This week was a bit of a grab bag and I’m pretty anxious to unwind this weekend. We had two random basement leaks (thanks to a water softener and laundry machine both bursting within days of one another), lots of work deadlines, and some setbacks with our renovation plans. There’s promise of a gorgeous weekend though, and I can’t wait to soak it up. I’ve made some fun Father’s Day plans, and we’re hitting up the St. Lawrence Market in Toronto too. I can’t recall the last time I went to the St. Lawrence Market—probably years and years!—so I’m anxious to check it out (let me know if there are any “must-see” vendors to visit). With any luck I’ll be able to find some plant-based foods to satisfy my non-stop hunger of late. I hope you all have a great weekend. Happy Father’s Day!
ps- My 25 weeks pregnancy update is now up on the Baby blog.
Q1. Angela—this mayo recipe looks really great! Have you (or any of your readers) had any luck freezing the chickpea liquid and then thawing and using it in your recipes? It seems I always open a can of chickpeas when I don’t need the brine, or need the brine when I have no cans of chickpeas. I’m hoping storing the brine (possibly as ice cubes?) for can-less days might be the solution. Any thoughts, anyone??
A. Hi Tia, I haven’t tried it personally yet, but I’ve read that you can in fact freeze aquafaba! Using an ice cube tray (I like using silicone ice cube trays because they’re so easy to pop out) is a great idea for storing, because then you’ll have easy-to-grab, ready-measured amounts available for use in recipes. (My advice is to measure how many tablespoons one cube holds so you know.)
Q2. Hi Angela, Can you recommend the best substitute for hemp in your Crowd-Pleasing Vegan Caesar Salad (specifically, the Nut and Seed Parmesan Cheese)? It’s actually illegal to ingest hemp in Australia (crazy I know…)!!!!!! thanks
A. Hi Alecia, Since the parmesan only calls for a couple tablespoons of hulled hemp seeds, I’d probably just swap it with a couple more tablespoons of cashews! Easy that way. :)
Q3. Angela, Thank you so much for this wonderful recipe! I just made your Golden Red Lentil Dal tonight and the flavors were unbelievable! I have also tried your Crispy Smashed Potatoes with Avocado Garlic Aioli and loved those too! May I ask something though? The dal dish had a slightly grainy texture when it was finished. I’m unsure if it was from the spices or something else. I prepared it exactly as the recipe stated and measured precisely. Any advice on how to fix that would be lovely! Again, wonderful blog and site! I look forward to trying many more of your recipes!
A. Hi Mandy, I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed these recipes! With respect to the dal, it sounds like you did everything right with the recipe! I think the texture you’re experiencing may just be the natural texture of the red lentils. Red lentils break down a lot when they cook. If you’re a fan of the dal’s flavouring but not so much its texture, you could try black or French green lentils, which hold up a bit better and don’t break down as much. I hope this helps, and thank you so much for the kind words!
Q4. Hi everyone, I’m not sure where my sunflower seed butter went wrong? Mine didn’t turn out anything like the pictures at all. I didn’t have coconut sugar so I used stevia. Please help!
A. Hey Jessica, Oh I’m so sorry that happened to you! I’m wondering what kind of food processor you use? I find some machines just can’t "butterize" nuts and seeds as they aren’t powerful enough. I absolutely love this machine. Also, I haven’t tested this recipe with stevia before so that could’ve been the culprit. It’s also very important that the sunflower seeds are roasted beforehand (I’ve had zero luck using raw sunflower seeds in this recipe). Lastly, did you use the coconut oil? That’s really important to help thin it out. I hope this helps, and let me know if you try it out again! It’s such a tasty alternative to nut butter.
Q5. Hi Angela! Big congrats to you and your growing family! My girls are 20 months apart (now 8 mos. and 2 1/2) and it is wonderful and chaos and all the things that make for a happy family. :) I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind listing your favorite protein-packed recipes? I am getting back in the gym and trying to get some muscle definition back in my life and some extra protein is in order! Thanks so much!
