Good morning!
First up, a Project Natural Glow review!

Many of you were raving about Tom’s of Maine toothpaste so I knew this would be my next purchase!

I love this stuff!

My favourite part is the back of the box- I love how it explains the purpose for every ingredient!!!! Why can’t all companies do this?

I picked this up at Loblaws in the organic aisle.
My review?
It looked like toothpaste. It felt like toothpaste. And it tasted like toothpaste! The flavour was minty, but it was not as minty as normal toothpaste (I assume the normal toothpaste is flavoured with chemicals though). Overall I really liked this toothpaste and my teeth felt really clean and fresh! Thanks for the recommendation. I will definitely buy Tom’s of Maine again!
EDIT: Apparently Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a BAD ingredient according to Skin Deep website. The toothpaste still scores a 2 compared to the score of 6 of my old toothpaste so it is an improvement, but not perfect by any means. A reader suggested checking out Jason’s brand!
Don’t my nails look perrrrrty? ;) I wonder how long this will last? I give it 1/2 a day before it chips. lol.

Many of you were asking about the news my best friend told me…well, I can finally tell you!
Yes, she is expecting!!! I am so excited for them. Allison has been my best friend since grade 7. I got all teary eyed when I bought her these clothes and she said she cried when she saw them. Awwww. :)
I also made her some of these…

I have been getting a few Glo Bar requests for bridal showers and baby showers and I think it is a fun idea. I am doing up an order this Spring and we’re going to have a stork on the label and a special name. Very fun!
Now onto breakfast…
This is what I like to call Everything But The Kitchen Sink Brown Monster!
It was a juice/Green Monster hybrid! I literally took all of the remaining produce in the fridge and dumped it into the juicer.
Juiced up this…

Took the juice and put it in the blender with spinach, ice, chia seeds, banana, Amazing Grass Wheatgrass.
It was…different…but good!
A few foods I am packing for the trip:

Afterward, I squeezed in a quick run on Landy.
3 Mile run:
- Incline 2%
- Time: 27:35 mins.
I always feel better when I workout before a flight.
As I mentioned I will be blogging on a mostly normal schedule while away. When I go away I like to show you how I stay healthy while on vacation. I will be blogging everything I eat while I am away so you can see exactly how I find a balance! I will also be documenting my workouts, and of course the fun stuff like blogger meet-ups and all the road trip fun and touristy sights! I can’t wait to bring you along with me in this adventure.
In laws just arrived for their stay so Sketchie will be in good hands. :) We are seriously going to miss Sketchie sooo much. I don’t even want to think about it!

Thanks for the toothpaste review! I’ve been wondering about that stuff! Your nails look gorgeous, btw! I’m the same way though – a manicure lasts maybe a day on me, haha.
Have a safe flight, dear!!!
SAFE TRAVELS!!!! Have a fabulous trip–you deserve the time off.
That new bar flavor sounds delicious…it reminds me of my favorite luna Bar–Chocolate Peppermint Stick. Congrats to your bestie.
I can’t wait to see your vacation eats! I always have trouble eating normally when my usual routine is off. I guess I just get thrown off track easily.
Have a safe flight!
HAve a great trip!!!
How much is that toothpaste?
I think it was $3-4?
Have a safe flight!
I hate to be the bearer of bad toothpaste news, but the sodium lauryl sulfate in Tom’s toothpaste is actually super dangerous! It’s linked to cancer, reproductive issues and neurotoxicity. You can check out the Cosmetics Database for more information – if you haven’t seen this site yet, it provides toxicity information on most products and brands, so you can choose the ones without scary ingredients:
And if your need a good toothpaste brand, my favourite is Jason Natural Cosmetics. It’s safe and tastes great!
It gets a rating of 2 on their scale as opposed to a 6 with the toothpaste I was using, so it is BETTER, but not perfect. I will have to check out Jason’s.
Hi Angela,
Just wanted to tell you I tagged you with an award/meme. I know life is hectic, so please don’t feel obliged to participate! But you should know that your blog is one that makes me happy. :)
Have a great trip!
Have a fabulous trip!
My spring’s so crazy I decided the only exercise program I can do, besides walking is Whittle My Middle. Thanks for reposting both workouts the other day!
Beware of gators and armadillos!
When my great friend from college told me she was expecting I was jumping up and down. I went out and bought a toy and fabric to make a quilt :-)
I’ve seen the Tom’s deoderant in stores but I didn’t know they made toothpaste! I’m definitely going to check it out.
Congrats to your friend :D Have a good trip!
Have a great trip and congratulations to your friend.
have a great flight!!
Question about the toothpaste: It’s fluoride free, but isn’t that what prevents cavities? I thought we NEEDED that for oral health?
We get Flouride in our drinking water so I am not concerned about it not being in my toothpaste.
FYI– Tom’s was bought out by Colgate in 2006. If you purchase the products in an effort to support a smaller, environmentally conscious company, I’m afraid your efforts were done in vain. I was so bummed when I first heard about this.
Have a wonderful trip… you deserve it lady.
ugh :(
have a fun, safe flight. cant wait to hear more!
I bought hemp powder for my green monsters? Is it loaded with enough goods do you think or should I look into something else?
I love those baby outfits! so cute!
Have fun on your trip :) and stay safe :)
I’ve been reading your blog for a few weeks now and love it! However, I find it funny that Tom’s markets a toothpaste with sodium laurel sulfate in it as natural. Sodium laurel sulfate is in pretty much all toothpaste. I’m a dental hygienist and want you to know you can’t always believe the marketing claims.
Yes, Sodium Lauryel/Laureth Sulfate is AWFUL stuff. I am actually shocked that it is in that toothpaste! I refuse to use any shampoo that has it (which is most). I have been using live clean for about a year now, and if I use anything else (like at the hairdresser) my scalp gets so irritated and itchy.
Oh – one more thing … have you read “Natural Cures they Don’t Want You to Know About?” That book changed my life.
Congratulations to your friend!!
I really love Tom’s toothpaste but my dentist wasn’t too thrilled at my last appointment. I had to go back to Colgate because unfortunately it is the only thing that works for me!
bahaha, if ‘normal’ products had the purpose for each ingredient listed it would read:
hdsfrwenfewui- meant to cause your hair to fall out
dnbsakjfyewfnu- meant to give you a rash
dnsadhfyewfnewkuhs- meant to promote tumour growth
and so on…
If only it did- then maybe people would realize the dangerous things we ingest everyday!!