Top of the morning to you!
First up I have another Project Natural Glow product review. I bought this facial cleanser after a tip from a reader who told me she fell in love with this face wash called Desert Essence Throughly Clean Face Wash.

I got this at Loblaws Superstore and they had two sizes. The regular size and this huge economy refill bottle. The refill bottle was much better value so I bought this for $18 CAD. It is huge! I have already been using it 3 weeks and I have barely made a dent in it. It will likely last me a year! It is just under 1 litre (32 fl oz.).
You may remember that the Tea Tree Oil I love is by Desert Essence.
It has a very short ingredient list:

As I mentioned I have been using this for about 3 weeks now. I wanted to be sure that I was confident in my review.
So what did I think?
- Clean smelling
- Tingly feel when washing
- It had amazing suds
- You only have to use a tiny tiny amount to lather it up (great value!)
- It left my skin glowing and fresh looking
- The first time I used this I followed it with my Desert Essence tea tree oil which was a big mistake. It burned like crazy!!! I believe that the peppermint in the face wash interacted with the toner somehow, but I’m not sure. It burned and it made my face all red and dry. Lesson learned! I haven’t done it since.
- I do not suggest following this cleanser with any toner!
- This part kind of sucks because now I don’t use the tea tree oil toner as much. I try to use it for mid-day touch ups or when I use a different face scrub that won’t interact with it.
My rating 4.25/5
All and all I am quite happy with this face wash. I love that it is all natural and that I am getting great value for this huge bottle! It also saves tons of wasteful packaging too.
Have you found any new Project Natural Glow beauty products recently? Share below!
More and more readers are facing their fitness fears…
I received this email from Sarah last night:
“Hi Angela!
I wanted to thank you for your Long Run post earlier today!! It inspired to take my barely-used gym membership, and run on a treadmill for the first time ever! I can’t believe how good I feel after doing the run 1-minute, walk 1-minute, intervals you suggested, and I did 2 miles today. Thanks again for sharing your tips, and the story from Katrin as well!”
Congrats Sarah! Way to face your fears and rock that run! I think the great thing about running is that you can see progress really quickly and it is really motivating. :)
I know you are all probably tired of my running talk lately, but it has been such a huge part of my life lately and such a source of happiness for me I just had to spread my joy!
Want to see the new pets we brought home this weekend?
Somehow two of the wedding centerpieces ended up in our hotel room- two Chinese Beta Flighting Fish to be exact!

I didn’t want to bring them home, but Eric insisted.
Meet Snitzelfritz and Jezebal:
He said if we didn’t bring them home, they would have been flushed down the toilet and no one else wanted to take them.
I have to tell you, I am NOT happy about having these fish. It is seriously upsetting me every time I walk into the kitchen and see them. I am very much against captivity of animals in all forms (yes, even fish!!!!) and it actually makes me feel really guilty seeing them in fish bowls. :( I am also really against Zoos. I made the mistake of going to the Toronto zoo a few years ago and it left me in tears because all of the animals looked so unhappy and bored. I think that animals should be in their intended habitat. I know that zoos can do a lot of good for endangered species and rehabilitation, but I do not support wild animals living their entire lives in a zoo.
I don’t know what to do but they really look depressed in their tiny bowls. :( Unfortunately we don’t have a fish tank (or the money to buy one). Should we give them away? If anyone wants them and can give them a happier home email me. :)
On a brighter note…
The time is almost here! It looks like I will be opening up US shipping officially on October 1st! Mark your calendars! I will likely open pre-orders the week before. Stay tuned for details! :D
PS- Another Vegan PB + J Glo Bite spotting!
Have a lovely morning!

