When I first heard about Project Food Blog, I was shaking in my boots.
You want me to do…what exactly?
I felt as small as an ant.
For how many months?
My eyes were wide in horror.
I thought about it for a while as I read over the challenge descriptions.
And then it hit me like a ton of brown sugar…
Project Food Blog was an excellent excuse to bake (and eat) more dessert!

I knew what I had to do.
Project Food Blog also ended up being a wonderful opportunity to push myself far out of my comfort zone and to see just what I was made of.
Three months have passed, and I am absolutely thrilled to be in the final round among such talented competitors. I have been blown away by the incredible level of talent expressed by so many amazing bloggers throughout the competition and I feel so honoured to be here today!
For my last post in Project Food Blog, I thought it would be fun to turn back the clock and share the lessons I have learned for each challenge.
Lesson #1: Know Where You’re Going, But Never Forget Where You’ve Been.

From hot pink polka dots to hot cross buns, I told you my story in a playful poem for my first entry of Project Food Blog.
I had so much zest for life when I was a little girl, but somewhere along the way I lost myself to an eating disorder that haunted me for over 10 years. As a young adult, I didn’t know who I was or what I wanted out of life. I thought a fancy title or high paying career would bring me the happiness that I sought, but I was sadly mistaken.

I started Oh She Glows on October 31, 2008 as a commitment to beat my disordered eating, connect with other women, and redefine my relationship with food and health. Several months later, I found the courage to quit my unfulfilling research career, vowing to find my true calling in life.
Months later I opened my own bakery and I pursued my blog full time.
It was one of the best decisions I have ever made.
Lesson #2: Find Inspiration and Then Make It Your Own

Inspiration is all around us!
My motto is to find what inspires you and then add your own signature twist to it. I don’t expect you to bake or cook like me, but I do encourage you to find what makes you glow in your own kitchen.

In Challenge #2, we were asked to tackle a foreign cuisine. I chose to re-create a classic French Tarte Aux Fraises with a fun vegan twist. I actually ended up liking it better than the original tart I sampled in Paris.
Shhh, our little secret. ;)

Lesson #3: Cultivate New Traditions

Traditions make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but trying new things can be fun too!

In Challenge #3, we were asked to host a luxury dinner party. I decided to host my First Annual Vegan Thanksgiving creating 16 Thanksgiving recipes for my family and friends. Initially, I was afraid that no one would want to attend, but some of my guests told me that it was the best Thanksgiving dinner they ever had.
Although, they may have just wanted the last slice of Pumpkin Pie Brownie…

Lesson #4: Sometimes You Have To Figure It Out As You Go

I don’t have all the answers, but sometimes I wish I did…

In challenge #4, we were asked to create a step-by-step recipe tutorial, and I decided to make vegan Gingerbread Caramel Pear and Spiced Apple Upside Down Cakes. After several baking flops, I was reminded that sometimes I need to figure it out as I go!
And besides, successful outcomes are much more satisfying after you fail a few times…

Lesson #5: Kneading Dough Is Cheap Therapy

The other working title for this lesson was ‘The Thought of Making Pizza Dough Gives Me A Hot Flash’.
Before the Pizza Challenge, I was terrified of making my own pizza dough.
I don’t know about you, but my stomach always trumps fear, so I poured myself a glass of wine and made trial after trial of pizza dough, testing all kinds of weird and wonderful recipes. Several hours later, with myself and my kitchen covered in flour, I conquered my Pizza Complex and worked out some stress in the process.
The Roasted Tomato, Onion, and Basil Pesto Pizza was a smashing success!

Lesson #6: Food Can Taste Indulgent and Be Good For You At The Same Time

In challenge #6, we were asked to hit the road with a cooler full of portable food.
I created a ‘Going The Distance’ Vegan Energy Lunch that fuelled us through a 7 mile hike. As an added bonus, the lunch was waste-free and brimming with healthy energy foods such as homemade fruit roll-ups, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, chili, homemade rolls, energy truffles, apple chips, and cakes in a jar.
We were carbo-loading, after all. ;)

Lesson #7: Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

I have learned to embrace my inner dork.
I sleep much better at night now.
Initially, the video challenge made me want to run for the hills, but once I decided to just have fun with the video everything fell into place. After 3 weeks of planning and recipe testing, 1.5 days of shooting, and 60 hours of editing video footage, it was very satisfying to watch the video when it was all said and done!
My inner dork is now exposed and there is no turning back.
I’m ok with that.

