Good morning!
I got up this morning around 5:45 because I have a few big orders to get out by noon today. I started my morning with an energizing fresh lemon juice. It is simply a juiced lemon and water. I have had this drink several times now and I think my taste buds are already adapting to the sour taste. Funny how that works! This ‘taste-bud adaptation’ has happened to me with other foods too!

I worked for a couple hours and I was strangely not very hungry this morning. When my hunger decided to show itself, I composed my Banana Soft Serve Vegan Overnight Oats!

Recipe is found here. I had it with a hidden layer of cacao nibs in the middle and then I sprinkled the top with a few chocolate covered raisins.
It occurred to me that this Thursday Eric and I are donating blood. I am going to amp up my green monsters over the next couple days! I’ll probably have a big one for an afternoon snack today.
- Last week I meant to mention that the Read page is now up-to-date based on the emails you sent me! I think I have over 300-400 blogs on there now! I can’t promise when I will be updating it again because it was hugely time consuming and I spent many hours on it. Should I be placing another call for blogs, I will post about it on OSG!
- Eric’s Kick-the Pop habit update: STILL POP FREE! He told me he almost cracked yesterday because a coworker almost ‘slipped’ him one when they were working and he was super thirsty. He said he almost just opened the can and gulped it down without even thinking about what it was. But he caught himself just in time. GO ERIC (and all of you who are doing the same!!!). He now drinks juice when he wants something sweet and he is drinking more tea lately too.
- Don’t forget Thursday is the last day you can send in your Shop 4 A Cause 2 submissions! I am still looking for A LOT more so please take a look and see if there are any books, fitness gadgets, clothing, services, etc you can part with for a great cause! Thank you!
Today’s question- Have you ever experienced ‘taste-bud adaptation’ with certain foods? Foods/drinks that you used to hate but grew to love over time? or used to love but now hate?
A few that stand out for me:
I used to hate, but now I love…
- Tea without sweetener– I used to be the queen of putting artificial sweetener in my tea from green tea to black tea and any herbal tea in between. Now I love tea without sweetener and I find that my taste buds actually appreciate the taste of the tea more now.
- Beets– over time my taste buds got used to them
- Non-sweet Green Monster’s – I have cut down the amount of fruit I need to put in the GM to enjoy the taste.
- Lemon water – my taste buds adapted to the sour taste
- All veggie juices
- Tomato paste
- Hummus
- Guacamole/avocados
That Banana Soft Serve looks awesome! :) I’d have to say brussel sprouts… I used to put globs of butter and salt on them just to get through the plate, but now I can enjoy them plain. Oh and honey! I still can’t eat it ontop of something, but I’m trying to learn to enjoy its flavor in other foods. It usually makes me want to gag. :P
Brussel Sprouts is another one for me too. I still like a bit of S&P on them, but now I don’t mind the taste and I can eat them, unlike when I was younger!
My taste buds have fully adapted over the years…
My used to hate but now I love’s:
Sweet potatoes (thank GOODNESS I adapted well!)
Lettuce (I used to despise the earthy crunch of lettuce as a girl)
Plain yogurt/greek yogurt
Tea/coffee minus the sugar- this one took a LONG time to really work itself out
I drink warm lemon water every morning.sometimes I squeeze a lemn into a cup of strong black tea!
I used to hate the taste and texture of avocados but now I can’t get enough of them! Some others include celery,cabbage,beans..the usual culprits of your childhood!
I used to have A LOT of veggies! Growing up, my exposure to veggies pretty much consisted of cans of green beans, peas, and corn. It was up to me to find all the other delicious options out there, and now there’s hardly a vegetable that I DON’T like! :-D
Some other things I used to hate but now LOVE: hummus, oatmeal (texture & wasn’t making them “fun”), seafood, & coffee without cream & sugar (now I use skim milk and currently trying out PureVia)
I have a fairly lengthy list of things I used to hate but now adore. Avocados, parsnips, spinach, beets, peas, kale, balsamic vinegar, artichoke hearts, asparagus, and very dark chocolate. Things I still can’t stand include hummus (I want to like it…), vegetable juice, fresh tomatoes, non-sweet GM’s, and I now find most milk chocolates too sweet.
I used to hate sweet potatoes and asparagus. Now I love them! Though I only will eat asparagus if I have made it myself so that I know it wont have any bite to it :). I am hoping to start enjoying unsweet teas too. This month I have stopped eating sugar and I am missing my sweet tea!
I used to dislike tomatoes a lot and now I can hardly get enough of them, when they’re in season of course. I’ve also taken a liking to celery a bit more lately and I’m slowly but surely adapting to coconut. :D
I really want to try your In a Jiffy Spelt Burgers but I haven’t been able to find spelt flour anywhere. Where do you purchase it? If I cant find it, what other flours do you think would work?
