Top of the mornin’ to ya!
The other night when I made the Coconut Red Lentil Soup, I reserved 1/3 cup of the coconut milk so I could use it in my Vegan Overnight Oats. I love coconut milk because it is basically like a vegan form of cream. It makes anything it touches rich and creamy tasting.

I tried light coconut milk instead of the usual regular full-fat stuff I usually buy. I wanted to compare the two and see how different they were. The light version was more watery, but I had high hopes that it would still be fabulous in my VOO. It has 35 calories for 1/4 cup vs. 140 calories per 1/4 cup in the non-light stuff. A good alternative when you want to use a larger quantity of it, however I still think I prefer the regular coconut milk for soups, stews, etc.
I also added another exciting ingredient to this mix…

Carob powder = love.
Carob facts:
- 1 tbsp has around 20 calories and 2 grams of fibre
- Up to 8% protein
- Vitamins A, B, B2, B3 and D
- High in calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium
- Contains Iron, manganese, barium, copper and nickel
[Canadians- you can purchase carob powder at Bulk Barn!]
The key to mixing the VOO is to use a whisk! Makes the wet + dry blend so much faster and gets the clumps out.
Carob Banana Soft Serve Vegan Overnight Oats

- 1/3 cup regular oats
- 1/3 cup light coconut milk
- 1/3 cup + 1/4 cup almond milk
- 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp Amazing Grass Amazing Meal Chocolate Protein Powder
- 1 tbsp carob powder
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
Directions: Mix dry ingredients together and then pour wet ingredients over top. Whisk and place in fridge overnight. In the morning, make the banana soft serve in the food processor. Layer in a small glass and use any topping that tickles your fancy!

I like cacao nibs because they give it a nice crunch.

Ahhhhh-mazing. I really liked the carob in this mix!!

My mother in law is here today and she saw it and exclaimed, ‘WOW what is that!? :biggrin: I told her about the vegan overnight oats, and I don’t think she was sold.
Are you kinder to yourself as you age?
“I think most of us become nicer as we get older, less judgmental, less full of certitude; life tends to knock a few corners of us as we go through. Cancer, divorce, teenagers, and other plagues make us give up on expecting ourselves – or life – to be perfect, which is a real relief.” ~Molly Ivins, writer
I have found that as I get older I realize that perfection is not only something that is not attainable, but it isn’t even something I want in my life anymore. I am learning to embrace the non-perfect aspects of my life. Beating my eating disorder was a huge part in allowing myself to mess up and take risks…to fail…to go against what others expected of me…and to realize that my life would be much happier if I did not expect perfection.
When we lost our family friend Chris to cancer (who was the same age as Eric), it made me realize how precious life is and how much I had been taking each day for granted. I vowed to create happiness in my life, no matter how difficult it might be. I will be turning 27 on Sunday, and I can say that I look forward to each year and discovering a bit more about myself and the world around me.
Today’s question- Do you find that you are easier on yourself now as compared to 5 years ago? have you had any life experiences that have taught you to be better to yourself?
I’m far more forgiving of myself then I use to be but sometimes it’s still a struggle. But the older I get the more I learn to have some prespective and not worry so much about the ‘small stuff.’
I am definately more kinder towards myself that I used to be. I have also realized that it is more about the journey than the destination.
I get severe headaches from chocolate and do not eat it. I was wondering if carob is different. Does anyone know?
Angela, I really like the re-design of your site. The ‘quotes’ section is a great idea. Words can be so powerful.
Happy Birthday Angela!!
Thank you!
I know carob powder is caffeine free, but Im not sure if that would be causing your headaches? Its worth a shot possibly!
Thank you. I will give it a try!
I am much easier on myself now. At 46 years old I realize life is just too short to let society or anyone dictate what/who I should be.
I am much easier on myself now, at 24, than I ever have been before, and I can tell it will be a lifelong process. Part of that I think comes from entering adulthood and finding out it’s much different than what you imagined as a child. Where you thought you would be at a certain age, what it feels like to be a certain age, coming to terms with different concepts of success, progress etc. Once you realize that it’s all okay, everyone is their own person, and you are awesome the way you are, it’s all so much easier! But getting to that point is not necessarily easy…
I also view life as much more precious than I ever did before. Living in Germany has made me realize I want to be closer to my family and friends and really enjoy and appreciate them while I have them. :)
I am totally kinder to myself now that I am older. Five years ago I wasn’t eating enough, I was exercising too much, I wasn’t sleeping enough, I was binge eating and drinking on the weekends… so yeah, MUCH better now! I think that whole experience, and the fact that I was SO hard on myself then… and so much happier when I am not as hard on myself now, has made me much kinder to myself :)
I’m not just kinder to myself and my body, but I also demand more respect from others. Five years ago, I would take shit from just about anyone. Now I either stick up for myself or let it slide off my back because it’s not worth getting in a tizzy about. I’m VERY non-confrontational, but sometimes I feel like I just deserve to be treated better – something I never thought as a teenager!
Where did you get that trumpet glass??? I’ve been looking for some like that FOREVER but can’t seem to find the right ones :)
I would love to know!
They were a wedding gift I think…let me see if I can find a brand name or something on it!
Absolutely! I am much easier on myself as I get older … I have learned to love myself, and to be confident, and to just be myself. If there is anything good about getting older … this is it!
I love all 3 products in the initial pic and what all they can create. Sorry I’m late in replying to your blogs. I’ve been so busy with work, that I haven’t had the opportunity to have a life which includes visiting my blogging cyber friends.
I have learned to become a bit more lenient with myself as I have gotten into my 40’s. When I was in my 30’s that was when I had all the weight struggles is when I was so critical and insecure of my self inside and out. Granted, I still struggle somewhat but I’m not so hard on myself anymore. If I miss a workout, oh well, there’s always tomorrow. If I have Grey Goose Dirty Martini or 2, oh well, just have to work out doubly hard, but maybe not. I can remember a time, I would completely overwhelm myself with bad negative talk because the guilt would eat me up….NOT ANYMORE! :)
I have to agree with Jane that pressures on women as we age are tremendous. Our society is geared to those young and beautiful, and even if we don’t have to buy into that idea, it’s hard to completely ignore. Much easier to say when you are young and beautiful than when you are facing the realities of middle age. At 52 I’m in great shape and try to live a healthy lifestyle, but it takes a lot of work. Most of it enjoyable but older bodies are not as forgiving. But I am much more apt to laugh at mishaps and pick myself back up then was I was younger. Yet, I’m much harder on myself now than when I was younger.
Great job on being featured on!
Well done for getting featured on – way to go girl!