
Preparing for and working at a Farmer’s Market is never a dull moment!
Before market open, you practice with your team….
Not really, we are just dorky.
New friends across the ‘pond’…pond took on a literal meaning today, actually.

This is Colleen from Enfleurage Organics. She makes the most delicious smelling handmade 100% organic soaps made from Organic Olive Oil, Organic Palm Oil, Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Hemp Oil, etc. Her booth is directly across from mine and the soaps smell so wonderful. I can’t wait to try them out.

See anything familiar here?? :tongue:

I had to meet the celebrity behind the scapes. Bahauddin (aka Bob) from The Fresh Veggies is just the nicest man ever. Eric said I looked like I was talking to a celebrity! I was a bit star-struck, I admit. [Eric just saw me on Bob’s website and he said, ‘Are you Farmer Stalking?!’] :lol:

Bread, greens, and cherries, what more could you want?

Blog friends!

This is Callie from Callieflower Kitchen. She is a sweetheart. About 7-8 other ladies also came out to say hello! We had some really awesome chats about health, food, exercise, and lots of acronyms: GM’s, VOO, BSS, GS, etc. I’m thinking we need to start a ladies group!
Just before the market opened it began to RAIN…
I thought, ok this will pass…

No such luck!
Contrary to what the weather report said, it did not wait until noon to begin, it poured ALL DAY LONG. It rained, it blew, we covered bars, we uncovered bars, tarps went up, body chills, goosebumps, soakers left and right. You know the drill! Silly me was not thinking about rain + coldness and I didn’t bring a jacket! I was soooo damp and wet all day long.

However, despite the weather we had an awesome day of sales! While the volume of people was down by over approx. 50% from Week 1 (our estimate), customers were buying higher quantities of bars today, with many repeat customers. We actually sold more than the 1st week!
Week 1, we offered a discount when you bought 10 bars, but this week we offered a deal on buying 3 bars and 10 bars. We found that many of the customers who only intended to buy 1 bar ended up buying 3 because they saved a bit of money. It worked well!
I also had one repeat customer tell me that he was in a meeting at work last week and had a really bad headache and was starving and he ate an Empower Glo Bar and felt so much better and his headache went away. It pretty much made my day! Then he saw another man who was at the same meeting, and he said, ‘Remember the Glo Bar I ate, this is it!’
It was a moment.

A recruit for the future ladies group.
Gifts for family we are seeing tomorrow…
I can’t believe Eric came out again today. Brownie points are currently off the chart! On the way home we stopped at Home Depot and I bought him new tool as a thank you- a router that he had his eye on. Like a kid in a candy store, I tell you.

Ok, let’s get to the goodies.
First things first, it should be noted that my green onion bulb after DAY 1 has grown almost 1.5 inches!
I’d like to call it The Garden For The Gardening Challenged.
Here are the goodies I bought at the market…
The upside to a rainy market day? Bread was 50% off at market close. SCORE!

I cannot even tell you how much restraint it took not to knaw off the heel of the bread on the drive home. I kept saying ‘blog picture, blog picture, don’t ruin this beautiful bread’
Whole wheat…

Dear me.

Have you ever seen a cuter loaf? What a cute bum!
For lunch, Eric and I split a plate of multigrain bread slathered in Earth Balance, along with 2 cans of Amy’s Reduced-Sodium Split Pea Soup to warm our cold bodies. And piping hot tea.
Words cannot describe.

In the soup I mixed in some lycopene-rich tomato paste and I sprinkled it with 3 minute vegan parmesan cheeze.

It should also be noted that I ate a huge hunk of whole wheat bread after the glamour shoot. I had to ‘test’ it.
I bought lots of juicy + sweet cherries. I plan on pitting some of these beauties and freezing them.
Side note- does anyone have a cherry pitter and does it make the process significantly faster? I’ve always wanted to buy one…

These are deelish…very similar to blueberries, yet they have a bit more flavour and character to them. They are a good source of calcium, folate, fibre, potassium, and Riboflavin (B2)!
And raspberries….(these were kind of hit and miss…some sour, some sweet)

I also bought Dried Nettles, which I will use for tea.

Nettles are supposed to be great to prevent or fight off colds or sore throats, among a huge list of things!

