Once upon a time there was this little girl,
She loved pink, polka-dots, and rollers that made her hair curl.
She was always happy, smiling, and enjoying her youth,
But somewhere along the way she lost her truth.
Soon this girl was a teenager and she lost her glow,
She struggled with an eating disorder but wanted no one to know.
During this time she forgot about her life passions and dreams,
When she thought about a career choice she wanted to scream.
The problem was she didn’t know what to do,
So she became a professional student, got her masters too,
She thought the key to happiness was a high paying career,
But the joke was on her at the end of tax year.

She started working at a research job,
Unhappy, she would often drive home and sob.
On Halloween day of two thousand and Eight,
She started this blog and wished for a new fate.
Her blog became a passion, an escape from her pain,
She connected with others and felt a lot more sane.
After 4 months of blogging she got the courage to quit,
She was sick of this job making her feel like…the pits.
As she walked down that hall, her heart was in her throat,
She knew what she had to do to keep herself afloat.
With a quick, deep breath she said I’m Outta here,
and then she went home and had a few beer.
Quitting is hard, but not being happy is worse,
and for many days you count the pennies in your purse.
But the reality was this girl fell in love with her blog,
When she explained to others they looked at her in a fog.
This girl said goodbye to the troubles of her past,
She said with a smile, don’t let the door hit you in the…
[Yes, she’s crass!]
This girl who used to eat fat-free foods galore,
was now cooking, baking, and even eating yummy s’mores!

Yes it’s true, she fell in love with food.
And she even started to smile at herself in the nude.
Her passion for health, the environment, and animals grew,
So she became a vegan and she felt brand new.

Then one day it hit her like a ton of bricks,
She should start a vegan bakery, somehow it all clicked.
She would write, and bake, and create delicious meals,
With a dash of love, inspiration, happiness, and zeal.

I am happy to say this girl is in a good place,
And some say you can now see the glow upon her face.
The moral of the story is to never accept what you think is your fate,
For sometimes you must pave a new road and go create.

The reason for my wordy rhyme or two,
Is a fun contest and here’s the clue.
I hope you had fun with this rhyme that I made,
Many thanks to my writing teacher from third grade.
~Project Food Blog, Entry #1: ‘Why I should be the next Food Blog Star’
To see all of my Project Food Blog entries, see the links in this final post.
Came to check out the competition. You look strong! Good Luck! GREG
I cried. This was really cute :)
I love the poem! This makes me want to go back and read more of your earlier posts & About Me stuff to hear the full story of your transition to full-time blogger!
Fabulous post! I loved every line.
Have an amzing time in Paris!
I want you to know that I felt like I was looking in a mirror when I read this. You truly have no idea how much I needed to read this. I used to have an eating disorder and fell in love with food and vegan eating 2 years ago. My family thinks I’m crazy, nuts and pitiful for loving food so much. I could read recipes and stay in a kitchen all day. The truth is though, the kitchen is where I healed from fearing food. It’s where I learned who I really was. I started blogging last January,and I felt like the part of my soul that was missing from what I knew I wanted to do, and what I could do, actually met each other finally. It was if my dreams had touched my abilities for the first time in my life and all the emotional baggage just fell away. Recently, I’ve had 2 life tragedies and my health has taken a nose dive south due to stress. My family often thinks I’m crazy for sticking with staying at home to write instead of going to work to find a full time job. As a senior in college in Nutrition, I’ve decided to get my Masters in Psychology and I’ve been contemplating jobs recently. I went on an interview today for a full time job with all the perks and felt sicker than I have in my life. I knew I didn’t want it because it meant no time for my blog or me. At 26, it sounds foolish, but what I really want is a part time job at Whole Foods I interviewed for where I could contribute to a world of health that I love and still have time to write while I’m in school. Sometimes dreams seem so silly when we say them to others, but they are louder in our hearts than we could imagine.
Thank you eternally for this post. You helped me make up my mind and do what I knew I needed to do from the beginning. God bless you and I’m voting for you:) Your childhood pictures looks so much like mine!:) It’s hilarious
PS- My dream job is to write a recipe book, blog full time and open my own vegan and allergen friendly ice cream shop:) I know if we met, I’d feel like I wasn’t so crazy afterall:)
Thank you so much for your comment…you are an amazing girl and you have such a great spirit. I wish all the best for you in the future. xo
Beautiful <3
Awww I loved this poem! Good luck :)
Great and inspiring poem!! Loved the glimpse into your life and how you overcame your struggles. Rock on, girl!!
Very inspirational! Best of luck!
I just voted for you! :) Good luck!
Here’s the link for everyone else who wants to vote for Angela!
Great Post! Good Luck with the rest of the competition! (I’m in it too.)
Beautiful! I just gave you a vote! You can check out my entry here: http://tinyurl.com/2ec2hlq Thanks and Good Luck!!
Wow – you got the most comments of anyone! Well-deserved for clever entry. I’m casting one of my votes for you.
i am so glad to knw that u followed ur dream,.;-)
I love your creative take on the first challenge. With your passion and drive you are going to go far in this competition. Best of luck. You’ve got my vote.