Dear Breakfast,
Why did I ever skip you and deem myself unworthy to enjoy you?
You really light up my day.
You make morning workouts more enjoyable.
You challenge me to make you quick, but still delicious.
You sometimes taste like cake. Awesome.
Sometimes you taste like pie. Yes.
You complete me.
Never shall we part again,
Your breakfast fan for life.

Ok, that was a bit weird, but 3 cups of tea before 8am will do that to a girl.
I used to be a chronic breakfast skipper for most of my life and I felt like crap.
After a while, I had to ask myself if I really wanted to live my life this way and I knew the answer, but it took a long time to break the habit.
Now, I can’t imagine my life without a healthy breakfast to start my day. My workouts are stronger, I have more concentration, and I’m a much nicer person to be around. Trust me, you don’t want to be around me when I’m hungry all the time. It ain’t pretty.

If you saw my post several weeks back on Raw Buckwheat Breakfast Porridge you may know that I’ve been stuffing my face with this stuff each morning. I went on a 3 week daily feast and then I ran out of buckwheat groats.
Total mood kill.
But now it’s back and it’s like it was never gone…

Carrot Cake, anyone? I made an extra few for you… :)
Carrot Cake Raw Buckwheat Porridge (Gluten-free & Raw)
Adapted from my first version & my Carrot Cake Oatmeal
Yield: 4 servings
- 2 cups raw Buckwheat Groats, (note: this is not the same as Kasha or toasted buckwheat) soaked in water for minimum of 1 hour or overnight
- 1 cup finely grated carrot (~ 2 medium)
- 1-1.25 cups non-dairy milk (I use vanilla almond milk), or more to achieve desired consistency
- 2 tbsp chia seeds
- 4-5 tbsp liquid sweetener (use Agave if you want it raw. I used maple syrup), adjust to taste
- 1-2 tsp pure vanilla extract (I used 2)
- 2 tsp cinnamon
- 3/4 tsp ground ginger
- 1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
- 1/4 cup – 1/3 cup raisins
- 1/4 cup – 1/3 cup chopped walnuts
- Shredded coconut, to garnish
Note: I like to make this at night and then it’s ready for me when I come down for breakfast!
1. In a bowl, pour 2 cups of raw buckwheat groats (not Kasha, but RAW groats) and 4-5 cups of water. Soak for at least 1 hour or overnight. After soaking, rinse well in a strainer several times. Grate carrot and set aside.
2. Place buckwheat groats (reserving 1 cup) in food processor or blender, along with the almond milk, chia seeds, and vanilla. Process until combined and slightly smooth. Now add in the sweetener and spices to taste (I found 1/4 cup of sweetener was enough, but others might like a bit more or less than that). Transfer to a bowl and stir in the grated cup of carrots and the reserved buckwheat. Adjust sweetness to taste.
3. Scoop into bowls or parfait glasses and add your desired toppings & mix-ins. Serve immediately cold. Place leftovers into fridge and enjoy for the next few days. Makes 3.5-4 cups depending on how much milk you use.
For step-by-step photos, see this post.

I process only half of the buckwheat and then I stir in the rest at the end. This results in a nice chewy texture that I love.
I really can’t be left alone with this stuff. It calls out to me from the fridge.

Add a dollop of maple syrup on top if you really want to take it over the edge. Incredible!

and good to the last drop.

I’m feeling in a 2 for 1 kinda mood this week, so here is another fun little snack that I enjoy. And by enjoy, I mean obsess over and eat daily. I’ve been eating this so much, I figured it was silly for me to keep it a secret from you.

Just don’t buy all my Kamut Puffs though. We’re already nearing a shortage in my grocery store! Special thanks to Angela for introducing me to this stuff.

Instant Sugar-Free ‘Carob Puff’ Cereal
Just like Cocoa Puffs, only without the crap.
- 1.5-2 cups Kamut Puff cereal (or other puffed cereal)
- 2-2.5 tbsp carob powder (depending on how much you like it, for me lots is key!), to taste
- Almond Milk
Pour a bowl of your favourite puffed cereal. I’m in love with Nature’s Path Kamut Puff cereal.
Add 2-3 tbsp carob powder on top. I buy it at Bulk Barn. I’ve also seen it called Carob Flour too, in case you see that somewhere.

