Hello :)
For some odd reason I am writing this post after a long day of traveling. Luckily, (sadly?) the Paris transportation strike did not effect our travels today, although many flights were indeed cancelled. It is currently around 8:30pm Toronto time and 2:30am Paris time right now and I am still figuring out why I am still awake and functioning at this point…!
I think I am just super excited to see Eric and Sketchie again. I also came home to quite the excitement. I will be showing you pictures soon…
So……..I take no responsibility for any incoherent ramblings I may write in this post. ;)
I also take no responsibility for the mysterious black dots that showed up on some of my pictures since our Versailles visit.
Exhibit A:

It was sandy, what can I say. ;)
Exhibit B:

The funniest part about the pictures is that I was in such a rush while blogging in Paris, I didn’t even notice the black spots until some of you commented on them! I guess I will need to get the camera cleaned. ;)
Now for more items on my Paris Food Hit List.
These are food items that I deemed a ‘once in a lifetime’ chance to try while in Paris.
Item 1: Macarons
Item 2: Coffee
Before Paris, I never consumed a full cup of coffee in my life. My parents never drank it and I just didn’t think I would enjoy it.
In Paris, I was hooked after the first sip.
A caramel flavoured sugar cube sealed the deal and made this one of the best tasting hot beverages I have ever tried. I also found that I loved it with just plain soy milk and no sweetener at all.
Thanks to all your suggestions, I will be on the hunt for some coffee now that I am back on Canadian soil. I think I will make coffee a once or twice a week treat in the morning to mix things up a little with my loose leaf tea. I just need to figure out our coffee maker…
I also tried out espresso and I loved that too. :)

Item 3: Pastry

I had this delicious apple pastry as part of my breakfast one morning and I fell in love with it.
Flaky, delicate, modest, subtly sweet and gooey in the centre.

It was delicious.
Items 4 and 5 are from this famous bakery…

Any guesses what they might be? :)
I will be talking about those in my next post!
And to finish tonight’s post, a few more pictures for your entertainment…

Ever wonder what a Starbucks in Paris looks like?

Hmm, it’s about 3am Paris time. I best get myself to bed. :) Goodnight.
Is that what I think it is?
Colored toilet paper?
Well, it’s not 3am paris time, but it’s 3am san diego time and I am just getting home from work. So I am up reading about your jimmy choo spotting and adventures. Please, tell me you got a pair of Jimmy’s and you love them! Just lie to me. Tell me you went crazy at Louis Vuitton and Jimmy C. I need to live vicariously thru someone…hah!
Anyway, coffee. You’re officially entered the dark side. Welcome. It’s fun over here :) Cant wait to see what kind of coffee you find that may live up to Paris standards!
I got 10 pairs!
hahaha I wish
Wow, you had an awesome trip Angela! I am loving to see your pics and read the posts about Paris.
My guess is that one of the two items left is a pain au chocolate, a chocolate croissant!
Great pics Ange! You actually took a pic of my fave Starbucks in Paris!
did you happen to get macaroons from Ladurée? the best! i didn’t like their coffee haha but i loved du cafe with a tiny chocolate or treat alongside :) my fave dish was either a lamb chop or Tartare de bœuf
Your photographs are stunning! I’ve never been to Paris and never really wanted to….until now.
Beautiful photos!
Another coffee tip – you probably have a Ten Thousand Villages somewhere nearby you in the Toroto area. They sell fantastic Fair Trade Coffee from all over the world. It’s a good place to get your coffee from because the stores are run by volunteers, and you support a good cause by getting your coffee there! I personally like the roast from Tanzania and the decaf from Columbia. See http://www.tenthousandvillages.ca/ and their coffee under “shop>food & drink”. Let me know if you have any questions!
Are you going to come home and start cooking tons of French food? (I hope you do, and post recipes!!)
I would recommend using a French Press! You can get one at Target and your coffee will taste better.
Hey Angela-loved catching up on your Paris adventures. You may have already figured this out, but did you take those photos through the bus window? They could be bugs or spots on the windows because they aren’t in your other pictures. :) Looks like you had a wonderful time!!