Good morning :kissing:
Loved reading your comments on the drawings last night!

Can you honestly handle our talent?! We can’t.
We thought it was really interesting that most of you thought I drew the TOP one! I guess you just weren’t prepared for my mad skillz.
Yesterday I also did a 10k bike ride in 31:31 mins. The weather has been amazing this week and I can’t wait to get out there again today.

Still guzzling down the greens!

In this morning’s Green Monster: 2 cups spinach, 1 cup almond milk, 1 frozen banana, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 1 tsp maca powder, 1/2 scoop Amazing Grass wheatgrass powder.
Shop 4 A Cause 2
Today is the last day to get your Shop 4 A Cause 2 submissions in! I am so excited for next Wednesday! There are already several items that I want to bid on. :biggrin: Could be trouble. Don’t forget you have until tonight to email me ([email protected]) your submissions! I would love to get at least 10 more submissions by the end of today.
Some items already up for auction: Personal training sessions, nutritional assessment from a registered dietitian, private yoga session, 6 layer vegan bars, a huge Starbucks coffee/tea pack, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred + other fun workout DVDs, tons of running + marathon books, hand-crafted gorgeous jewelry, painting/artwork, hand-crafted reusable lunch bag + sandwich/snack bags, workout clothing, candles, hand-crafted apron, call-me cards, Amazing Grass powder, and so much more!
Today’s question: Do you buy used or second-hand items often? Do you use Ebay, Craigslist, or shop at thrift or second-hand shops?
I am a huge fan of buying second-hand items. Many of my Lululemon clothes were bought gently used off Ebay. Most of our furniture is also used or handed down from family members. I also love going to antique shops and Flea markets to see what treasures there have. Eric is taking me to an antique + flea market this weekend and I hope to pick up a piece of furniture for the house. I think it is a great way to recycle and it is also fun to hunt for.
I don’t really buy second hand things because I have issues with germs. I am sure they are totally fine, it’s just my own mental block that won’t allow me to buy things off Ebay!
Hi Angela!
I have been reading your blog for about a year now and love it! You are so inspiring. I am in Kingston, Ontario – so not too far!!
I had my first green monster yesterday morning. Sooo Good! When you have yours for breakfast, do you also eat something else with it? I am unsure of how long it should keep me satisfied!
It really depends how much you put in it. I find if I have protein powder + nut butter in addition to the milk, spinach, banana, and chia seeds, it can last me all morning. Sometimes I might lighter GM’s for a snack though. You can mix it up!
girl, i canNOT handle y’alls talent…it’s almost too much! almost ;) i love buying things off of craigslist and refurbishing them…SO FUN and much less costly than it could be!
I don’t buy a lot of things in general, but I don’t really utilize secondhand stores. The ones near me always smell (I have a very sensitive nose) and their prices are the same as buying off the racks of Wal-Mart.
I’m a huge fan of garage sales and thrift stores! I always find tons of cute, unique dishes and household items! :)
I love Craigslist… for certain things (I’m a bit of a germaphobe).
I actually found my apartment on craigslist!
I really like shopping on ebay – I’ve gotten a few really great pairs of designer jeans for a STEAL on there! I’ve never tried Craigslist, but wouldn’t be opposed to it! I’m actually considering selling a couple pieces of furniture on there soon.
I love buying second-hand stuff!!! E-bay is my best friend :-)
I don’t frequent thrift stores as much as I should because when I can usually get a hold of the best fines! As for my big-ticket purchases in the next few years I am sure that I will be frequenting E-bay, craigslist, and even, garage sales :).
P.S. SInce you live outside of Toronto, I thought I’d give you a spectacular restaurant recommendation. They are not vegan but incredibly accommodating so I’m sure you’ll find something that tickles your fancy and your omni-guests most definitely will. Enjoy:
Your green monsters have the best color. Mine usually end up looking like some kind of swamp muck because I usually put a scoop of chocolate Amazing Grass in there to amp up the staying power of my GMs. Doesn’t make for the prettiest color…at all!
I like buying some things second-hand. My fav are used books! Used book stores are the best…it’s amazing how much cheaper it is to buy books at used book stores compared to Borders. There are also a couple of really amazing consignment shops in Boston (a couple hours from where I live) that sell second-hand designer clothes. My friend got a previously $1500 leather jacket there for $150. I love deals like that!
good job on the bike ride!
Wow, I was actually right about the pictures. I thought the bear that you drew looked more feminine and cute. Sounds weird but that’s my logic!
I would totally have a drawing showdown with my husband — except he would totally BEAT me! Ha!
I love the bright green color of your green monster! So pretty!!!!
Mmmmm…….. I haven’t had a green monster in much too long!!
A lot of my furniture, and kitchen stuff was given to me from my family. Its such a big help, and if theyre willing to give it to me, Im willing to take it!
I’ve also found some stuff on Craigslist though, you can get some awesome stuff on there!
Hi Angela! I have never commented before but love reading your blog daily and you are such an inspiration to many, including me, so thank you! I just wanted to tell you about a new thing I am starting that you would love and should check out to see if they have anything in your area. You get $50 worth of fresh fruits/veggies for $15 every week! It’s amazing food and changes up every time. Go to
I thought your drawing was the best! I suspected that one was yours but didn’t want to comment yesterday in case I got it wrong.
I love ebay, particularly for Tupperware, I love the old styles in their funky colours!
Love the green monsters!!! OMG, love ebay and craigslist, thrift stores, and big fan of flea markets!!!!
Angela, I am emailing you tonight about the Shop 4 a Cause stuff.