Happy Friday!
Well, that was a crazy 16 hours! Last night I worked in the bakery until 11pm and then I was up at 6am to get out a bunch of orders before Eric left for work. Good times. I told Eric that he can pocket all the money that he makes when selling his coworkers Glo Bars, and he has been selling a ton lately! How is that for motivation? ;) I also had to get a box of samples ready to ship to a potential retail customer.
Last night Eric and I had a music party. I worked and he painted the upstairs hallway!!
I was deemed ‘worst DJ ever’ :mrgreen: Apparently I play too many chick songs!? Music makes work so much better.
This morning I baked from 6-9am and finally stopped for breakfast when I was finished (just in the nick of time). I was starving like a mad woman.

In the GM: 1 cup almond milk, 3 cup spinach, 1 scoop Amazing Grass wheatgrass powder, 1/2 large banana, 1 tsp maca, 1 tbsp chia seeds, ice.

Then I made half a serving of the Banana Pancake Sandwich to go along with it! I made these teeny tiny thin pancakes. They were so cute.

It was awesome!

Belly happy.
Now I am hopefully going to a lunchtime swim at the pool. I am super late so I hope I can at least squeeze out 30 mins. of swimming.
– Healthy Spelt Pancakes for One spotting
Another quote I like…
“Growth and self-transformation cannot be delegated.” ~ Lewis Mumford
Today’s question- Have you ever transformed yourself or made a huge life change? What was it?
I love your GM glass & you have an awesome backyard view!
I haven’t ever made any huge transformations in my life. I have just gradually changed my views on things like exercise and eating, until one day BAM here I am!
You don’t stop to amaze me with your recipes!! That looks AWESOME!!! You really are a true inspiration. Because of you I am more and more enjoying cooking and food, trying new things, trying to be creative and adventurous, and it pays off! More, I stopped eating meat a couple of months ago and I never enjoyed food as much before!
I just wanted to let you know that I recently ordered the sample pack of Glo Bars. I have had 2 so far and they are sooo good. This morning I had the Chi Glo Bar for breakfast and even though that was all I had time for, it kept me satisfied for several hours!
I am so glad I found your blog from the nest. Thank you for all the inspiration!
I want to first thank you. Every morning, I look at your site for new inspiration, recipes, and beautiful picture. I have loved your frequent posts each day :)
I am currently working towards my yoga certification so I will be able to teach yoga to the Alaska Native rural communities who don’t have many opportunities for it. I’m so excited! And although this is an ongoing life change, just to become the healthiest, happiest I can be!
P.S. Tomorrow’s Breakfast is going to be…..Banana Pancakes! Now I need to find naners :)
busy busy woman!!
pancakes look yummy, i’m really craving some. Also a GM, definitely craving something like that or a smoothie.
Those pancakes are so cute, and they look absolutely mouth watering!!
Hmm, when I think about it, I have been transforming my life this past year. A year ago, I was taking anti-depressants and feeling as though I was stuck in a rut. Since then I’ve started studying for a Masters in History through distance learning (which I’m loving), completed a sponsored swim and have just quit my safe but dull office job for one that’s hopefully more interesting and challenging. Ultimately, it’s not what I want to do forever, but I think it will be a good stepping stone. Now, I have a plan, and I *will* get there! Thank you, Angela, for such an inspiring blog, that has really helped me to make these changes. :-)