Good morning!
I got up this morning around 5:45 because I have a few big orders to get out by noon today. I started my morning with an energizing fresh lemon juice. It is simply a juiced lemon and water. I have had this drink several times now and I think my taste buds are already adapting to the sour taste. Funny how that works! This ‘taste-bud adaptation’ has happened to me with other foods too!

I worked for a couple hours and I was strangely not very hungry this morning. When my hunger decided to show itself, I composed my Banana Soft Serve Vegan Overnight Oats!

Recipe is found here. I had it with a hidden layer of cacao nibs in the middle and then I sprinkled the top with a few chocolate covered raisins.
It occurred to me that this Thursday Eric and I are donating blood. I am going to amp up my green monsters over the next couple days! I’ll probably have a big one for an afternoon snack today.
- Last week I meant to mention that the Read page is now up-to-date based on the emails you sent me! I think I have over 300-400 blogs on there now! I can’t promise when I will be updating it again because it was hugely time consuming and I spent many hours on it. Should I be placing another call for blogs, I will post about it on OSG!
- Eric’s Kick-the Pop habit update: STILL POP FREE! He told me he almost cracked yesterday because a coworker almost ‘slipped’ him one when they were working and he was super thirsty. He said he almost just opened the can and gulped it down without even thinking about what it was. But he caught himself just in time. GO ERIC (and all of you who are doing the same!!!). He now drinks juice when he wants something sweet and he is drinking more tea lately too.
- Don’t forget Thursday is the last day you can send in your Shop 4 A Cause 2 submissions! I am still looking for A LOT more so please take a look and see if there are any books, fitness gadgets, clothing, services, etc you can part with for a great cause! Thank you!
Today’s question- Have you ever experienced ‘taste-bud adaptation’ with certain foods? Foods/drinks that you used to hate but grew to love over time? or used to love but now hate?
A few that stand out for me:
I used to hate, but now I love…
- Tea without sweetener– I used to be the queen of putting artificial sweetener in my tea from green tea to black tea and any herbal tea in between. Now I love tea without sweetener and I find that my taste buds actually appreciate the taste of the tea more now.
- Beets– over time my taste buds got used to them
- Non-sweet Green Monster’s – I have cut down the amount of fruit I need to put in the GM to enjoy the taste.
- Lemon water – my taste buds adapted to the sour taste
- All veggie juices
- Tomato paste
- Hummus
- Guacamole/avocados
Black coffee – I gave up dairy and sugar but still like to have my coffee and it took a while to adapt to black coffee.
Question Angela – is there any reason you drink lemon water in the morning?
Not really, I just find it very refreshing first thing in the AM. :) Lemon is also a great natural detoxifying agent.
Bananas. I used to hate bananas. Now I can barely go two days without having one.
And peanut butter. PB is not really a staple in continental Europe, and the first time I tried it I was 13 years old and I hated it!
I used to only enjoy vegetables such as green peppers, broccoli, & spinach on pizza, but now I’ve adapted to eating & enjoying them in any form!
Hmmm…I used to hate beer, but now I love it, lol! :-) Tomatoes, too!
When I was little – I hated strawberries. I don’t know why exactly, but we grew them in our backyard and I can distinctly remember being 4 or 5…trying one and spitting it out. Maybe texture? Maybe seeds? Maybe not sweet enough? Who knows. I also used to hate mushrooms and tomatoes – both due to texture – but I’ve discovered that I enjoy them (but only certain ways – still..a texture thing.
Seriously – your overnight oats are just gorgeouuus.
I used to hate tomatoes, I like them now (the fleshy part, not the guts though!).
I used to hate vegetable pizza, but now it’s my FAVORITE.
I used to hate soy milk, but now I love it.
I will try everything again now that I’m eating healthier, I think everything tastes different now, in a good way. :)
My dad always told me that your tastebuds change every 7 years. So I sporadically re-try things I hate. Now, some of my favorite foods are things I couldn’t stand as a child- sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, Brussels sprouts, dark chocolate, oatmeal, and yogurt. I also have developed a tendency to try to acquire a taste for things that I don’t initially like- that’s pretty much why I love Bleu Cheese- I kept trying it until I developed an appreciation for it!
