Hello there!
I am using Windows Live Writer (Blogging tool!) for the first time today, so I hope that my post turns out OK! I hear it is supposed to save tons of time, so here’s hoping! Thanks Kath!
Update: Ok, so I’m not liking how Live Writer is formatting my pictures!!! I wonder if I am doing something wrong?? Any tips?
I must say- I have awoken to better Sundays than this!
It is freezing rain outside, gloomy, and I’ve had a headache all day. But, being a person who likes to make the most out of every situation, I decided to forget about it and carry on with a super fun Sunday! :) Hopefully you all are doing the same!

The winter blahs sometimes do get the best of me. I try to stay very viligant on my Vitamin D intake (1,000 IU’s a day) because living in a Northern climate, I know that I am not getting enough Vitamin D from the sun. Vit D and calcium/magnesium are the only supplements I add to my diet.
Curious about the benfits of Vitamin D? Read more here.
I wasn’t going to let my headache get in the way of my long run day!
Before my run, I had a Homemade Pecan Pie Larabar. It was good, although not as good as the real Larabar!

My run was great, despite not getting into the groove until mile 4.5!
- 0.10 mile walking warm-up, 4.0 mph, incline 4%
- 6 mile run (6 mph/10 min mile pace; incline 4%)
- I ran at a consistent pace/incline except for a 1 min. interval at incline 15 (I got bored!) and my last 1/4 mile I ran it at 7.5 mph to finish strong
- 0.20 mile walking cool down, 3.5 mph, incline 4%
- Total Duration: 63 mins.
- Max heart rate: 173 bpm (89% of max)
- Avg heart rate: 153 bpm (78% of max)
It felt great to be finished! :) Tomorrow will be a X-training day to give my sore and tired legs a break. I might try to download a yoga fitness video if I can.
I had a lovely breakfast of Spelt cereal, pomegranate seeds, and Almond Breeze Milk. I also had two super delicious Clementine’s.

And some Ginger Aid tea…
Ginger tea is supposed to be great for gastrointestinal upset (My stomach was fine but I wanted to try something different!). I am not crazy about the taste, but it did leave my stomach feeling quite fresh & happy. :D
I am still hungry (thanks to my 530 calorie torching run!) so I will likely be having a BIG lunch soon! :D
Now for some random pictures…
The first one is me at my Master’s Convocation this year :D

My brother’s party fridge!!!!! How’s that for a stocked fridge???

See you later!
The greatest mistake you can make in life is to be continually fearing you will make one.
– Elbert Hubbard
Your brother’s fridge is pretty amazing. lol. But what does he eat? ;)
Great job on the run!
That is the most impressive party fridge I have ever seen! Your brother knows how to party.
You look lovely in all the photos as always.
I am glad you had a good run!
I bought a pomegranate last week, tried it in yogurt and didn’t really like it! The crunchiness was weird to me. Any other suggestions on how to eat it? I have so many seeds left!!
that fridge is . . . i cannot even find the words! WOAH!
Hooray for combatting the winter “blahs” (I’m so deprived of sunshine these days, it’s not even funny) and for fun photos!! :-D
The post looks great!
Did you fix the formatting? I’m assuming you had it auto download your theme from WordPress? The photos should keep the same theme.
How’d you like the drag and drop!
Love the flowers in the background!
I hate it how dark it gets in the winter, but the snow outside seems lovely. I wish we had snow here in North Carolina!
wowowowowow what a FRIDGE!!! lol…. GREAT run girl!!! I need to check out that blgging tool!
Thanks for the nice comment you left on my blog. It is still so weird to me that people are reading about my silly life. Anyway, I love that you’re making your own Larabars! I’m going to have to try that! Good luck with your running…can’t wait to read how you do!
haha your bros party fridge is identical to the boys in my dorm who live across the hall. i LOVE today’s quote — i sent it to my mom :D great run! i still have yet to try the incline…but your runs are convincing me too next time!
That party fridge is hilarious! My husband would love to turn our garage fridge into that. Good luck chasing away the winter blahs.
Great run!
And that fridge would totally make my husband jealous. He has a mini fridge that he has dubbed his beer fridge, but it looks nothing like that!