Last week, my best friend Allison asked me if everything was ok because she hadn’t seen a blog post from me in a few days and was getting worried.
‘…not that there is anything wrong with you taking a break though!!’, she sweetly added.
Allison is a great friend.
I knew there was a major issue if she wasn’t seeing new blog posts because I hadn’t taken a day off blogging in over a week. I figured she wasn’t the only one having problems, so I asked you guys on Twitter and Facebook and just as I suspected many of you hadn’t seen any new posts since my Thrive post on August 14th. Some of you thought I died. I’m sorry to disappoint. ;)

Eric and I were able to pinpoint the issue to some cache settings in PHP that were changed the same day of my Thrive post. Basically, it was caching entire pages on some of your computers (saving in memory) so new posts wouldn’t appear; however many of you weren’t impacted at all. We removed these changes last week, so hopefully everything is running smoothly now.
I guess I can’t ask you who is still having problems seeing new posts though can I? ;)
Without further ado, In Case You Missed It…
1) Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Spiced Doughnuts

I dusted off my doughnut pans and cranked open my first can of pumpkin, albeit prematurely.

The hit of Eric’s birthday party. I was left with a few scraps!
3) Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Glazed Doughnuts

One of the craziest things I’ve ever made.

Stove-top, old fashioned easy cheeze sauce that comes together in minutes flat.
5) High Protein Tortilla Pizzas

I really did intend on saving Eric one…
6) Athens Honeymoon Photography

I’ve got the travel bug and you’re coming with me!
7) Chocolate Cake Batter Smoothie

You missed a spot.
Another way to sneak greens into your breakfast without tasting them.
9) Stuffed Mushroom Phyllo Roll & Mango Kale Salad

The beginning of my obsession with Phyllo.
10) Chocolate Chunk Toffee Bars

I made these for Eric when he was suffering from IMS.
11) How To Create Career Happiness FAQ

For a nice follow-up post (and great discussion!), check out this Graduation Fears that I posted a while back.

Out with the old, in with the new. Boy, were there mixed opinions on my header change!

