Top of the mornin’ to ya!
The other night when I made the Coconut Red Lentil Soup, I reserved 1/3 cup of the coconut milk so I could use it in my Vegan Overnight Oats. I love coconut milk because it is basically like a vegan form of cream. It makes anything it touches rich and creamy tasting.
I tried light coconut milk instead of the usual regular full-fat stuff I usually buy. I wanted to compare the two and see how different they were. The light version was more watery, but I had high hopes that it would still be fabulous in my VOO. It has 35 calories for 1/4 cup vs. 140 calories per 1/4 cup in the non-light stuff. A good alternative when you want to use a larger quantity of it, however I still think I prefer the regular coconut milk for soups, stews, etc.
I also added another exciting ingredient to this mix…
Carob powder = love.
Carob facts:
- 1 tbsp has around 20 calories and 2 grams of fibre
- Up to 8% protein
- Vitamins A, B, B2, B3 and D
- High in calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium
- Contains Iron, manganese, barium, copper and nickel
[Canadians- you can purchase carob powder at Bulk Barn!]
The key to mixing the VOO is to use a whisk! Makes the wet + dry blend so much faster and gets the clumps out.
Carob Banana Soft Serve Vegan Overnight Oats
- 1/3 cup regular oats
- 1/3 cup light coconut milk
- 1/3 cup + 1/4 cup almond milk
- 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp Amazing Grass Amazing Meal Chocolate Protein Powder
- 1 tbsp carob powder
- 1 tbsp chia seeds
Directions: Mix dry ingredients together and then pour wet ingredients over top. Whisk and place in fridge overnight. In the morning, make the banana soft serve in the food processor. Layer in a small glass and use any topping that tickles your fancy!
I like cacao nibs because they give it a nice crunch.
Ahhhhh-mazing. I really liked the carob in this mix!!
My mother in law is here today and she saw it and exclaimed, ‘WOW what is that!? :biggrin: I told her about the vegan overnight oats, and I don’t think she was sold.
Are you kinder to yourself as you age?
“I think most of us become nicer as we get older, less judgmental, less full of certitude; life tends to knock a few corners of us as we go through. Cancer, divorce, teenagers, and other plagues make us give up on expecting ourselves – or life – to be perfect, which is a real relief.” ~Molly Ivins, writer
I have found that as I get older I realize that perfection is not only something that is not attainable, but it isn’t even something I want in my life anymore. I am learning to embrace the non-perfect aspects of my life. Beating my eating disorder was a huge part in allowing myself to mess up and take risks…to fail…to go against what others expected of me…and to realize that my life would be much happier if I did not expect perfection.
When we lost our family friend Chris to cancer (who was the same age as Eric), it made me realize how precious life is and how much I had been taking each day for granted. I vowed to create happiness in my life, no matter how difficult it might be. I will be turning 27 on Sunday, and I can say that I look forward to each year and discovering a bit more about myself and the world around me.
Today’s question- Do you find that you are easier on yourself now as compared to 5 years ago? have you had any life experiences that have taught you to be better to yourself?
To be honest, I think I’m actually harder on myself now that I used to be, but I’m working on it. I was in such a state of denial about my health and my body and because I was young felt I was invisible and that eventually I’d get it all under control. Years passed and I let my weight get so out of control and I was just miserable, but I just accepted that I was destined to be fat because my father was heavy as were his parents. Then, I decided to change my life over a year ago and have gotten very close to a healthy weight by shedding over 50 pounds, have run in 6 races, and am really active. But, because I’m focusing more now on my health and paying attention to my body, I think I am more critical than I was when I was in the state of denial.
I think I’m harder on myself now too, about how I look, how I act, and how I choose to live my life day to day.
I know that perfection is unattainable but I subconsciously push myself to be a little better tomorrow than I am today. I think this can actually be really motivational as long as I stay positive about it. I’d rather be a bit tough on myself than to throw my hands in the air and say “I’m good enough”.
Life should be about progress.
I’m definitely a lot easier on myself at 27 than when I was even 24!!! I no longer strive to be perfect because I finally told myself that I don’t want to have the body of such-n-such celebrity. I want to be unique, I AM unique. Life is too short and if I want to have a couple more glasses of red wine, or the most decadent dessert ever, or skip three days of working out just to sleep in, I’m going to do it! :) I’ve wasted too many years being unhappy and I’m not going to do that anymore. Each day is precious and I’ve learned to take it as it comes and be grateful for the wonderful people I have in my life. :)
I wish. But really I think I’m just as hard on myself as ever. My laid-back husband has mellowed me out a little, but I’m still very hard on myself. Maybe I just need more age.
