Good morning!
Yesterday, I played the role of an Undercover Blogger as I spent all of my ‘blog time’ working behind the scenes answering emails and I did not have a chance to post. I am sure you all appreciate a break from my ramblings now and then! I know I do. I am about 90% caught up on my emails now, so I will ride this high as long as I can! I also updated the Green Monster Movement with wonderful reader recipes.
Some food highlights of yesterday…

My healthy spelt pancakes for one that I doubled for Eric and I.

After digesting, Eric and I headed out for a very humid Brick workout! I skipped my Brick on Friday so I decided to make up for it Sunday morning.
The bike leg:
- Distance: 5.55 miles
- Time: 31:44 mins
- Avg Pace: 5:43 min/mile
It was a great bike ride. We did mile 2 on the trail and I took the lead and did my fastest trail ride yet! I was going fast over the rocks. It was exhilarating!
Eric didn’t come for the run portion because his knee started bothering him a bit. My transition was a quick one…just over 1 minute and I was up and running!
The run leg:
- Distance: 2 miles (mile 1 = 8:27; Mile 2 = 8:14)
- Time: 16:41 mins
- Avg Pace: 8:20 min/mile
- Max pace: 6:18 min/mile (sprinting last 300 metres)
This run was super challenging! My legs were tired and I pushed myself to maintain under an 8:30 min/mile pace. I kept saying, ‘Feed The Warrior!’ and before I knew it, I was turning back after 1 mile and just had to make it home. I love out and back runs so much because the run ‘back’ always feels easier!
When I got home I needed to Feed The Warrior…this time with food!
Lunch was a huge, delicious mixed baby green salad with chickpeas, green onion, tomato, etc.
With a generous amount of my Better than Balsamic salad dressing!

It’s official: Green onions are my new favourite thing to top a salad with. It gives the salad so much flavour!
By the way…check out DAY 3…

Another obsession as of late…the open-faced sandwich!
Berries for dessert…

Sadly they do not last long in this house!
Afternoon snacks..
Chickpeas + Cheeze sauce from the other night + EVOO + vinegar + pepper:

We went over to my Aunt and Uncles for dinner and had such a nice visit! I didn’t take pictures of dinner as I was OFF DUTY! I forgot how nice it was to sit down to a meal and not whip out the camera!
After spending more time on the laptop, Eric found me like this around 11:30pm…
Good times.
Breakfast was an ‘open-faced’ bowl of Banana Soft Serve Vegan Overnight Oats…

I made Cherry Bomb Banana Soft Serve using 1 frozen banana and 6 pitted cherries.

The layers:
- Base layer = Vegan overnight oats
- Middle Layer = Cherry Bomb Banana Soft Serve
- Toppings = Unsweetened coconut, Cacao nibs, and a cherry on top!

Love, love, love.
Today’s question: Do you take pictures of what you eat? If so, how much to you photograph- everything or just once and a while? Do you take pictures at restaurants or when visiting family or friends? Are there ever days when you are ‘off duty’?
- There are a very limited number of Liberate Glo Bars up for sale in the shopping cart this morning!
- Glo Bars and a bunch of other amazing fitness items are up for raffle today for Team in Training charity! Click here to visit the page! Tickets are just $5!
Have a great day. I will see you tonight!
i try to take pics as often as possible..but sometimes my food looks so darn good i start eating before i can snap a pic LOL! sometimes i take pictures in restaurants, depending on how discreet i can be. Oh and i tried your cherry banana softserve on regualr overnight oats. It was delicious, it added a whole new dimension to my favorite breakfast! as for days off from picture taking…TODAY is definitly one of those days..i have been very lazy with the camera :)
Those pancakes look amazing!!! I love the photos!
If I make something that I consider “blog worthy” then I take a picture of it. Or if it is a unique creation that I want to share with everyone :) Also, I want to add that I made your healthy spelt pancakes yesterday for my boyfriend and I and he loved them. Only difference is I added some fresh blueberries to the batter…mmmm….delish :) Thanks for the recipe!
I only take pictures of what Im eating if Im impressed with it. Sometimes the stuff I make for myself is well . . . a little sad! lol
I LOVE green onions on salad. Those have been a staple for me since I was little. Its how my mom always made salads.
thats awesome that your gettin caught up! a little time off is necessary sometimes.
I take pictures of a lot of my meals, sometimes i won’t while we’re out; either i forget my camera, or depends who we are with. Some people look at me funny! most food bloggers get that a lot i’m sure though
Great post Angela! I tried your spelt pancakes the other week and they were awesome! You rrecipe is now my “go to” recipe for pancakes!!
Re blogging – through the Mystery Box challenge that I am completing, I blog almost all of my dinners (and sometimes breakfast or lunch). It combines two of my favourite things – cooking + photography!!! Although it is proving quite a challenge in Winter here as we have no natural light by the time dinner comes!
I only photograph interesting or good looking meals. I usually always blog my breakfast and dinner. I love taking pics at parties, friends dinner parties, or at restaurants. I’m still waiting for a waitress to ask what I’m doing.
I blog just my meals if they are at home. I don’t like blogging when I go out to eat just cause of the awkwardness of it all. Usually I’m with employers or friends so I’d rather just keep it to the eating and the convo.
I LOVE adding green onions to things that need more flavor!
I like to blog pictures of new meals and and recipes.
I am green thumb challenged to the max. I have never been able to sprout ANYTHING!! But if you say the green onion is possible, I will try it ;)
I take pictures of most things, mostly because I’m a huge dork and just really love taking nice pictures of food. With that said, I don’t typically take photos at big gatherings, especially where I don’t know a lot of people. It takes too much effort and energy to explain what I’m doing and why. I do take photos at restaurants if I feel like lugging my SLR out. And sometimes I eat really boring food. Like, I just ate an apple. Do people really care? I don’t think so.