Top of the morning to you!
First up I have another Project Natural Glow product review. I bought this facial cleanser after a tip from a reader who told me she fell in love with this face wash called Desert Essence Throughly Clean Face Wash.

I got this at Loblaws Superstore and they had two sizes. The regular size and this huge economy refill bottle. The refill bottle was much better value so I bought this for $18 CAD. It is huge! I have already been using it 3 weeks and I have barely made a dent in it. It will likely last me a year! It is just under 1 litre (32 fl oz.).
You may remember that the Tea Tree Oil I love is by Desert Essence.
It has a very short ingredient list:

As I mentioned I have been using this for about 3 weeks now. I wanted to be sure that I was confident in my review.
So what did I think?
- Clean smelling
- Tingly feel when washing
- It had amazing suds
- You only have to use a tiny tiny amount to lather it up (great value!)
- It left my skin glowing and fresh looking
- The first time I used this I followed it with my Desert Essence tea tree oil which was a big mistake. It burned like crazy!!! I believe that the peppermint in the face wash interacted with the toner somehow, but I’m not sure. It burned and it made my face all red and dry. Lesson learned! I haven’t done it since.
- I do not suggest following this cleanser with any toner!
- This part kind of sucks because now I don’t use the tea tree oil toner as much. I try to use it for mid-day touch ups or when I use a different face scrub that won’t interact with it.
My rating 4.25/5
All and all I am quite happy with this face wash. I love that it is all natural and that I am getting great value for this huge bottle! It also saves tons of wasteful packaging too.
Have you found any new Project Natural Glow beauty products recently? Share below!
More and more readers are facing their fitness fears…
I received this email from Sarah last night:
“Hi Angela!
I wanted to thank you for your Long Run post earlier today!! It inspired to take my barely-used gym membership, and run on a treadmill for the first time ever! I can’t believe how good I feel after doing the run 1-minute, walk 1-minute, intervals you suggested, and I did 2 miles today. Thanks again for sharing your tips, and the story from Katrin as well!”
Congrats Sarah! Way to face your fears and rock that run! I think the great thing about running is that you can see progress really quickly and it is really motivating. :)
I know you are all probably tired of my running talk lately, but it has been such a huge part of my life lately and such a source of happiness for me I just had to spread my joy!
Want to see the new pets we brought home this weekend?
Somehow two of the wedding centerpieces ended up in our hotel room- two Chinese Beta Flighting Fish to be exact!

I didn’t want to bring them home, but Eric insisted.
Meet Snitzelfritz and Jezebal:
He said if we didn’t bring them home, they would have been flushed down the toilet and no one else wanted to take them.
I have to tell you, I am NOT happy about having these fish. It is seriously upsetting me every time I walk into the kitchen and see them. I am very much against captivity of animals in all forms (yes, even fish!!!!) and it actually makes me feel really guilty seeing them in fish bowls. :( I am also really against Zoos. I made the mistake of going to the Toronto zoo a few years ago and it left me in tears because all of the animals looked so unhappy and bored. I think that animals should be in their intended habitat. I know that zoos can do a lot of good for endangered species and rehabilitation, but I do not support wild animals living their entire lives in a zoo.
I don’t know what to do but they really look depressed in their tiny bowls. :( Unfortunately we don’t have a fish tank (or the money to buy one). Should we give them away? If anyone wants them and can give them a happier home email me. :)
On a brighter note…
The time is almost here! It looks like I will be opening up US shipping officially on October 1st! Mark your calendars! I will likely open pre-orders the week before. Stay tuned for details! :D
PS- Another Vegan PB + J Glo Bite spotting!
Have a lovely morning!