Lesson #8: Sometimes You Just Need To Splurge

For the pumpkin challenge, I decided to create a pumpkin recipe I hadn’t seen before- Pumpkin Pie Cinnamon Rolls– and then turn it into a splurge-worthy holiday breakfast that I will be making for my family on Christmas morning.
Let’s face it, sometimes you just need cream cheese frosting and Bourbon first thing in the morning. ;)

Lesson #9: Sit Back, Relax, and Let Someone Else Cook For You!

Going out to eat is a rare occasion for us, but when we do it is a real treat. I was so inspired by my experience at The Coup restaurant, I bought their cookbook and adapted several recipes that I could enjoy at home whenever the craving strikes…which has been too many times to count!

Despite everything I have learned from Project Food Blog, there is one lesson I have known since day one.
In my Project Food Blog Profile I wrote:

Lesson #10: Never Forget Those Who Have Inspired, Helped, and Supported You Along The Way.
In just a few years time, I have transformed the way I see myself allowing my passion and love for food to flourish after many years of denial. I have unleashed this great passion and fire inside of me and there is no turning back.
In large part, I have all of you– my family, friends, and the wonderful blogging community- to thank. I am so grateful to be a part of such a wonderful group of inspiring individuals and I hope that in return, I can inspire you to find what makes you happy.
As an expression of my gratitude, I decided to incorporate the lessons I have learned throughout the competition and create a new twist on my all-time favourite childhood dessert…
Meet: The Nanaimo Bar.

Speculated to originate in the 1950’s from a woman living in Nanaimo, British Columbia, these no-bake bars are always a staple on my family’s holiday baking list.

The graham coconut base is a cross between a coconut macaroon and a graham crust, with a chewy, moist, and chocolaty flavour that is impossible to resist. A rich chocolate coating covers the creamy and thick vanilla custard buttercream, making this dessert an irresistible crowd pleaser.
I baked some delicious homemade graham crackers to use in my base mixture.

The graham crackers have a sweet, nutty flavour with a kick of rich molasses. They were perfect in this bar recipe.
Every Christmas Eve, I used to help my mom and sister bake Nanaimo Bars, sneaking nibbles of chocolate and licks of buttercream frosting whenever my mom wasn’t looking. When I told my mom that I wanted to create a fun take on Nanaimo Bars for Challenge #10, she dug up her recipe that has been in the family for several decades.

I used her recipe for inspiration and I added my own signature twist, creating three delicious flavours: Classic Vanilla, Mint Chip, and Pomegranate Almond Vegan Nanaimo bars.

The Classic Vanilla Nanaimo Bars turned out so similar to my childhood favourite, I couldn’t even notice the difference!
I also made Mint Chip Nanaimo Bars with a burst of peppermint flavour and a crunchy candy topping. In lieu of using artificial green food colouring, I used fresh spinach juice that worked out amazing. Don’t worry, you can’t taste the spinach at all. :)

Last but not least, I made Pomegranate Almond Nanaimo Bars made up of fresh Pomegranate juice (for the gorgeous pink colour) and pure almond extract for a delicious aroma and flavour that blended together wonderfully with the chewy coconut and graham crumb base.

For all of the Nanaimo Bar recipes, please see the attached PDF file. I will also be posting a step-by-step photo tutorial of the 3 Nanaimo Bar flavours this week. :)

The bars taste amazing paired with this creamy Peppermint Nog made up of almond and coconut milk, peppermint extract, mint tea, and a touch of sweetener.

I always assumed that this childhood dessert would be something I would have to miss out on as a vegan, but I now believe that the sky is the limit when it comes to adapting recipes!

While I learned so many valuable lessons in Project Food Blog, the ultimate lesson I take away from this contest is that anything is possible.
Project Food Blog has changed me forever. My fire and passion for healthy food, recipe creation, photography, and writing is stronger than ever and I now feel like I can do anything if I set my mind to it.
In the words of Eleanor Roosevelt, we must do the thing we think we cannot do.
I am happy to say this girl is in a good place,
Some say you can now see the glow upon her face.
The moral of the story is to never accept what you think is your fate,
For sometimes you must pave a new road and go create.

