Hello :) Hope you have had a great Monday!
First, I wanted to talk a bit about Size Healthy.
The reason I did Size Healthy was because I struggled with the size on my tags for years. I let the size on my tag (and other numbers) define how I felt about my body and about myself.
Writing Size Healthy on my tags was one of the most liberating things I have ever done because it finally represented symbolically that I was letting go of what I struggled with for many years and occasionally to this day.
I don’t claim that it will be appropriate for everyone. Not everyone is currently at their Size Healthy and some of you are not bothered by numbers on a tag. I get that!
This was created for people who have had struggles with basing self-worth on a number. Those who, despite being at a healthy weight, struggle with the desire to lose more and more weight. Those of us who have never been happy with our bodies despite being perfectly healthy otherwise.
Size Healthy represents being happy about where you are right now and knowing that your efforts day in and day out should be applauded. Whether you are naturally a size 0 or a size 12, writing Size Healthy on your tag is a small reminder each day that you are doing your best to live a healthy and balanced life.
Size Healthy Around The Blog World:
- Kate: http://happyrunningthoughts.blogspot.com/2010/02/size-healthy.html
- Jacquie: http://sweetestthingdc.wordpress.com/2010/02/17/what-size-are-you/
And now for a twist on a childhood favourite…

Nut Butter, jam, & grilled banana on toast
I first saw grilled bananas on Healthy Tipping Point and I thought it was right up my alley. I decided to create a spin off of the PB & J Sandwich of my youth.
- Ezekiel bread, toasted
- 1 banana, cut into slices and grilled in frying pan until browned
- Nut butter (I used almond butter in this one)
- Jam (I used organic strawberry)
Directions: Slice up a banana and grill on low-med in a lightly greased frying pan until browned. Toast bread and spread with nut butter and jam. Take grilled banana and place over top. Enjoy!

The grilled bananas really made this pop! Much, much tastier than just placing a fresh banana on top. I burned my banana a bit (ok, ok, I scorched it!) and it gave it such a deep flavour.
Foods You Used To Love As A Child:
Yesterday I was talking with a girlfriend about snack foods we loved as children.
Here are some snack foods I used to love as a child:
- Peanut Butter and Jam sandwich on white bread (classic!)
- Cheese Whiz sandwich (I used to LOVE Cheese Whiz as a kid)
- Little Debbie Snack Cakes: Swiss Cake Rolls, Zebra Cakes, Fudge brownies
- Ah Caramels
- Kraft Dinner
- Fruit By the Foot, Fruit Roll-ups, Gushers (let’s be real there is no fruit in those things!)
- Cotton Candy Ice Cream (the blue swirl = amazing!)
- Bubblegum ice cream
- Starburst/Skittles (go hand in hand)
- Kool-Aid
- PENNY CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (100 pieces for $1 buck = jackpot!) Sour Patch Kids, Big Foot, Hot Lips, etc…
- Anything in a juice box ;)
- Salt and Vinegar chips
- Pigs in a Blanket (OSGMOM was the coolest mom on the block when she made these!)
- Mr. P’s Frozen Pizzas (used to be 99 cents!!!)
- Bonkers- the original, not when they brought it back in the late 90’s
- Spaghetti Sandwich (I used to take a dinner roll, stuff it with spaghetti + sauce)
We actually rarely had these snacks foods in the house, but I used to envy my friends who had them and would eat them whenever I could!
I asked my mom about snack foods I loved as a kid and this is what she said, “You will laugh at this…you didn’t like veggies much. You loved sweets, pizza, peanut butter & jam sandwiches, and mac & cheese.”
I clearly remember the days of taking my veggies and feeding them to our dog underneath the dinner table!! I also used to have to sit at the table until I finished my veggies. Sometimes I would hide them in potato skins thinking my mom would never notice! hahah…good times! ;)
Isn’t it funny how our tastes change and evolve?
Tell me what snack foods YOU loved as a kid…I’m sure I am forgetting a TON of them I used to eat. I can’t wait to reminisce with all of you… :mrgreen:
- Check out Caitlin’s Garmin 305 raffle for the Livestrong Foundation!