Hi Keri.
Not sure where you live but I get spelt flour at Whole Foods. They also have it at other health-food-type stores around where I live, like Sprouts and Henry’s Farmers Market. I would also check at little mom and pop health stores. I’ve seen lots of them that carry the Bob’s Red Mill brand of spelt flour (and every other flour you could ever want!). If you can’t find it anywhere, you could always order it from :)
Yup you can use another flour for sure…you just may need to adjust the amount slightly.
PS- i buy spelt through my wholesaler so im not much help!
Kombucha, asparagus, wheat grass (it almost tastes sweet now!), kale and beets are some hates->loves
Loves->”hates” (ie don’t really have anymore) sugar&coffee (together and separate!) :)
Sweet potatoes. I couldn’t even stand the smell of them and now I’m eating them with (about) every other meal!
I’m with you on the tea! I used to be addicted to sugar (splenda) but now I enjoy my tea without anything!!
thats the funkiest looking glass ive seen in awhile! love it..all bendy and such hehe. and yay for donating blood! good on ya lady <3
im the same way with beets and avos! so glad i love them now!
Goooo Eric! Seriously, I haven’t drank soda in over 9 years, except for in absolute dire situations where there is NOTHING ELSE (how is that even possible?), and I actually got called a snob by my ex because I refused to drink soda. Sorry I don’t like guzzling sugar and chemicals several times a day!
I used to need to sweeten my tea and coffee, but in NIcaragua I got used to drinking unsweetened coffee, so I kind of just ditched the sugar for good. Also, my palate has adjusted to enjoy REALLY spicy food. I used to cry if it was even a little spicy, now I need it to hurt or I can’t taste it (exaggeration but still). I’m still adjusting to the lemon-water thing. Something about that first acid shock just makes my body nottt want it, even though I know it’s good.
Unsweetened tea FTW! I used to add milk AND sugar to tea, now I just like it plain and unsweetened. :) It’s goooood.
Tomatoes. I used to hate tomatoes with a passion. Now I’m actually okay with them (am currently munching away on gorgeous orange and red cherry tomatoes.)
I can’t think of anything else, but I’m sure there’s a lot! (There’s a lot of stuff I used to Love, but now Hate. :P)
I’m addicted to sweet n low :( I rarely drink coffee or tea, though.
I hate avocadoes and dates!! I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get over those 2. I hate veggies as a child and still hated asparagus, greenbeans, broccoli until not too long ago. I love ’em now :)
Ohh how my taste buds have refined over the years!! :-)
Foods that I used to HATE but now eat practically daily are:
Natural Peanut Butter
Green and Red Peppers
Raw Tomatoes
Walnuts and Pecans
I can’t imagine not liking those things now…all so yummy and good for me!!
I wonder if part of it is the tastebuds evolving as we get older too…I think kids have really sensitive tastebuds. But sensitive or not, the rule in this mean mommy’s house is they have to have a bite of everything at least nine times before they can deny! And usually by time nine they eat without complaint!
For me, foods I used to choke down but now I love:
cooked Cabbage
cooked carrots
coffee with no sugar
onions and garlic as a kid
avocados without “mix-ins” (vinegar; cilantro, etc.)
corn without butter (or marg or anything on it)
pancakes without butter (ditto above, we don’t use margarine in our house)
goat cheese
feta cheese
blue cheese
And as a switch….foods I used to LOVE but cannot stomach at all now:
Any canned veggies (this is what I grew up on!!)
Mayo-based salad dressings, except for blue cheese although I really don’t eat it much anymore
milk chocolate; chocolate bars
Also for me: non-sweet green monsters
Oats without sweetener (savory oats anyone??), super super dark chocolate (85% and up), plain yogurt, almond milk (I used to hate it!).
I must admit…I’m still on the fence with almond butter. I really want to like it and I just bought a big jar, but I always feel like it’s missing something.
Savoury oats- HOLLA!!!
The banana soft serve and oats looks so good layered in the glass!! Things I used to hate but now love:
-asparagus (fresh only! Not canned)
Good luck getting your orders out!
LOVE the glass!
For me it’s pop. I used to drink the stuff by the gallon! Now? Half a can later and I’m done, finding it far too sweet and if it’s a cola I can actually taste the cola flavour and it’s gross!
Something I didn’t like but do now is tofu. I used to hate it but when I lived in Japan I quickly grew accustomed to it! I even went to an all-tofu restaurant! Everything I had, down to my drink and dessert had tofu in it. I was fine after that! :D