A. Hi Abbey, Thank you for the warm congrats! Getting back to the gym after time away can be such a challenge—but delicious, protein-packed foods can help make that transition so much easier. For a super quick post-workout option, an apple spread with 2 tablespoons of almond or peanut butter will pack in about 7 to 9 grams of protein. If you’re a green smoothie lover like me, I recommend checking out my Green Warrior Protein Smoothie. My Protein Power Goddess Bowl, Energizing Broccoli Dal, Spiced Red Lentil, Tomato, and Kale Soup, Chickpea Salad, and Glowing Spiced Lentil Soup are also filled to the brim with high-protein goodness, as are my Super-Power Chia Bread (page 229 of The Oh She Glows Cookbook) and roasted chickpeas (try the ones on page 220 of the cookbook and on the blog here, or Salt & Vinegar Roasted Chickpeas on page 221) for a “snackier” option. Alternatively, if you’re looking for a sweet snack to grab on the go heading to or from the gym, there’s my Super Seed Chocolate Protein Bites or Two-Layer Raw Chocolate Brownies (which have about 4 grams of protein per square…not bad for a dessert). Who doesn’t love a sweet treat after killing a workout? All the best to you and your family!
Comments of the week:
“Hi Angela! I started the shift toward a vegan diet almost a year ago and have been loving your blog for meal inspirations and recipes! I have your app and also your cookbook and have to say that I have never made one of your recipes that did not turn out fantastic. The rest of my family is not vegan at all and they also love every recipe of yours that I have made. I love making your dishes and sharing them with other people to show that a vegan diet can be delicious and satisfying. I have made this avocado pudding bowl three or four times now and absolutely love it! My most recent time making this recipe I whipped up some coconut whipped cream and mixed it with the pudding and it turned out as a chocolate mousse. I would definitely recommend this method as it worked very well. Thanks for doing what you do, I really look up to you!”
Hi Alexis, I’m so happy to hear that your shift to a vegan diet is going so well, and that you’re inspiring others with the recipes too! Your chocolate mousse spin-off sounds fantastic. I’m working on a mousse recipe that involves aquafaba (of all things, I know!) and hopefully I can share it on the blog if I can get it just right. Thanks for taking the time to write me such a lovely note.
“I’m enjoying all of your recipes so much, thank you! I was never one for working from a cookbook before, but you’ve got me inspired, and I’ve gifted your book several times over, all to very grateful recipients. I used to dance around the edges of a health food store, eager but mostly unsure about how to mix what with what… This weekend I’m headed to an enormous VegFest (a celebration of all things vegan, natural, joyful and healthy!) And Oh She Glows was my introduction. So, thank you. Your enthusiasm and work is appreciated – big time!”
Hi Janey, I’m so happy for you, and also super thankful for your support. It sounds like you’re having so much fun with this new lifestyle which is so, so important. Have fun at the Vegfest this weekend!!
Hi Angela!
The St. Lawrence Market is my favourite place in the whole world. You must go to Peter’s Natural Health Foods and try some of his dehydrated vegetable chips. They are to die for. A little pricey but absolutely world it. Also cruda cafe in the basement is an incredible vegan hot spot. Hope you love it!
Hey Sophie,
Thanks for the tips! I just had to update you – I bought some beet chips from Peter’s and they are SO good! My entire family could not stop eating them! I wish I bought more, hah.
I’m so happy to hear that! Do you really think they are dehydrated? They taste like they have oil in them but they insist there is no oil.
But next time tell him you’re friends with Sophie and he will give you no tax! (And that helps because they get pretty pricey in bulk)
good to know! Thanks again :)
ps – I thought for sure they have oil on them, but they told me just sea salt. I would’ve thought they’d be much drier if they didn’t have oil…lol.
That’s what I think! They tell me they’re dehydrated and then baked but I really don’t believe them haha…Glad to hear your expert opinion though.
I guess we may never know for sure! ;)
My mom gets me beet chips for this special Amish store and I couldn’t believe how good they were! My kids even tried and enjoyed them (okay, they’ve never experience any real chips at 6 & 4) but did think the beet chips were yummy.
You can buy hemp seeds in Australia, it just says on the bag that you are not supposed to eat them, which I ignore became they are so good in so many things. I have been able to buy them online and more recently, more health food stores have been stocking them, often they sell them with a wink as a beauty product ?
