Top of the morning to you!
First up I have another Project Natural Glow product review. I bought this facial cleanser after a tip from a reader who told me she fell in love with this face wash called Desert Essence Throughly Clean Face Wash.

I got this at Loblaws Superstore and they had two sizes. The regular size and this huge economy refill bottle. The refill bottle was much better value so I bought this for $18 CAD. It is huge! I have already been using it 3 weeks and I have barely made a dent in it. It will likely last me a year! It is just under 1 litre (32 fl oz.).
You may remember that the Tea Tree Oil I love is by Desert Essence.
It has a very short ingredient list:

As I mentioned I have been using this for about 3 weeks now. I wanted to be sure that I was confident in my review.
So what did I think?
- Clean smelling
- Tingly feel when washing
- It had amazing suds
- You only have to use a tiny tiny amount to lather it up (great value!)
- It left my skin glowing and fresh looking
- The first time I used this I followed it with my Desert Essence tea tree oil which was a big mistake. It burned like crazy!!! I believe that the peppermint in the face wash interacted with the toner somehow, but I’m not sure. It burned and it made my face all red and dry. Lesson learned! I haven’t done it since.
- I do not suggest following this cleanser with any toner!
- This part kind of sucks because now I don’t use the tea tree oil toner as much. I try to use it for mid-day touch ups or when I use a different face scrub that won’t interact with it.
My rating 4.25/5
All and all I am quite happy with this face wash. I love that it is all natural and that I am getting great value for this huge bottle! It also saves tons of wasteful packaging too.
Have you found any new Project Natural Glow beauty products recently? Share below!
More and more readers are facing their fitness fears…
I received this email from Sarah last night:
“Hi Angela!
I wanted to thank you for your Long Run post earlier today!! It inspired to take my barely-used gym membership, and run on a treadmill for the first time ever! I can’t believe how good I feel after doing the run 1-minute, walk 1-minute, intervals you suggested, and I did 2 miles today. Thanks again for sharing your tips, and the story from Katrin as well!”
Congrats Sarah! Way to face your fears and rock that run! I think the great thing about running is that you can see progress really quickly and it is really motivating. :)
I know you are all probably tired of my running talk lately, but it has been such a huge part of my life lately and such a source of happiness for me I just had to spread my joy!
Want to see the new pets we brought home this weekend?
Somehow two of the wedding centerpieces ended up in our hotel room- two Chinese Beta Flighting Fish to be exact!

I didn’t want to bring them home, but Eric insisted.
Meet Snitzelfritz and Jezebal:
He said if we didn’t bring them home, they would have been flushed down the toilet and no one else wanted to take them.
I have to tell you, I am NOT happy about having these fish. It is seriously upsetting me every time I walk into the kitchen and see them. I am very much against captivity of animals in all forms (yes, even fish!!!!) and it actually makes me feel really guilty seeing them in fish bowls. :( I am also really against Zoos. I made the mistake of going to the Toronto zoo a few years ago and it left me in tears because all of the animals looked so unhappy and bored. I think that animals should be in their intended habitat. I know that zoos can do a lot of good for endangered species and rehabilitation, but I do not support wild animals living their entire lives in a zoo.
I don’t know what to do but they really look depressed in their tiny bowls. :( Unfortunately we don’t have a fish tank (or the money to buy one). Should we give them away? If anyone wants them and can give them a happier home email me. :)
On a brighter note…
The time is almost here! It looks like I will be opening up US shipping officially on October 1st! Mark your calendars! I will likely open pre-orders the week before. Stay tuned for details! :D
PS- Another Vegan PB + J Glo Bite spotting!
Have a lovely morning!