Angela, this was a short post, but so beautiful. Gorgeous photos and wonderful message. I am definitely gentler on myself and with that comes a more exciting life – I totally agree! I’ve definitely learned that discipline doesn’t mean being hard on yourself, it means gently pushing yourself toward or away from whatever your body needs. Sometimes, that means partaking in beautiful dessert, or not partaking in beautiful dessert! It just depends on what the moment requires.
It’s so empowering to reclaim your voice.
For sure! A combination of my past eating disorder, my current stress fracture, being on crutches and not being able to walk or work or go to school… all of that taught me that life. is. precious. And too short! It’s SILLY to go through life not really living, you know? Risks are scary, yes, but sometimes the scariest things are the things that are the most worth it!
I definitely am! I was very hard on myself growing up. I’ve learned to live a little more!
Being as I turn 41 today, it is a good question, I think in ways I am and in ways I am not. I acept the things I can’t change but am harder on the things I can.
I’m much harder on myself now than I ever was. I’m slowly overcoming many of my food anxieties, but there’s still such an emphasis on perfection. I think I need to fall, I need to fail at something to see that there’s more to life than getting straight A’s or eating “perfect” foods in a “perfect” diet 100% of the time. But I am learning to loosen up and I’m glad I’m on a healthy road to recovering from my ED. :)
Whenever I do something good for myself, or make progress towards my goals, I have this lingering voice in my head that says, “why didn’t you do that earlier??” and it is beyond frustrating. I think part of the problem is that I’m 26 and still have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life, and that frustration with where I am vs. where I want to be permeates into the rest of my life.
I’m sure I’m going to wind up on a career path I previously considered (a Ph.D. in clinical psychology is still something I toss around in my head), so as soon as I make the choice that voice will pop up again to annoy me. So yes, to answer your question I am still as hard on myself as I’ve always been :(
I’ll need to look out for that carob powder next time I’m at the bulk barn! Do you know where it is in the store? I’ve never noticed it before and I definitely go there at least once a week!
I *think* it is near the cocoa powder!?
Ohhh my goodness. I can’t wait to try this! I love that glass too, fancy ;)
Thank you for the Bulk Barn tip! I need to make a good trip this weekend methinks! LOVE the Bulk Barn!
Am I easier on myself now than I was 5 years ago? I almost responded “Oh yes!” but then I got to thinking about it, I think I am to a certain extent. 5 years ago I wouldn’t take ANY risks for fear of failure, to the point that I pretty much didn’t do anything at all. Now I take risks, I try things out and take opportunities when I can get them. Instead of expecting myself to be an all-perfect female, I’m edging towards doing what *I* want, even deciding against going for my Masters degree. 5 years ago I thought I was a failure for not living up to what I felt were society’s expectations of a 25 year old. Now, I create my own expectations and roll with it. I’m MUCH happier now!
I love how you present your food- it looks so fancy, like you’re staying in a hotel!
Definitely! I just turned 27 and am so much happier with myself than I was at 22. I have come to realize that I am not willing to sacrifice life’s little indulgences for the “perfect” body. I realize how strong and awesome I am :smile: That’s enough for me! I don’t need to look like the cover of Fitness Magazine!
Absolutely! At almost 29 and having experienced recent family tragedy, my focus has definitely shifted on just enjoying each day and not beating myself up about anything. I have setbacks, as does anyone who has a history of an ED but I find myself improving every year, and try to make sure to acknowledge my own progress. I think it’s so important to give ourselves little pats on the back when we make positive change.
I’m 37 and I’ve never been happier. I think you gain perspective over the years. I’m more laid back recently and I am taking more chances, I think. For example, I started a blog & I really enjoy it. And quite awhile back, I stopped caring what other people think. I do what makes me (& my family) happy. I guess it all just comes with age. I’m really enjoying my 30’s even though I’m nearing the end and actually am looking forward to 40!
I am definitely easier on myself as I get older. I am 34 and I look back at my late 20’s and wonder why I cared so much about silly things that didn’t matter. I drove myself crazy getting to the gym at 5am every day before work. I am much better about things like exercise and eating carbs, although I could definitely still improve!
I don’t know how you made overnight oats even better, but you definitely sold me on these!
I feel as I age I take better care of myself, feel better about myself, and am happier with myself. In turn I can enjoy life more and be more content with who I am and where I am in my life. I feel the best about myself and my life then I ever have. I too have had a lot of body issues wiht myself and it’s taken 10 years to move past those issues.
i am certainly much kinder to myself than i was 5 years ago…but i think a lot of that has to do with the fact that i don’t have the time or energy to be mean to me anymore. i don’t know if that makes sense, but 5 years ago i would punish myself daily with grueling workouts (think 4 hours at the college rec center EVERY DAY) and then go home and binge. i hardly have a full hour to workout anymore, and even less time to binge…thank GOD!