Since many of you weren’t able to see my last Feel Good Tea Giveaway post, I thought it would be fun to have a giveaway today.
In honour of my favourite Canadian athletic store, I’m purchasing a $50 Lululemon gift card and giving it away to one lucky random winner. To enter, simply leave one comment below.
Contest will run until Wednesday. Goodluck!
[Contest Finished]
I just recently came accross your site and it’s the best thing that has happened to me in awhile!! I recently decided to become a vegan after being a vegetarian since i was 11 (I’m 20 now, woo) However, I found it boring a difficult and was doing it for all the wrong reasons. I wanted to lose weight but I was having such a hard time because I wasn’t having fun with what I was eating, I ended up having one cheat day a week where I would essentially just mow down on cheese :/
You’re blog and your story have inspired me, not only to become a better cook, but to learn to love myself more and treat my body right! Thank you so much for everything you do!!
— also i like lululemon too:p
I’m a graduate student who just started running in May, and now it’s become an important part of my life and helped me to lose 20lbs that I never could before. I love Lululemon clothing, and I admire your courage for leaving an unfulfilled career and going for the gusto!
I just made your banana bread larabars with soaked nuts – AMAZING!!!
Great blog!!! I came across it not too long ago and I love all the recipes you’ve been posting! I will for sure try lots of them as I always try to eat healthy! And they all look and sound so yummy! Thanks!
I am neither vegan nor vegetarian, but with two young kids, one of whom is now in school, I scavenge your site for healthy recipes that we’ll all enjoy. We particularly enjoy your smoothie, oatmeal and bar recipes – Chocolate Chunk Toffee?? Uh, yes please!
you are what you eat….be delicious!!!
Thank you for inspiring me to take my own health into my hands. I suffer from Crohn’s and your recipes and approach have made a significant difference. You are wonderful!!!
You are such an inspiration! In this world of quick fixes, and miracle cures in a bottle, its nice to find someone who is real and who has had real life experiences that a person can relate to!! That is so important. I came across your website by accident on a quest for vegan recipes that actually tasted good :) …now I keep coming back, as much for the recipes as for your stories about your life. You are an inspiration to so many women out there and the comments that are posted on here are proof of that. I have struggled with my weight and with myself really for most of my life. I was never really comfortable with who I was or in what I was doing for a career. My life altering moment came when my husband was killed in an accident 8 years ago (today actually) and it was at that point my entire world came to an end. What I thought I knew, I didn’t anymore and eventually I had to pick up the pieces of my life and move on, but somewhere along the way I decided that it would be a good idea to try to eat myself to death!! Of course, that didn’t help. I ended up more overweight, miserable and at time so depressed that I wouldn’t have gotten out of bed most days if it wasn’t for the fact that the dog had be fed and go outside. One day I found a note that my husband had written to me before he died but had never given me …in it he said, you have so many great qualities, that I don’t think you even realize. If you just let yourself be who you are, you will be happy. Stop trying to define yourself by what everyone else says you should be or by where you should be at this point of your life. If you died tomorrow would this be what you would have wanted your life to be about? That simple note make me really think about what it was that made me happy and where I wanted to go. I decided to leave my corporate job that I disliked so much and move into a totally different career where I could focus on what I was good at. I also wanted to be healthy. I wanted to eat better and I wanted to do something fun for exercise. I started changing how I was cooking & baking and I took up boxing and kickboxing. Then I thought that I would like to learn to run. I took a class, found out I loved running (it was a great way to clear my mind), that lead to a 5km race, then a 10k and on to a 15km. I stopped binge eating, and trying to starve myself skinny after the binges. I decided that I was going to get rid of scale that had dominated my life for years and just focus on being healthy. I can’t even begin to describe how liberating that is for someone who had spent all their time counting carbs, calories, and trying to figure out how to burn off what I took in. I still have days where it is easy to revert back to my old ways of thinking but I have realized that if I keep it simple, focus on what I know is good for me and for my body I am happier – plus if I want to eat a piece of cake I eat it!!! I just don’t eat the whole cake anymore….well sometimes I might. :) but that is ok. I can have a bad day or 2 or 5 and know that the next day, I can get things back on track. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I think you are doing a great thing by doing what you do and by being who you are. :)
Thank you Tracy!
Hi Angela,
As a vegan and an active young woman I’ve been constantly inspired by your blog. Your commitments to wellness and honesty about your past struggles really resonate with me (and Im sure so many of your other readers). Keep up the amazing work!
Love your recipes! Vegan donuts?? Genius!!
I cannot wait to make the pumpkin donuts! I cannot resist pumpkin baked goods! I am on my school’s running team and would looove a lululemon gift card :)
I LOVE YOUR BLOG… thanks for sharing your struggles and your success too. I am daily inspired by surfing through Ohsheglows :)
Wow, so many delicious choices in this post! Just joined a new yoga studio, so lululemon attire would be a great bonus.
I love your blog and your yummy recipes! Thank your for encouraging healthy eating!!
That mushroom phyllo roll looks amazing!
Everything looks delicious…the Cinnamon Sugar Pumpkin Spiced Doughnuts look especially amazing! I just started doing barre workouts last week and Lululemon pants would be great for my workouts. I enjoy your blog; thank you for sharing with all of us!
For the record, I liked your new header! And you and Eric make a great techy team!
I’m obsessed with your website now and commend your efforts. Health is such a priority that people ignore, and it’s rough to treat your body well in today’s world. Kudos to you!
Oh and i LOVE Lululemon (but they’re so darn expensive!).
love the new header!
I never win these things, but I will keep trying. Somehow I’m convincing myself that keeping positive will help me one day win a giveaway! I love lululemon, but can never afford it. Having such a great addition to my yoga wear would be wonderful!