Wow I definitely have an issue with fish as decorations. It’s just weird. Why do people even like it???
I hear you about the fish. Zoos are good and bad and the only reason we need them is to educate. The up side is most of the animals were breed for the zoo and not wild captures. Secondly there are animals housed at the zoos that have gone extinct or are very close to it. A lot of zoos are trying to breed those animals to create a population again. Like the wolf project along the west coast of the states where wolfs disappeared. I think zoos also help to keep people from going off into wild areas to see animals and disturbing there natural environment which I think is a huge stress to most animals. I cannot stand attractions with animals. Like pet the dolphin or whale. Those are corporate money makes that contribute nothing to animals and wildlife conservation and preservation.
^^very good point. and very good reasons for the contining of zoos. & i do agree about animal attractions as wel though.
I saw your tweet about going to Fla. in Feb.I grew up in Naples,but haven’t been back in years.I hear it
Hi Angela..I’v been using Aubrey ORganics shampoo – Island treasures I believe or something like that. I use both the shampoo and conditioner. If you can get over the icky brown color of the works lovely! :) The ingredient list is minimum…I got some great ideas/good all natural lines out of a book I’m reading Gorgeously Green (such a good book, you should pick it up!) :)
i just wanted to add about two things. one: mirrors are “fun” to see the fighting “in action” but please don’t leave it by them all the time. this just stresses them out and is seen as a threat to your fish, not a friend. two: definitely don’t release them into the wild like some suggested! there are bettas in the wild, yes, but these are VERY domesticated (like the difference between a wild sparrow and a bright yellow canary).
good for you for saving them though :) i’ve done the same in the past with goldfish at a wedding. they put candles on top of the vases which were suffocating them one by one during the reception (lots of dead & dying fish!!) i pulled out a full on rescue mission haha
Hoe exciting for US shipping! I’m stoked :-)
Can’t wait til you ship to the US! I’ll be ordering myself some Glo bars!
I just wanted to say that I love, love, love hearing your thoughts and ideas. I totally agree about zoos, but I normally feel like a weirdo for it because most people I know don’t think twice about it and think I’m a killjoy for feeling that way (which goes for oh so many things, now that I think about it though, doesn’t it….).
I also appreciate the product reviews and recipes you put out there, and I wanted to add my “hell yeah!” to the last entry where Katrin and you both mention how running helps with body image issues. I used to be preoccupied with getting my weight to a certain silly number, and making sure my stomach was as flat as can be, but now that I’m training for a marathon I truly don’t care for the first time in a long, long time. I think, hey if this body can run 18 miles at a time, it must be doing pretty well, and I appreciate it and try to be kind to it.
Whew, that was long! Anyway, all I mean to say is thanks and keep up the good work!
Great review!
Aw..I always feel sorry for beta’s too :( They just look so…bored and listless.
But, hooray for US shipping! You know your site will probably crash from all the orders right?? kidding ;) But I will definitely be ordering!
Very very excited about the US shipping!!! :D Hooray!!!
yay for us shipping! hopefully i will be able to try out some of your stuff :)
I love face wash that has few ingredients!! I need some, but my skin is sooo sensitive… I’m wondering if this would work on it…
I would take one of your fishies, but I’m a big far away now… perhaps my boyfriend wants a new pet? He’s only a couple hours away. I shall inquire.
How convenient that I will be receiving my first official paycheck right in time for Glo Bakery pre-orders! :)
Angela, I completely understand about the fish. I do not visit zoos, aquariams, Sea World, or anything of the like. Animals are beautiful and fascinating, but they were not created for our viewing pleasure or entertainment. As far as your new pets, you did rescue them, and that’s a beautiful thing. I’m hoping someone with a bit more space contacts you and gives them a good home.
“I think that animals should be in their intended habitat.”
You have a cat that is NOT in it’s intended habitat. Not only that but from what I can see he is not allowed outdoors where cats should be.
Just sayin’
I think you should give Angela a break, Meaghan. She clearly has a beautiful, caring heart and it’s a shame to throw stones at her about having a domestic house cat.
Oh my Lord- I’m so happy. You made my day.
At least you love them… I know some kids who had one and just terrorized it with a mirror… seriously. They’ll be happy Chez Glo :)
Per the Humane Society, allowing a domesticated cat outdoors is abuse — coyotes, cars, sick people with matches, etc. — it’s simply NOT safe.
I do disagree with breeding, though.
@A – allowing a cat outdoors is abuse?
Both of my cats go outdoors, and I guarantee they are NOT abused.
you did the right thing by saving the betas. they’re also great entertainment for your cat. it goes without saying but any cat lover knows, if you want a healthy cat you must keep it indoors.
Ooooh, thanks for saying that you don’t like zoos!! I don’t either – I cannot stand the entire concept. It is just so wrong and don’t get me started on the circus thing.
Thanks – made my day seeing that in your post!
Ange, you have such a kind heart. I’m glad to see all the helpful comments about how to keep your unintended pets happy! You are giving them a better life and they will be quite content – and the alternative could have been so much worse!
I used to volunteer with a zoo that sponsored a red wolf recovery program. They were certified as a breeding zoo for this all-but-disappeared species. I was really fulfilled by the work but shared your concern on the whole exhibition thing. It’s still a mixed bag for me. Sometimes, people don’t know enough to care until they experience an animal up close. But to experience an animal up close means they are captive. To me, it’s a symptom of our world that has its good and its bad.
PS – my husband laughs because if I do visit a zoo at all, I first research them (thought you’d like that part!) to see what their accreditations are. If they are only an exhibit zoo, and not doing anything to better the cause of the animals or protect endangered species, I refuse to go, even if admission is free. And even when I do go to “real” zoos, I still want to run around unlocking gates and shouting “be free, be free”.
LOL. Anyway, I hear you, and I get it.
The beta I had was from a centerpiece at a wedding too! I was a waitress at the event and there were so many fish, I couldn’t stand that they would be wasted without even getting to be pets! Fish (yeah, I’m not creative) lived 3 years, with 5 major moves in the cup holder of my car!