I really think that over the years, everything has just started tasting sweeter to me- I don’t use a great deal of sweetener anymore and I often think that things are too sweet.
I still dislike celery, raisins, and cantaloupes though.
I still can’t get my taste buds to adapt to beets. I’ve tried so many times!
I wrote about it here:
There are a TON of foods I used to hate but now like – one of them being pasta! However, I still hate veggies…
As I get older I find that I love foods I hated as a kid. For example, only 5 years ago olives made me gag. Now I LOVE them! I also now like onions, green beans, brussels sprouts, and black coffee!
I love how your breakfasts look like cocktails :D so cute! I used to be so iffy about trying tea without something sweet added in, now I find that if I add anything to it, it just tastes so off! And you can’t get any hints of the real tea flavor. I love it plain :)
Unsweetened tea is a definite for me. I am also enjoying my first bowl of VOO with almond butter as we speak! I was a little skeptical but it is delicious!! Thanks Angela!
Let’s see….
Mushrooms…. still working on raw tomatoes. I’ve been working on that for a long time and my taste buds still don’t care for raw tomatoes.
I used to hate hate hate onions, mushrooms, olives and tomatoes but now I munch my way through them like you wouldn’t believe!
When I was really little (as in under 10) I couldn’t stand ice cream, chips (aka fries), baked beans or anything fried – sadly it all went wrong when I hit the teen years!
Fun question!
In general I don’t use as much or any sugar in my eats/drinks anymore and my taste buds have developed to really dislike anything overly sweet now. And I am the same with GMs, less fruit because I have grown to love the more ‘earthy’ taste.
Oh…. and I used to not like the taste of coffee, but that is unimaginable to me now :)
Strangely enough, since I went vegan I’ve come to love most of the foods I hated as an omnivore. This includes onions, peppers, tomatoes, mustard, mangoes, and more! I’ve also tried many foods that I never would have before and have grown to love them.
Do you think the banana soft serve would hold up for about an hour or so? I’d love to make this breakfast tomorrow but I’ll be taking it with me and eating it on the way to the airport, so I don’t know if it’ll just turn to a sloppy mess or not.
It does melt very fast, so I’m not sure. It would probably be a sloppy mess!
I’d love to try that banana soft serve!!! I’ve been thinking about it for days, LOL.
Does anyone know if I can make the banana soft serve using a regular blender? I don’t have a food processor.
Yep, I always use my regular blender and it turns out great!
Thank you!!! How many bananas do you do at once? Do you feel you need to blend more at once so they don’t get ‘stuck’?
Reading that back to myself, that first question sounds much worse that I intended.
I’m a 3rd grader at heart.
omg that made me so happy.
I usually just use one and deal with it being a bit softer than I’d like. I would recommend using 2 or more if you really want an ice creamy consistency, but if you’re cool with melty soft serve, one is a-ok.
Thanks! And congrats on completing the half on THE Great Wall! How awesome is that?!
I’m a ridiculously picky eater, so most of the foods I now eat I used to hate. Beets are a recent addition. I can’t believe I like them so much. I used to hate grapefruit’s bitterness, but I like it now, though I do use sweetener on it. Oh, and fish. I’ve liked it for a few years, but when I was in college and earlier, I couldn’t stand the taste.
The lemon drink sounds good. I *love* sour foods, though.
I used to severely dislike:
all bell peppers
whole wheat bread!
brown rice
greek yogurt
I was just thinking about this yesterday as I was watering my garden. I planted beets. ME? BEETS? I love them now! I used to cry if my grandma put one on my plate. Hahah! Same thing with green beans. Last year’s harvest was pretty paltry so this year I put in a ton more. My mother laughed and laughed over that. She said I used to run and hide when I found out we were having green beans for dinner. I was a difficult child, no? And at 37 years old, I’ve discovered that I like zucchini. What? I never had it growing up and a recipe I made called for a half of a one and last night, I found myself munching the rest of it, wondering why I’d never had it before. Obviously, I lived under a rock.
hahah this cracked me up! GO YOU!