Ah, good to know! ;)
Oh man! The aquafaba! I knew I should have done a formal protein analysis on this as part of my research, but what people are saying online (that you can freeze it, thaw it, and whip it up) makes sense, for albumin proteins are indeed freeze/thaw stable (think using frozen egg whites for an angel food cake). Good stuff! Have an awesome weekend…and relax :)
Hi Angela, In regards to dal, my partner is Pakistani and I’ve been making it for 11 years. The person should soak the dal for an hour or so before cooking. Boiling the dal for an extended time and adding additional water repeatedly will make for a smoother dal. It will change, it takes time. If they have a pressure cooker, it can speed up things. My partner says the textured dal is not cooked ;)
Love your blog and enjoy your recipes and book! All the best xx
Thanks so much for the advice, Cara! :)
Sure, the St. Lawrence Market is nice, but if you’re in town you really must go to the Brickworks farmers’ market a short drive up Bayview …
You can still buy hulled hemp seeds in Australia!! They just have to stick a label on it that says not for eating but it’s the same stuff. I wouldn’t worry about it :)
Hello Angela I saw the movie “Like Water for Chocolate” a few years ago and one particular scene comes to mind, the scene where the main character receives a bouquet of roses from the man she loves and create from them a dish called quail in rose petals sauce. This dish has been recreate online. What I was looking for is a savory vegan alternative. I couldn’t find one online and so I would like to ask you about it.would you be willing to create a vegan version of this dish. You are very creative and are you will to take on this challenge?
Hi Angela, I just wanted to let Australian Alecia know that I am Australian and can buy Hulled Hemp Seed in health food shops. There is some problem with some kinds of hemp seeds, but the brand I have is Made in Hemp and is an Australian company. Hope that helps, Alecia.
I have had the same problem with nut butters before purchasing a decent food processor. I failed at so many recipes for almond butter, nuttella and the like. I now have a fairly good cuisinart that does the job every time.
Your website (and an Instant Pot!) has helped me reduce our dairy and egg consumption in our vegetarian house by about 50%. This weekend, I have been contemplating whether there’s anything that substitutes for the brininess of feta cheese in cooked items (like spinach pie). In salads and cold/raw items, I know I can try capers and/or olives, but I don’t think they’d work well with the cooked greens. You seemed like the best person to ask :)
I love your Friday FAQs! I always learn something new! I made some sunflower seed butter a while back (another recipe) and it also failed, so I’m wondering if I toasted them or not? Loved your tips. Have a great week!
I’m glad you’re enjoying the series and finding it helpful, Caroline! I’m really loving it, too. I hope if you try the sunflower seed butter again that it goes better for you the second time around. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you run into troubles!
I’ve always adored and genuinely appreciated your recipes on here. Your green monster was the beginning of my green smoothie obsession…now I have my own fave version with spirulina and vegan protein powder, too!
Thanks so much for the sweet words, Sara! :) It’s always great to hear I’ve turned someone else on to the awesomeness that are green smoothies! Haha
Hi Angela!
I am a loyal reader of your blog since 2010 and it has been a great journey to follow you flourishing from a blogger to a best-seller cookbook author and mother. We are at the same age; I somewhat feel as if you are my close friend and your achievements make me feel very proud and happy ;-) I truly wish you (and your troop at home) all the best with whatever you are attacking to succeed!
I have been reading your cookbook this evening to get some inspirations for dinner options. I am almost half way through fasting in Ramadan and I admit with nearly 17 hours of no food and drink it is one of the toughest year that I have experienced so far. The break of fasting time (iftar) is 9.30pm in my time zone whilst the start of fasting can be as early as 4am. This makes it further difficult to plan for a healthy eating regime. I try eating small but frequent portions of protein based snacks / meals and drink water, almond milk and ginger & cinnamon tea as much as possible. I am however a bit out of ideas. Could you by chance give some recommendations for people who fast like me nowadays?
Many thanks in advance! Have a lovely week,
Hi Angela!
I absolutely love your blog, app, and cookbook. My hubby and I have been on a vegetarian journey for four years now, and are trying more and more vegan dishes. Whenever I tell my husband that a new recipe “is an Oh She Glows one”, he says oh, it will be good then!