I figured it would be a good idea to brew some nettle tea after working outside in the damp cold all day long. I mixed it with green tea and it was quite good!
I bought another weed and I completely forgot what kind it is…

Anyone recognize this? The farmer said it is great in a stir-fry or smoothie.


I was so excited to see fennel! I don’t have any idea what to use it for, but that is where you come in! :biggrin:

Beautiful. Can I eat the flower? I’m not sure why, but I really want to eat the flower.

I’m off to eat another Dark Chocolate Coconut Macaroon and see where the evening takes me! Wouldn’t you know it the sun came out and it is gorgeous outside. Might have to go for a relaxing walk later.

Have a great night!
Gosh Angela, I am FOREVER impressed by you & your amazingness :)
I HAVE A CHERRY PITTER and yes it makes it so much easier and quicker for me. Congrats on doing so well again at the Farmer’s Markets. You are in inspiration to us all darling!
That is so great about the farmers market. It just sounds wonderful!
Your Farmers Market looks awesome! Your purchases are giving me a rumbly in my tumbly!!! :)
WOW – your farmers market stand looks amazing! Congrats! And all that fresh fruit and veg is making me drool. The cherry pitter is essential. Makes life so much easier. And congrats on the green onion! It’s the only way I know how to garden without killing anything. :-)
ooooh I am so glad to hear that your 2nd week at the market went well!!!!
Looks like so much fun! I just went on an edible plant walk last week and I think that weed might be purslane…it tastes kind of like spinach. Our instructor said you can use it like you would use any greens.
let me know if you expand to markets in the south! I’d love to get to sell your bars :) seeing as I love walking around those fresh markets so much; rain never keeps me away
i just want to eat some of that glo dough, it looks delicious
What a great farmer’s market you have there! Congrats on getting even more sales!
Hey Angela!
Hope you are well- still reading and loving your blog! Just wondering, have you heard of Chef Chloe Coscarelli? She just won Food Networks’ Cupcake Wars with vegan cupcakes (against traditional ones)! Her website also has a couple vegan recipes you might be interested in. Have a great day!
No I havent but I just found her website! I wish we had cable! LOL
Ahhh, those farmer’s market finds look AMAZING!! I love the farmer’s market so much. :) Farmer stalking…hahaha!
So jealous of your farmers market time!!! And seeing that we’re in desperate need of groceries in the house I’m also now craving tons of veggies after seeing all of those pictures….thanks a bunch! :P
Your set up looks great!
aww..stinks it rained…but thats cool you still had a good turn out!
your bread looks AMAZINGLY GOOD!! I love fresh berries too!! shoot i just want eat this whole freaking post!!
I have been so lax in blog reading lately. Are those the chocolate balls? I am soooo glad to see someone enjoying the recipe. Bill thought that they were a little bitter. How did you get around that? I was thinking agave. Oh well, Yay! Glad you love them.
Nope they are chocolate macaroons!
Aw, look at your cute husband, all proud of you… :D
congrats on a great day 2 at the market. Too bad the weather was not cooperating!
Love those breads and the nettles! Fresh baked bread is a whole new world!!
I have lived in Canada my entire life and never have I tried a saskatoon berry! They sound delish! Maybe I’ll be able to find them out west somewhere.
I want to know abou a cherry pitter too as its coming to be cherry season in the okanagan and I need to stock up
As for the weed-I think someone told you it was purslane-its super duper high in omega 3’s so eat up! I even bought some purslane seeds that I have planted (funny that I’m planting a weed!).
Love that chocolate macaroon..yum!!
First of all, love the green onion idea! I’m the only one that eats them in our house and I have to work hard to eat them all before they go bad on me. Will def be starting a green onion water garden!
Also, I had a recipe for a nice fresh corn & apple salad that called for fennel bulb on my menu this week and I couldn’t make it because I couldn’t find fennel and wasn’t sure what to sub for it. :(
Here’s the link: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/sandra-lee/corn-salad-recipe/index.html
That Farmer’s Market looks so much better than any I’ve been to down here in Texas. I think the weather here makes it harder to grow fresh veggies and it’s almost impossible to find organic AND local grown fruits & veggies. So glad your Glo Bar & Ball sales are going well, there.