Good morning!!
Only 2 days until I leave for Eric and Ange’s Christmas vacation! Yawhoo :D
We are supposed to get a big storm here tomorrow morning, over 20 cm of snow, so I may even get to work from home tomorrow! That would be really nice :) I have to start packing tonight!
My workout flew by today, I did a 4-mile tempo run:
- 0.10 mile walking warm up
- 2.70 mile run at 6.5 mph
- 1.3 mile run at 7.0 mph
- 0.15 walking cool down
- Total Duration: 40 mins.
- Max Heart Rate: 169 bpm (87%)
- Avg Heart rate: 150 bpm (77%)
Why did my run fly by you ask? My thoughts were on my Door Decorating Contest of course! :D
I was plotting, planning, and devising my plan for the door. I am a bit nervous because I will only have about 30-60 mins. to pull this off (and that is only if my boss doesn’t need something else done right away which she might). I hope I can pull it off! I am making most of it from work materials that were lying around the office so it should be pretty funny looking.
A Staples box and a file folder are the main stars of the show (besides my baking of course!)
I had a Way Back Playback on my Ipod Shuffle during my run when this song came on:
I have no idea why, but when this song came on it motivated me to run the last 1.3 miles at a faster pace (7.0 mph). Can you tell I need some news tunes on my Ipod??? LOL.
I like some of the new Britney songs, but as others have said, they aren’t great fast running songs. The beats are just too slow.
My brekkie as I blogged:

Gingerbread Spice tea, about 2 cups of Spelt cereal, Almond Breeze milk in original, a clementine, and the last of the pomegranate seeds. Delicious!
Ok, stay tuned early afternoon for the results of the Door Decorating Contest, pictures, and a guest blogger!!!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.
Awesome run! I’m glad you give your HR stats, it makes me realize that I’m in the right place for me, speedwise, right now. My heart rate is roughly in that area, but I’m still running at a slower pace than you. I’m assuming that means that I’m still working my way up…any thoughts?
Looking forward to your afternoon post! :)
I have a 4 mile tempo scheduled for today too. I hope mine flies by as well!
Another great RWE quote!
Hi! I read your review of your Polar heart monitor on your FAQs page and as far as the chest strap goes, I found an amazing sport bra that includes a small monitor chip that clips into the front that eliminates the strap altogether! It works so well and really changed the way I work out. Polar actually makes their own chips that clip in for the company as well (Numetrex). I hope this helps!
Jenngirl- Yes, it sure sounds like you are working your way up!! I started off running at around 5.5 mph, and when that felt easy, I increased the speed. Now that I have a HRM, it is even easier to “see” when my workout is getting too easy. I have been hill training for years, so now I really notice my HOUR slowing down when I drop the incline. Keep up the great work!
Girlrunningaround- Have a great tempo run!
Holly- Oh wow that sounds awesome. I didn’t know they made these that were compatable with Polar. Do you know how much they are?
cant wait to see the resaults!
Hey Angela! The Numetrex bras run about $50 and then you buy the monitor that snaps in for about $30 (if you buy the one actually made by Polar, like I did) or $20 if you buy the one that they make (supposed to be compatable with most monitors). It’s pricey, but I love working out not even knowing that it’s there or dealing with chaffage, etc.
If you’re looking for some new fast running music I’d recommend checking out Girl Talk :D The newest album is my favorite to run to!
Thanks for the cookie recipe! I emailed it to myself and can’t wait to try it when I am home this weekend! I have a 16 hour drive to Nashville starting tomorrow morning. Did you ever find a good audio book for your drive?