My theory is if I drink a lot of smoothies, spring will magically appear.
So far, outlook not good…(although today was the first dusting of snow we’ve had practically all winter!). This is why I haven’t changed my blog header to a winter theme yet…I need more snow!
This smoothie was made up of frozen blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blackberries (~1 cup) along with almond milk (1.25 cups), chia seeds (2 tbsp), and half a frozen banana.
Followed by a frozen girl.
To warm up, I did this quick at-home power workout using a jump rope and my own body weight for resistance exercises. Kicking it old school!
I did 3 sets of the following exercises:
- 1 minute jumping jacks
- 2 minutes jump rope
- 15 lunges on each leg
- 1 minute jump rope
- 2 sets of 15 squats
- 1 set of 15 push-ups (standard, kneeling, or combo)
- 2 minutes jumping rope
- 1 minute bicycle crunches
I did 3 sets and then some light stretching at the end. The workout took me 35 minutes and went by pretty quick! I also used this stopwatch timer on the internet too.
A few tips:
- Feel free to take rest breaks as needed
- You will hate me for making the jump rope after the lunges (don’t say I didn’t warn you!)
- Only got 10 minutes? Just do 1 set for a quick total body workout
- Want to make it more challenging? Add some hand weights, water bottles, cans, etc
- Want more cardio? Tack on a mile run before and/or after the workout
- Feel free to change up the ab exercises at the end
- Always consult a professional before beginning a new fitness regime
Rosy cheeks ensued! I love interval workouts.
You know, old school moves never get old…especially jumping rope! I don’t know how I used to do that for hours and hours as a child. Must have been all that penny candy I was stuffing my face with. Do you remember how much candy $1 used to buy? 100 PIECES. That $5 allowance went pretty far back in the day.
Your smoothie looks delicious! We are the same way down here in MN we just got the first snow on the ground since November! It is so cold here!
I totally crave smoothies all year long which is unfortunate in the winter when I have to put on my gloves and puffy jacket just to be able to drink them. Oh well, it does a body good! That’s a great idea to do a little workout right after in order to warm up again. And jumping rope seriously never gets old. It takes me back to when I was little and we would do the Double Dutch jump rope on the playground… ahh memories :)
Have a great weekend! Stay warm
I’m trying to get back into working out too, mostly with strength training. I’ll do cardio all day, but strength is not my thing! And who am I kidding, I haven’t been doing much cardio lately either! Anyway, have you ever looked at the Bex Life site? She’s a personal trainer and her workouts are awesome. She posts them all on you tube. My favorite is the One Month Twelve Workouts series.
Just figured I’d pass that along.
Thanks I will check it out :)
There was never a place with penny candy near me, so $1 bought one king size candy bar. But I totally used my sugar high from that to use my Skip-it for hours at a time. I don’t think I actually ever did jump rope, but man that Skip-it was the best!
oh SKIP IT!!!! Totally forgot about those. How dare I. I wonder if I can buy one off ebay hah
And how was it that jumping rope was so easy as a kid. And now, 1 min or 2min seems like a really long time to struggle? LOL. Nice smoothie!
Angela, I tweeted you a response to your old school workout by telling you to check out a “real” old school workout… Buns of Steel. I thought about it after I tweeted and thought it might have come across as me implying that I didn’t think your workout wasn’t a “real” old school workout, when what I meant was “REALLY” old school, like way – way back in the day! I didn’t at all mean to imply that your workout wasn’t a real old school one. Anyway, maybe you didn’t even take it that way at all and I’m just being hyper sensitive today, but I just wanted to clarify for fear of coming across as rude! Okay, just had to get that out! :)
Hey Christine! heh just got your tweet…I didn’t take it that way AT ALL so don’t worry! I’m always worrying about wording online too. Story of my life. Anyways, I will def check out that video…anything with buns of steel deserves a look. ;)
Oh good, I feel much better now! :) I’m always worried about wording too! Here’s a link to part 1 of 3 of the Buns of Steel workout I mentioned: You will laugh really hard when you see the outfits and hear the instructor’s comments, but it burns!! Part 1 works the outer thigh and parts 2 & 3 do the inner thighs and butt. Happy bun burning! ;)
hah oh man I just clicked play and it’s hilarious…but it looks like it’s a good workout indeed!
The last picture of you is why the name of this site is what it is: you’re glowing!
Glad you got a good workout in and I haven’t jumped rope in far too long but I love old school workouts like just jumping rope, pushups, a few situps, and back to basic moves.
And oh yes, $1 used to buy enough candy and sugar to get a good sugar rush going :)
Oh that smoothie looks so yummy! Did you get a big dumping of snow today? Finally, a winter wonderland! You may get to take your winter picture!
We haven’t got too much…maybe 5cm or so? I’m still hoping to take the pics this weekend though! Not sure what I’m going to put in them….maybe a big smoothie and swimsuit? lol
I’ve missed your work out posts! Hope to see more of them!
Thanks Mary, I hope to do more too! Missed them.
Oh my goodness, that smoothie looks DELICIOUS! Thank you for the idea! I haven’t tried Chia seeds yet, but I’ve heard so many good things about them, especially when you’re a runner, so I will have to give them a try. The workout also looks challenging and awesome. Thank you for sharing! :)
Mmm, your smoothie looks good and your workout looks great – nice and high intensity! Quick question – are you still running much? Would love to hear how you are going with your running/what your usual weekly workout routine looks like :)
Hey Elly! Good question…I am running on the treadmill over the winter mostly (unless we have a warm day here and there)…I haven’t kept track but I’d say I’ve been running 10 miles a week or a bit more (in addition to the DVD workout stuff). I’m basically just running to keep up my base right now, but will amp it up once the weather gets nicer and I’m training for a race!
Oh great, thanks for replying! Looking forward to hearing about your training in the lead-up to your races this year :) Hope the weather warms up a bit for you so that you can enjoy some outside runs as well :)
I kick it old school everyday (that I start with a workout, anyways) It feels so great using my body weight to achieve results. Love it! Have an awesome weekend!
Just did this workout and it KILLED. Thanks Angela! I took me 40 minutes with adequate dance breaks :D
Happy Weekending!
Oh I can’t believe I forgot dancing breaks! Will have to add that in…or myabe break dancing? bahah
Awesome! I’ve been looking for an old school routine like this. Definitely will try this week!
That looks like a fun workout for a icky weather day!
Hahah I love that theory! I’m going to jump on board and hope that with the two of us drinking lots of smoothies Spring will HAVE to come faster! :)
I love workouts like this one..they are my fav!! :)
Smoothies + space heater = best combination ever :)
let me just say… that is a fabulous routine, well done. :) Old skool is the way to go and jump rope… always!
Yum on that smoothie!!
I’m trying to pin that workout, but i can’t figure out how!