Stir to combine.

Pour on non-dairy milk (I use Vanilla Almond Milk) and mix well until clumps are gone!

A knock-off of Cocoa Puff cereal, without a boatload of sugar and processed ingredients. Carob Power is naturally sweet, but only has 15-20 calories per tablespoon and it’s filled with fibre. Now take note, it’s about as filling as eating puffed air, but it’s awesome for those times when I crave something sweet or chocolaty and don’t want a ton of sugar. PMS, I’m looking at you.
Plus, it’s basically air which means you can eat approximately eighty-five bowls in a day. Ninety-five if you are PMSing.

I may need an intervention.
Ok stupid question…but how do you cook buckwheat groats? I have to find them first…that should be a challenge and a half! I am still searching high and low for umeboshi plums….any idea where in NB you can get these? ANyone?
Hey Mary, are you near a Whole Foods or Mrs. Green’s? I’ve found the plums at both locations. I live in NY and have a lot of options, what’s available near you?
Sorry Maura! Misread your name, my apologies.
I love sprouted buckwheat. I make carob buckwheat crunchies for toppings. Just posted about one recipe a day ago. Yummy!!
Peace & Raw Health,
I love kamut puffs with almond milk for a snack. I usually add cinnamon, but I am going to try the carob powder. Sounds delish!
Holy. mole.
Why did I never think of that?!
I was just waiting to hear…………….
“I’m cuckoo for Kamut puffs! I’m cuckoo for Kamut puffs!”
I hear that requires step 2 of the intervention phase though ;)
This looks so good but I happen to have a huge container of kasha right now. Do you think I could sub the Kasha for Buckwheat?
Made your recipe of carrot cake today!!! Thanks sooooo much.
Please check it out, I changed a few things
I’ve had this…two days in a row. And I’ve already made one for tomorrow morning.
I didn’t have buckwheat on hand, so I used rolled oats. And I didn’t have carrots, so I’ve been using fruit, blending it with the oats, not grating it. And I’ve been using flaxseed instead of chia, because I have no chia.
But I LOVE it. The thickness, the sweet spices, the wholesomeness, the way it makes my belly feel content.
Yesterday, I added a large handful of spinach. Looks funny, but tastes the same. I like having greens in the morning if it fits inside my breakfast, just incase I don’t get to eat them later in the day.
Yumyumyumyumyum! Thanks so much for the inspiration…
But now I don’t know how I’ll ever have another kind of breakfast, ever. Nothing else sounds and tastes as good as this!
Ha ha, I do the same thing but with Natures Path puffed brown rice or corn and Vega choc-o-lot instant smoothie. Sinless and delightfully healthy.
I just had this for breakfast and it’s amazing! Thank you for your awesome breakfast recipes! They brighten my life:-)
Loved the carrot cake taste and the crunch, thanks! My immersion blender was a good tool for this, I could blend some, not all of the buckwheat groats in the same bowl, so less to clean up. Will enjoy several days of breakfast with this, I think.
Definitely loving the looks of the carrot cake buckwheat porridge.
I’m sorry, but I’m currently suffering from anorexia nervosa, and this part:
“I used to be a chronic breakfast skipper for most of my life. Occasionally, I would have a piece of fruit for breakfast, but it had to be under 100 calories or I would tick off my eating disorder. Most mornings, I would endure a grueling 60 minute high-intensity workout without eating a single bite.”
is extremely triggering for us trying to recover.
Hi Hannah, I’m so sorry that my story was not very sensitive to those still suffering. Reading it over now, I do see your point. I have edited my post to be less triggering.
A little late to the party, but just wanted to say the buckwheat porridge is *excellent*! I did add a bit of salt, but the porridge was pretty tasty even without salt. Thanks for the recipe!
I was wondering if any grain would work with the carrot cake porridge like wheat berries or whole oat groats. I hate hate hate the taste of cooked buckwheat. Perhaps it’s not so bad raw like that.