Good afternoon!
I made a game time decision last night not to workout. I just was not feeling it and I felt pretty worn out from my work day. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between feeling lazy and feeling burned out or tired so I decided to do the ‘10 minute rule’. For the 10 minute rule I say that all I have to do is 10 minutes, if I want to stop I can.
I decided to do some Booty Camp while I watched 24. My body felt so weak and I immediately knew that I was not going to have a good workout and I needed rest. I did about 8 minutes of abs and called it quits! That was that. ;)
And because listening to the body is always a good thing, I had a killer workout this morning.
I don’t know why I hum and haw over skipping a workout because the next day I always end up having such a great workout and I totally forget about it. I felt rested and full of energy this morning when I got up.
Before my workout I had a delicious juice:
1 beet, handful spinach, lemon, lime, 2 carrots, 1/2 cuke. For lunch, I used the leftover pulp in my Amy’s split pea soup and it wasn’t the best decision I have ever made. Much too lemony! Oh well.
The Workout:
Today I decided to do another strength session before my run. I really enjoyed doing this last week and I think it makes for a more challenging run.
Strength: Booty Camp Fitness DVD- Intermediate level (43 mins) Total body workout.
Run: An easy 3 mile outdoor run. I stopped to smell the roses snow melting. It was not very warm out yet since it was just 7am, but it still was nice to be out and I was warm after 10 minutes. Duration of run = 29 mins.
I came home and stretched. My body was begging for FOOD, food, food!

Energize Me Creamy Fruit Dip
This was inspired by Gena’s Banana Soft Serve.
- 2 frozen bananas (if serving immediately, if not, use room temp)
- 3-4 tablespoons of milk (I used almond milk)
- 1 heaping tablespoon nut butter (I used cashew butter)
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
Directions: Throw ingredients into a food processor (or blender?) and process until smooth. I had to stop several times and stir. Makes about 3/4 of a cup.
Notes: I put leftover dip in the fridge and checked it a few hours later. The dip got really thick thanks to the chia seeds and it was very pudding like and thick. I almost liked it better after a few hours in the fridge! Also note that the dip changed colour a bit in the fridge (slightly brownish grey). I assume this is from the bananas and chia seeds. You might be able to add a tiny bit of lemon juice to prevent this from occurring. Let me know if you try it!
Wherever I end up when I die, I hope this is served 3 times a day. :mrgreen:

The cashew butter made it down right decadent, but still very light.

I had my dip with an apple. It was out of this world!
This would be a fabulous dip to make for a party too!! It took just 3 minutes to make.

Next time I am going to experiment by making it with cocoa and/or carob powder for a chocolate fruit dip. Mmmmmm.

It was such a great post-workout snack! The chia seeds add antioxidants, protein, fibre, healthy fats, etc. and the cashew butter made it luxurious without being over-powering.
The Photography Process and Blogging:
Last week, I was asked how many photos I usually take for each post. I had to giggle because I take A LOT. For example, in today’s post I took about 40-45 photos (juice + dip shots) but only 5-6 shots made the cut!
I currently use Eric’s Canon 30D SLR in addition to a 50 mm lens and an external flash. I also use my Canon Powershot 800IS point and shoot when I go to restaurants or places I don’t want to lug the SLR.
Here are some of the thumbnails from today’s shots (you can click to enlarge):

I take the shots from different angles and using different settings. I play around with the external flash too. I LOVE photography. It is my favourite thing about composing each post! Eric and I are going to take an introductory photography class sometime this year.
As for editing my shots, I generally don’t do much, but sometimes I like to crop them to bring something into focus. For example, that last picture of the dip was cropped.
Here is the original vs. the cropped version:
Also, if the photo is too dark, I will adjust the exposure in Photoshop to brighten it up.
Here is the original vs. the one that I adjusted the exposure:
And that is as far as my editing skills go!
For all of you photography buffs or bloggers out there- tell me what your photography process is like. How many pictures do you take and what is your editing process like?
- The huge blog directory I am working on will be available in April. I hope to finish it while on the plane…it looks like I will have over 300 blogs on it!
- Thank you for your FL shopping suggestions the other day. :)
- If you contacted me about a FL meet-up, I will be sending an email out to you in the next few days.
“Unless you’re willing to have a go, fail miserably, and have another go, success won’t happen.” ~Phillip Adams
I was sooo excited that you wrote a post about PHOTOS! I think good photos are 1 of the keys to a great blog, and poor photos are a total turn off [for me, at least]. Your photos are always excellent and it’s nice to know I’m not the only crazy one out there who takes 24 shots of a silly apple : ) Persistence and trial & error pays off. The first two veggie pics are my favorite =]
That fruit dip sounds awesome. Banana softserve is truly da bomb.
I love this info on photography. Your pictures are always so vivid and bright. I really like your style. I had no idea you took so many pictures for each post! I would love to take a photography class someday and learn more about it, as it something that I really enjoy (even though my pics are completely sub par).
That dip looks really good!
I take a lot of pictures when I’m trying to get something good. For a while last year I was part of a 365 group where I had to do a picture of myself every single day for a year. I would take a TON of pictures, filter out the good ones and then play in Photoshop with them. It would be great to take a photography class someday just so I can learn how my camera works!
The hard part about the taking so many pics is having to wait before you can enjoy the food! We also take a lot of pictures for our posts and edit them in PhotoShop. What would we do without PhotoShop! Your pics look great – you have a talent! Keep up the good work! :-)
This dip is such a great idea! Way to expand the recipe template :)
Holey Moley…I tried this recipe yesterday!!! I used the same ingredients and it processed just fine in my blender. The taste and texture was so incredible that I ditched the apple slices and just ate it with a spoon…until there was no more:) I will definitely be making this again…super easy and soooooo yummy! I think it would be good topped with a little melted Dark Chocolate Dreams!
I always take extra pictures, but not that many. Generally I don’t have time to spend taking pictures, because I need to eat my meal in order to get the heck outta the house on time. If it’s a baking project or something though, I’ll take a whack of photos.
I’m all about using my photo editing software, mostly to resize the image for the internet, adjust colour balances, and even sharpen photos that maybe weren’t quite right. I’ve also played around with other settings before, but don’t use them that often.