I am getting excited for Canada Day, and was wondering if you have a vegan recipe for strawberry shortcake? I am thinking a big salad and veggie burgers for the main meal, but would also love any ideas you have for “Canadiana” items. Like maybe red and white Popsicles, maple leaf cookies, etc.
I can’t wait to see what amazing ideas you”ll have!
– Rebecca?
Hi Rebecca, Thank you so much for the kind words! It’s wonderful to hear you and your husband have been enjoying my recipes. I love your question about Canada Day recipes—we’re getting excited for the holiday around here, too! Unfortunately, I don’t have a recipe for strawberry shortcake yet (though if you want to kick your day off with a sweet, red-and-white themed dish, you could try my Strawberry Shortcake Stacked Pancakes!), but I do have some other festive desserts to suggest! Try my Cherry-Strawberry Chia Seed Fool with Vanilla Bean Coconut Whipped Cream—it’s not only delicious, but super festive looking. You could also make Fail-Proof Vegan Chocolate Cupcakes with Salted Buttercream and top them with sliced strawberries and natural red sprinkles! (Side note: If anyone out there is looking for a 4th of July recipe, you can easily add blueberries to these recipes for a red, white, and blue theme.) If you’re in the market for some side dish or appetizer options to go with your burgers and salad, my colourful Summertime Cherry-Basil Bruschetta (p. 79) and Avocado Strawberry Caprese both rock a definite summer-y Canadiana vibe. Of course, you can’t go wrong with a classic Long Weekend Grilled Salad (p. 115) or Lightened-Up Crispy Baked Fries (p. 203) either! Hope this helps, Rebecca, and have a great long weekend! In the meantime, I’ll start thinking about that strawberry shortcake request!
I made your vegan overnight oats recipe last night and I am hooked!!!! They were amazing! I added sliced almonds, raspberries and some in-season Ontario strawberries (they are so much better than the California variety). It was the perfect breakfast on a warm morning. I can’t wait to make it again!
Yum! I just can’t get enough of berries right now, so those toppings sound AH-MAZING! Glad you enjoyed the oats. :)
Hi Angela!. I am new to cooking and I have to say that it’s your book that got me hooked to it. Moreover, I am not a vegan but I have tried each and every recipe in your book and so in love with all the delicious recipes that I use the book on a regular basis. I cant wait for next book and was so happy to see the cover revealed in the newsletter today =D Your newsletter, however, does not mention any retailers in Europe. I am based in Belgium and would love to pre-order your book!
Hi Sara, I’m so happy my first cookbook inspired you to start having fun in the kitchen! It’s also great to hear you enjoyed the newsletter’s sneak peek at Oh She Glows Every Day. Thanks so much for your interest in pre-ordering: you should be able to get it through The Book Depository (which has free worldwide shipping, how awesome is that?). I hope you absolutely love cooking from the new book!
When you’re in Toronto next let me know, I’d love to get some of our Pleasantville vegan ice cream in your hands! Raw, gluten free, and definitely perfect for pregnancy cravings;)!
Hi Angela, I stumbled upon your blog and I just wanted to tell you how amazing it is. I myself have been on the plant based diet since 2011. While not 100% vegan I am finding more and more ways to make the full transition. One of the key things that has helped me by far are discovering and experimenting with new recipes. So I want to applaud you for sharing those as well. Very inspiring. I am looking to connect with like minds and am just getting started with my blog/website at thenextvegan.wordpress.com.
Thanks so much for the heartfelt and super sweet comment, Noel! I’m so glad you’ve found inspiration in my recipes. I’ll have to check out your blog sometime! Wishing you the best of luck it with it. :)
Hi Angela, I thought I should tell you that the link to your Super Seed Chocolate Protein Bites actually opens a page with your Crowd-Pleasing Vegan Caesar Salad recipe. I was able to find the protein bites recipe by searching for it, but it would be easier for the reader if the link was corrected. P.S. I love, love, LOVE all your recipes! The minute I want a recipe for anything, I always search your website first. :)
Thanks so much for letting me know, Silvia!
Good t know this thank you Iam learning