Up and at ‘em at 5:50am this morning despite not falling asleep until midnight last night! I had to drag my (cold) butt out of bed this morning.
You know you are getting up early when your cat squints at you with one eye and then puts his head back down to go to sleep!
I’ve had a lot on my mind this week as we are preparing my business year end tax information. It is a lot of responsibility! If there is one thing I miss about my old job is that I didn’t have to worry about any of the business side of things. A pay check arrived in my bank every two weeks and that was that.
I totally underestimated the amount of work owning your own business would be. I also am quite hard on myself, so even though the business has been doing well so far, I always think I should be doing more and more and more. I really need to work on being easier on myself and take things one week at a time.
I tried counting down from 300 last night and it didn’t work. I got bored, lol. I know the point is to get bored, but I have never been one to fall asleep while doing boring tasks. My mind wanders! I think tonight I am going to try the ‘Brain Dump’ as one reader called it- writing down all my thoughts onto paper before bed.

Not For The Faint Of Heart II
- 1 field cucumber, peeled
- 1/3 of beet, not peeled but ends trimmed
- handful baby organic carrots
- small piece fresh ginger, peeled
- 1/2 lime, not peeled

Strange but true fact: I hate beets. I really do. But I discovered that I love them in fresh juice! I am craving them now! Weird, eh?
I have heard that pears go well with this combo, but I didn’t have one on hand so all veggie juice is what I got.
My juicer seems to be having a difficult time juicing beets (they don’t juice all the way). Does anyone have any tips for juicing beets?
My hands are currently stained red.
I loved reading about when and why you get up in the morning! :D If there is one thing that unites us all, is that we all have to drag our bums out of bed at some point, don’t we?
Congrats to Supersu!
She said: “I wake up between 4:00 and 5:00 am EVERY DAY! no alarm clock required….probably because I go to bed by 10:00 pm every nite..:)
i work in healthcare with shift starts that fluctuate from 6:30-9:30, (sometimes day to day!), so just figure that getting up early is the best way to beat the sleep-in paranoids!
love love love your blog. su “
Wow, so inspired by your early mornings Su! Congrats! Please email me angela [at] with your address.
Thanks to everyone for participating!
Up, Up, Updates:
- Want to help raise money for Haiti? Check out Dress Down To Help Haiti!
- Do you love strawberry recipes? Check out this free iPhone app featuring one of my favourite strawberry recipes, in addition to over 50 more delicious strawberry recipes from other bloggers and chefs around the world. Get the free app here (links to iTunes). See why it was picked as an iTunes staff favourite!
- I am looking for a professional blog designer to spruce up OSG. If you are interested, or know someone who might be, please email me (angela [at] with your portfolio and rates. I will contact you if interested.
- We are now half way through the Whittle My Middle 2 Challenge! Eric is seeing crazy amazing results! Men are so lucky…they see muscle changes so quickly, don’t they??
Sweat. Eat. Bake., Repeat.
I have a fun announcement in my next post!

“You should not wait; the time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you are, work with whatever is at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”
~Ybonette Gonzales
Men are so lucky in that respect! But I’ve already seen results as well so I am inspired!
Men are so lucky with how quickly they change!!! I like to think that they have that benefit merely because it is the woman who can actually keep putting forth the necessary work to attain our goals. :) But that’s just me today. :)
Forgot to say how much I love beet juice as well but can rarely to NEVER enjoy beets themselves!
Do you have a good bookkeeper? That has been a lifesaver for me, especially when it comes to taxes. She prepared everything for, I can view this year vs last on a quarterly (or even monthly) basis. And then we just hand it to the accountant for taxes. So worth the money because it saves me so much time and headache. Let me know if you need any good referrals, I have a few in the GTA.
I love getting up early but sometimes it’s hard to make yourself! I never regret getting up early but I do regret sleeping in!
I don’t like canned beetroot, do you have that? Might be an Aussie thing, it’s in vinegar I think. But I love roasted beetroot.
Have you tried roasting beets? I love them that way. I posted a recipe for a roasted beet and kale dish here: It is SOOOO good!
I get up at 6:00 every morning (cant do any earlier than that) and my dog looks at me, and goes back to sleep. Makes it harder to get up when she gets to sleeping.
I LOVE beets – I make beet borscht all the time, and totally know what you mean about the red hands. I find that hand sanitizer pulls a lot of the color out, but getting it all is hard. I usually wash my hands about 40 times every time I cook with beets in an attempt to keep the staining to a minimum.
the “brain dump” really does help! I have never had a beet! They kind of scare me and I’m really not sure what to do with them!
The juice looks delicious and refreshing!
Guys always lose weight faster than we do! My boyfriend does the same thing, and loses 5 lbs in one week of working out, when I don’t even lose one! Oh those male metabolisms…though I wouldn’t give up being a girl for anything :)
Just something to try to get to sleep… go into your shivasna pose like you do at the end of a yoga practice and focus on the breathing and clearing the mind. I find this calms the mind and doesn’t let all the other “stuff” keep you up.
good luck:)
Damn……one away from winning the chia seed give-away :)
I hate beets too, but I have never thought to try them in juice! I will have to give it a try to see!
Hi Angela,
I love your blog, do you read all your comments? You sure seem to be able to squeeze a lot a things in your days :-).
I’m so curious, what is this about an ultrasound, are you pregnant? That would be wonderful.
Keep up your good work, I know there are so many out there appreciating what you do.
Beets rock. Unless you forget they can turn your pee red and you’re half out of it after waking up from a nap and…well, let’s just say cardiac arrest wasn’t too far off.
I freelance, so I have to keep track of a lot. If you are truly overwhelmed, however, maybe consider hiring someone to do it for you? Stever Robbins, a very successful entrepreneur who has an excellent productivity podcast, highly recommends delegating the tasks you hate and instead focus on doing the business stuff you like to do.
Oh, I love the “brain dump”. I don’t usually do it all at once, but I always, always have pens and some paper or post-it notes next to my bed, because I know if something comes to mind when I’m laying in bed (things to do, people to call, places to go, etc.) I’ll be afraid to forget it. Once I write it down, I can stop thinking about it. It’s a brilliant method. :-)
I use a Hurom Juicer almost daily. Whenever it doesn’t seem to be juicing something as thoroughly as it could be (aka the pulp comes out damper than I’d like) I just take the pulp and put it through a second or third time. The juicer extracts even more, ensuring that I get the maximum amount of juice, down to the last drop. Hope this helps with your beets!
Just wanted to tell you how inspiring you are to me! I have had a rough – roughhhhh past 3 months. But I’m getting back on the bandwagon again thankfully. I really want to thank you and your site for always being here though. I went to sleep last night, and before bed, read some things on here…. and woke up this morning and randomly felt a huge difference in how I felt.I feel like whatever mood you fall asleep in, you wake up in.And your site put me in a good mood last night. So I have good belief that you were the reason for my good start today.
Thank you!
I too have a blogspot if you ever have time and wanna check it out.
Its nothing like yours, but it’s coming along.
I really appreciate what you do. Keep it up! never give up :)
This juice is so good! We bought a juicer for Christmas and this is the first combination I used to break it in. Very happy!
Try blanching the best before juicing, maybe for 1 min!