want to see and do while there.
Just as we rolled in, the timer was going off…
I turned the oven off, quickly showered and in 10 minutes we were eating a delicious meal.

Two thumbs up!
We went back for more and split another one.
On the side we had a simple romaine salad with carrots, tomato, green pepper, and sesame seeds:

MmmmmmMMmMMmmmMMMMMmmmmmm. lol.

I will cry when cherries are no longer in season. They are my absolute favourite fruit. (I just got an urge to make my first healthy cherry pie….will have to try that out someday).

I had two bowls and the second bowl put me over my limit…but in a good way of course. ;) I have never regretted eating a single cherry, even if I am rocking a cherry baby right now.
I can hear the dishes faintly screaming my name. I’m trying to ignore them though (it’s not very hard). I am going to go outside and help Eric with some yard work. Hoping to end the weekend with Eat Pray Love and Lie To Me. We are 1 episode away from being caught up to this current season. The show just gets better and better, I don’t know how they do it! I even like it better than 24.
Nighty Night :) Until tomorrow mes amies.
MmmmmmMMMmmmmmMMmm. I had enchiladas for the FIRST time two days ago (shocking, I know) and they were, needless to say, not the healthiest thing in the world. I love how you can healthify everything :)
i better read about eat, pray, and love :)
Yumm! I just wanted to tell you that I baked your Cherry Coconut Banana Bread and it was amazing!! Best thing I have ever made and my family enjoyed it just as much! You are a food genius!
What kind of enchilada sauce so you use or do you make your own? I have yet to find a prepared red enchilada sauce I like.
I use pasta sauce :) PC brand organic.
I made a version of these a month or so ago and they were SO good- I loved the uniqueness of the squash in the enchiladas!
I’ve only bought cherries once so far this summer! I always forget how much I like them until I eat them!
I am saving this post to try the recipe. It looks delicious!
this looks amazing! I just got some summer squash from the farmer’s market and was looking for a new recipe to try – because I didn’t just want to grill it, I love all your health-ified meals =)
Yummy, never would’ve thought to make chiladas with squash. I can’t wait to try this one out!! Oh I determined as well last night that it will be sad when fresh cherries are no longer in season. I love them and actually the only way I’ll eat them. Yum!
Your photography is looking AMAZING…great job! What lens are you currently using? Sorry if you’ve already answered this.
Great ideas I will try some of them.
I love black beans and “Mexican” food in general, so this is a recipe I am interested in trying. Impressed that you could fix the meal and go out for a run! I would be worrying over other things in the house, and when I got back my appetite would be gone. Thanks for sharing, have fun on your trip, and go see Eat Pray Love, I add it to my list of favorite movies!
These were great, very light and delish!