Wooo hooo for Globars in the US! Can’t wait! My friends in college got a beta fish named Porkchop, which was cute in theory… but actually really sad.
I need to try tea tree oil. I have only heard good things about it!
I use the same Thoroughly Clean Face Wash. It is amazing at taking off make-up!
Aw. I have a weird nostalgia for betas because they make great dorm room pets.I had a beta named Rudy in college (I named him after a particularly goofy physics prof- haha) and it was really nice to have something living in the room besides me. Of course, when I left for spring break, I didn’t know what to do with him until my Medieval Lit. professor offered to adopt him.
I agree that you need plants for him though. Lots of people used peace lillies to top their beta vases in college but I think that peace lillies (and all plants in the lilly family, for that matter) are actually poisonous to cats, so I would makes sure any plants you get for your fishies are feline friendly.
That being said, I do think fishy table decorations are not the best idea for a wedding.
Hey! Was I the reader you alluded to who fell in love with the face wash?? I think I was!!
I’ve been using it for three years and counting now!
As for the fish, I would call your local pet store. They may have a better idea of areas that you can release them into safely.
Yes it was!
I agree… you’ve started a little fish sanctuary! LOL! And rescued them from the pet store! Or a certain death-by-toilet.
You should definitely consider getting a floating plant– Betas like small confined spaces and they also like places to hide, so they might be happier with little leaves to hide in.
Oh, and PS, if you keep them in those vases, and you add a plant, make sure they have access to the surface. Betas breath through oxygen at the surface of the water, so if you have a floating plant and they can’t get to the surface, they can’t get oxygen. :)
YAAAAY!!! I will be ordering for sure!!!
I agree with T. Betta fish are quite happy in small spaces, and they’re not very active fish at all. A plant would be a nice addition!
Yikes–I’m glad you took the fish so they wouldn’t get flushed :-(
I’ll have to try some bars when they’re available here!
I’ll keep my eye out for that facewash!
I used to have a beta fish – I had a little castle in his bowl he liked to swim in and out of. I think it was like $5 at a pet store.
Even if you don’t like having the fish in captivity, it is better than them being flushed!
I used to have a little bridge in mine, and Harold used to sit right underneath it.. my little bridge troll.. he was so beautiful!
Great Post! I used to use the desert essence face wash after my my hubby started using it for his breakouts. His breakouts stopped after using it and never returned. I always thought it had a horrible smell to it but this was 10 years ago so maybe they’ve made it smell better since! It does work though.
I’m also enjoying all the talk about running. I’ve always wanted to learn to run and i’ve since taken up intervals on the treadmill as well. I like it but i find myself afraid to do the one minute run one minute walking. Don’t ask me why! Today i’m going to break through my fear and DO IT!! I’ll let you know how it goes. Thanks for always inspiring. You’re definitely earning your angels wings.
oh and i’m super excited about US shipping!!! Woo hoo!! :-)
Definitely keep the fish. They are happier in smaller bowls as the water has to stay fairly warm for them. They won’t survive in colder water.
They will kill each other or other fish if given the chance to mingle.
Mine would jump for food so you can entertain yourself and them by holding the food above them.
They’re native to the rice paddies of Thailand so I think their chances with you are better than their chances of getting home :)
haha good to know! I’m pretty sure I would have a heart attack if one jumped near me.
I’m so happy to find out what you’ve been using after you told me you would be reviewing that face wash. I’ve already added it to my wish list on amazon! :)
Sorry it took me so long! lol
i’ve been seeing that face wash at whole foods and have been tempted by it but haven’t tried it out yet – maybe i will now.
and i’m very excited to hear about the u.s. shipping! i cannot wait to try your glo bars after all the great reviews i’ve seen on other blogs :)
awww! you are a sweetie. and i bet those fish are happy as clams (hahaha) in their new homes. maybe add some plants and pebbles and love them to pieces! how is having a fish and having a cat any different? your kitty is “captive” right? you wouldn’t let her run outdoors and into the wild, right? so dont feel bad about the fish!
Well I guess I see the distinction as being that some animals are bread to be domestic and others might be better off in a larger habitat (free to swim anywhere).
The face wash…OMG I just bought that product yesterday. Yesterday. And was going to post to my blog about it tomorrow, I already pre-wrote some of my comments, I’ll try to remember to send you my link. Great minds think alike on the vegan cleanser :)
If it’s any consolation, betas always look depressed :P
Also, I noticed the cleanser has tea tree oil in it, so adding more tea tree oil to your face after may have been part of the bad reaction. That stuff dries may face out sooo much. I can only use it directly on pimples, or just once a week.
Yay!! I can’t wait to order some glow bars! You should put together fun glow bar christmas packages….I don’t know about other husbands…but I know mine would love the idea of buying something like glow bars for it would be simple, and a wonderful gift to recieve. Infact, i’d love to give them as gifts as well!.I’m sure you were already conjuring up some great idea for glo bar christams presents..but I just thought i’d mention it! Can’t wait to try them!!
ps…would you mind if i referenced you in a blog post? I wanted to do a post about green monsters and tell my friends and small group of readers about how much I love them! I wanted to mention your Green monster movement and your blog because that is how found out about green monsters in the first place….would you mind??
Thanks for the ideas! I am definitely planning on some special holiday goodies :) I can’t wait.
Go ahead and reference away!
This is totally OT but I have been meaning to ask for quite some time…
Do you know anything about the nutritional content (or lack thereof) on alcoholic ciders? I prefer them to beer when we are having a cold drink but I can’t stop thinking they must be full of sugar and calories and maybe even, HFCS. I can’t find any nutritional information on them (even on the Grower’s website) perhaps because they are so Canadian, most specifically Okanagan. I thought as a fellow Canadian you might have some insight.
No I can’t say that I do, but I would love the info as well!