Yay for US Shipping!
I’m glad you got it all worked out! From your tweets it seemed like a HUGE hassle!
Can’t wait to order some! I loved the PB one from the Summit swag bag!
US Shipping?!?!?!?!
ok, first of all… i know it was your family’s wedding, but i cannot believe people are still doing this “fish as centerpieces” shit. ANIMALS ARE NOT DECORATIONS. my mom wanted to do this for my wedding and i flipped out.
that being said, i think you did the right thing by taking the first. also, betas really do like have smaller spaces (and not being in the same tank, because they fight and kill each other). SO, all in all, i think you did the right thing and shouldn’t feel sad when you look at the fish. they could’ve been flushed (eric is right) so you are giving them a happier existance.
ugh, but please… seriously people DO NOT USE FISH AS CENTERPIECES.
Well said Caitlin!
the last wedding i went to that had fish as centrepieces ended with drunk people swallowing the live goldfish.
i have rescued a beta from someone else’s beachy themed wedding. it didn’t live super long but i hope i gave it a better life than it may have otherwise had.
oh and if you want, you can tape a mirror to outside of their bowls or put them side by side so they can see each other and “fight”. they will have fun :) my beta has a mirror and she stares at herself all day long.
Yep, they will fight but don’t put them in the same bowl because they will fight to the death!
Good points Caitlin!
In the wild, Beta live in pockets of water no bigger than what you can hold in your hand — I’ve heard its actually bad for them if their tank is too big! I had a beautiful beta I named Harold and he absolutley loved the coloured rocks I put in the bottom of his tank and also different greenery (live stuff — keeps the water fresher and is more like their natural habitat).
I love tea tree oil and Congrats on your US shipping!
Last time I was at Whole Foods I picked up the Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil cleansing pads- kinda a mix between the toner and regular tea tree oil. They have a bit of a funky smell but they work very well, I have been using for a few weeks and I feel like my skin is clearer.
Ohhh I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled for those.
I think I am the only one who likes the smell of their tea tree oil products? I don’t know why but I love it!
I love the smell too ANGE! It may have a little to do with the fact that we know how natural and amazing it is =)
I love the smell of anything Tea Tree. I get Tea Tree essential oil and mix it with water in a squirt bottle … then spray it on all of the fabrics in my home. It is anti-bacterial and smells SO clean!
Do you use a cleanser before the Tea Tree Oil wipes? It says to use the thoroughly clean cleanser before and use the wipes as a toner. Yet, I heard some use the wipes as a cleanser and the cleanser seems to do well enough by itself..
Just curious
I think that is SO Sad!! I agree, fish shouldn’t be used as decorations! And then what? They are disposed of? Yuck! You are a good person Angela! You and Eric. I had a beta in a small bowl for 6 years!!! His name was Gordy. He was being given away as a prize at a fair. The guy who won him didn’t want him and was going to throw him in the TRASH! I took him home and he actually seemed very happy in his bowl. I changed his water once a week and fed him twice a day. Like I said he lived for 6 years. I guess that’s pretty good for a fish. Anyway…like caitlin said don’t feel sad, I think they like small spaces. However…I think some of your loyal readers could possibly take up a collection for 2 bigger bowls for your new buddies!!! I’m willing to contribute:) But again like Caitlin said you would need 2 bowls b/c those fish like to fight.
Holy Smokes Kimberley! 6 Years! I heard that they generally only have a life span of a couple of years??
just think about how much better they are with you than dead!
bettas have evolved to live in small amounts of water– it’s how their gills are designed and everything. in the wild they live in swamps, so instead of buying a fish tank, buy a few aquatic plants from your local pet store. it will help keep the water fresh, and give them some place to hide in. but if they look depressed, don’t believe it! bettas are NOT big swimmers like a goldfish and its normal for them to even sit on the bottom. you can enjoy their beauty guilt-free :)
YAYAYAYAYYAY!!!! I CANNOT WAIT for Glo Bars in the US!!
woot finally! Us shipping is coming!
As far as the bettas go, they often are housed as you have them with a plant to feed off of!
Yea we read that when we did some research last night- we’re going to buy them some plants and rocks. :)
I had a Beta for a long time- I had bamboo in the vase with him and he loved it! The bamboo also grew very nice and green in there with the little fishy.
Wow Beta fish as a center piece! I have never seen it done. On the bright side beta fish are breed and not removed from the wild. They really like small bowls and the one you have are perfect. I would buy some really colourful rocks put them side by side and also put a mirror behind both bowls. They will have tons of friends to fight with and be happy and engaged.
Zoos the good and evil, because a large amount of people see animals as lesser beings and beings without feelings zoos help to them to see the animals up close and let them see these animals have souls and feelings. Also when people come into closer contact with animals they tend to be taken in by them in the same way that people are by babies. You can feel very good about going to the Toronto zoo as most of the animals there now were breed and not captured and this goes for all the really big zoos in North America. They have huge breeding programmes and share the animals amongst other zoos. Most people working at the zoo have a huge love of animals and are animal rights activists. When and infant is born at the zoo if the mother rejects it the keeps are mom and they stay with that baby 24 hours a day. If it is a land baby they even take it home with them so they can feed it during the night. I remember the zoo when each animal was in its own small cage no toys or companions. The zoos have come a long, long way to ensure the happiness of their guest. They continue to try to find more ways of making the animals happy.
There is a huge difference between a major zoo and attractions that have animals. Places that have whales for people to touch and dolphins for people to ride are abusive to the animals. Those animals have a much higher chance of dying from being touched by people and the tanks are way to small.
Your Beta fish be happy when you look at them and we are transfer out feelings. Buy rock and a plastic plant for each bowl and pick up a couple of mirror tiles to put behind them and put them side by side for company.
Feel happy that you were given the extraordinary chance of saving 2 animals from a certain death and that you are doing what you can to give them a happy environment.
I was in an environmental ethics class once that discussed zoos, and I believe it was mentioned that on average, for every one animal in a zoo, three animals have died to get it there. I.E. they take 4 elephants/bats/etc out of their natural habitat, only one is likely to survive the experience for a number of reasons. It’s very sad.. I believe much more in open preserves that allow the animals to move over a large expanse of land while keeping them protected from people and/or predators.
You’re so close,Angela!!That’s awsome:-)
I feel a bit better now…lol…but still sad. I’ve already grown attached to them in a weird way.
Just a note about the centrepieces too- they were in no way intended to be disposed of…they were actually really careful to make sure that all of them were taken home. None were left behind.
about the goldfish comment RE: guests swallowing them! That is horrifying!!!
VERY excited about US Shipping! Will this be after your 1/2? Hope so, because I have a feeling you are going to be cooking up a LOT of Glo Bars!
haha yea it is after my half- which was strategic on my part for sure. I need my rest before the half and I somehow don’t think I will be getting enough if I am baking a bunch of orders :)
So excited about US shipping! Good luck with the fish.
maybe think of it as a fish *sanctuary* instead? like how animal sanctuaries are there to help animals that would otherwise die… you’re giving those fishies a sanctuary too
I feel the same way about zoos and SeaWorld!
yesss cannot wait to try some Glo Bakery goodies!! i hear what you’re saying about the fishies though… at least they’re in good hands with you! :)
Try to stay focused on the positives about bringing the fish home. They are still alive thanks to you! I am also against zooz and circuses especially. I went to a circus when I was 5 years old and it frightened me so much I cried the whole time worrying about those animals.
you’re shipping just in time for my october birthday! yay. are you getting nervous about the 100+ orders you’re going to get the day you open us shipping? :)
btw totally agree with caitlin above and what you said about zoos. i find zoos so disturbing and upsetting – it’s barbaric to me the way we cage up animals and then put them on display for people to gawk at. i don’t know where the idea originated – but i can’t stand it. sorry to hijack your comments for that lol.
hope you have a good day angela!
So excited about US shipping!!!!!