I thank you for your amazing support during Project Food Blog and for your constant encouragement, inspiration, and positivity!
Should you wish to support my efforts, voting is NOW OPEN! Thank you so much for your support! :)
Beautiful post. I hope to one day be at peace with myself the way you are. You’ll absolutely be getting my vote!
I loved this post, each of your lessons are extremely insightful and inspiring. I was hunting for nanaimo bars unsuccessfully today and this just made the craving that more intense! GOOD LUCK
Yours was the first blog I ever read! I remember spending hours reading through your past entries and with each post I read, I gained more and more inspiration to get over my disordered eating. You’re truly inspirational and you deserve to win! :D
I’m glad to hear that! :)
I’ll be sure to vote! I’m SO excited for you, I just know you’ll win :)
Thank you for always inspiring.
This post brought tears to me eyes! Very inspiring and insightful! You definitely have my vote (as always) and I really hope you win! :)
I love this post! It kind of brought tears to my eyes because I am at a point in life where I just graduated college in a field that was chosen for me and I thought it would bring me happiness in the end because of the name and the monetary benefits but I couldn’t be any unhappier and when you said “find what makes you glow in your own kitchen” it really hit home for me. Thank you!!
P.S. Do you have a recipe for vegetarian/vegan chili? I’ve been looking everywhere for one and I cannot seem to find one.
Thank you…I wish you all the best with your current situation. I know you will pull through!
The chili recipe is in challenge #6 post (linked in a pdf) I found the link for you so you wouldn’t have to search for it! http://ohsheglows.com/docs/roadtrip.pdf The chili is AMAZING, I hope you enjoy it! I need to make a big batch and freeze it for the winter :)
Thank you for the words of encouragement and thank you for the link!! I have no doubt that it will be amazing, I can’t wait to try it!
Congrats on making it this far in the challenge and I hope you win:)
This is post pretty much sums up why I love your blog and read it everyday! I was smiling the whole way throught this post :) You deserve to win this so much! Can’t wait to vote for you on monday!
You should feel SO proud looking at your PFB journey from start –> finish. Incredible work, Angela!!!
Congrats Angela!
Take a deep and breath and be so proud of yourself and
what you have accomplished over the past few months!
You are amazing!
A winner in my books.
I will go vote now :)
You are such an inspiration, Angela!! You have so much patience, values, and most of all – talent!!
Those bars look amazing. You’re so creative.
Its such a wonderful post. I love your blog, it’s so inspiring and I never fail to read it. Congratulations on getting so far in project foodblog and i will definitely be voting for you. Good Luck!
What have I been doing every Monday (when applicable) for Project Food Blog? Voting for Angela of course! So, guess what I will be doing tomorrow? ;) Thanks for the yummy bar recipe…and the pdf file! I now know what I am going to make for my family’s annual cookie this weekend!! Thanks you too for such a lovely, warming, heartfelt post. So happy for you!!!
Angela, I <3 you! This post almost made me cry!
I will of COURSE be voting tomorrow!! I swear you read my mind.. I was just talking about Nanaimo bars — I haven’t made them since I’ve become a vegan but I neeeeed them at Christmas time.
So thank you! My first vegan Christmas will be complete :)
I read your blog everyday and have really enjoyed your entries for Project Food Blog. You give so much to so many. I will be voting first thing tomorrow morning.
Wow, great post Angela, love it! Nice retrospect of your journey through the project!
I really enjoy reading your blog, one of my faves!
Nanaimo bars are my favourite!!!! Thanks so much for the recipes, I will bake them as soon as my cookie belly subsides (ive been baking for a bake sale, and lets just say, not all the cookies made it into container)
Beautiful story, amazing journey. You have my vote of course!!
What a great entry Angela! And so genuinely you! :)
I think that’s what I like best of all!!!
What a lovely and inspiring article. It sounds like you had a lot of fun and learned about yourself through this challenge.
Those pumpkin cinnamon buns are just way too delicious looking, and I agree that sometimes icing is necessary first thing in the morning.