I still love pb&j. It’s a super fast lunch when you’re crunched for time. Growing up, it was ham and cheese with yellow mustart, Big League Chew, pizza bagels, Nerds, and Pops cereal. Makes me nostalgic!
Mac and cheese (Kraft), E.L. Fudge cookies, butterfinger blizzards at D.Q., and PB and bananas on waffles. Or PB & ice cream on a waffle…
I loved cheese and crackers, mac and cheese, blizzards, ice cream, chocolate bars, and chips!!!
In my grade school years I used to beg my mom to buy fruit roll ups and pop tarts. She never really did, but whenever I came across them they were a huge treat that I loved. I also have to admit I am still a big fan of Little Debbies oatmeal cream pies- they’re just too good. Kraft mac and cheese, but I think I always preferred the Velveeta brand with the squeezable yellow cheese goop. I’m glad I outgrew that phase. E-Z cheese (aka cheese whiz) was also good on ritz or club crackers
What a funny, fun post. I must have been weird as a kid, but I never craved “junk” foods per se. I remember begging my Mom to get my brother and me freezer dinners, because all our friends ate them (I can’t believe I asked for this, considering my Mom would sometimes make 3 course dinners for us!). She purchased them, finally, and we tried them and HATED them.
My/our (my brother’s, too) favorite was Friday night when we got homemade pizza and SODA — which we only had that one night. We always had homemade cookies in the house, and we like spinach dip on rye crackers. We also both liked doughnuts, which my Dad sometimes got for us on Wednesday mornings. Sheesh, we must have been CRAZY as kids, because we just didn’t eat/want junk food.
well, i’m a phily girl, so i grew up on tastykakes. c’mon pa and jersey kids, ya know you still buy em at wawa.
peanut butter kandy kakes = white cake circles with a layer of peanut butter and covered with chocolate
jelly krimpets and butterscotch krimpets = sponge cakes with raspberry jelly gobs or a thick layer of butterscotch icing
oh, and their insanely awesome cupcakes = chocolate with a glob of white cream inside with buttercream icing with a big chocolate icing stripe.
I LOVED pigs in a blanket! My grandma always made those for us. Up until I was 12 or so, I hated any kind of nut butter (talk about changing taste buds!!!!), and would have butter and jelly sandwiches!
Hah, i must say this is one fantastic post! Oh god, my childhood eats were pretty healthy most of the time but when i got to have a “treat dinner” as my sister and i used to call them, it would be so much fun! I can remember going to get a treat at the local grocery after soccer practices as well. Does no one remember fizzies? They were amazing! lol… I was a little weirdo. I loved mushrooms sauteed in loads of olive oil, i would eat those along side gigantic pb & j’s on thick texas toast. Cereal was definitely Honey bunches of oats every morning. That or strawberry banana bran muffins. We were never allowed to buy much, therefor home-made goodies were a must. I used to have an easy bake oven that both my sister and i got for christmas one year as well, we shared it, but i think i ended up breaking it trying to make toast… ;) haha
I was the worst with my snacks growing up!! as for my veggies, I used to sit at the table for hours, and if I didn’t eat my vegetables that night, I had to eat them for breakfast :(
I used to love Fun dip, Sour Straws, Sour Patch, These giant pink and blue sugar loli-pops. Hiagandaz Ice cream, the list I have is endless awfulness, that I look back and think I can’t believe that’s all I used to eat. But I also guess that’s why I can’t eat any of it now. I’m corn-free, so no candy, so fun. I love my peas, spinach, and tomatoes. But how I wish there was an easier way.
– Happy Monday :)
ah love this! My favorite foods were: Cheese Toast (whole wheat toast with brewer’s yeast and cheddar cheese – my mom’s a vegetarian) and Top Ramen. I was such a picky eater, it took hours for me to finished my vegetables before I was allowed to get dessert :p
Boy, I really had to think – but I’m older, so its really buried, ya know? I used to love –
Milkshakes – chocolate or strawberry
Cheddar cheese or colby cheese
Mustard – I would eat mustard sandwiches
bacon – lots and lots of bacon!
strawberry shortcake
Belgium waffles with strawberries and whipped cream and bacon
pancakes and bacon
barbecue potato chips
deli dill pickles – the big ones!
corned beef on rye with mustard
chocolate cream pie
banana cream pie
coconut cream pie
cheesecake plain, or with chocolate chips, or strawberries, or blueberries
I was never big on cereal. I don’t like milk.
There used to be fruit rolls when I was a kid, but they tasted way different from the fruit roll ups of today. My favorite was apricot.
I’ve never been real fond of preapred foods. I swear it tastes like chemicals to me.
Your PB & grilled banan toast looks awesome. I’ll have to try that!
I’m of a different age, my memories of treats were dad’s cookies(chocolate chip ones), black licorice, used as straws for drinking milk from lunch thermos. Kraft sliced cheese sandwich with Campbell’s tomato soup, little packs of sunmaid raisins, penny candy from the corner store, later on twinkies and ding dongs. Frozen tv dinners for special treat night, loved the fake mashed potatoes, homemade rice krispies. Breakfast was single serve oatmeal with brown sugar or cream of wheat with white sugar, nothing really healthy at all.
oh man, there are soooo many items to list.
I remember that one of my babysitters would have soft, chewy white bread and make me creamed honey sandwiches. Seriously. best ever.
I would trek to the corner store (I lived at the top of a steep hill/mountain so it really was a trek) for penny candy and pretty much everything else mentioned above.
At home, my mom was an all star baker, so there was always fresh cookies, muffins, cakes around. And my dad has seriously the worst sweet tooth ever. I cringe nowadays just thinking about it!
Oh,and mac and cheese and grilled cheese. Couldn’t get enough.
Somewhere along the line I lost my sweet tooth and found my one true love- spice! pretty much, now it’s hot/spicy all the time. Honestly, nothing junk food wise can compare!
I remember as a child seeing someone on a TV programme asking for “peanut butter & jelly” sandwiches (it was DJ from Roseanne!!) and thinking the combination sounded crazy. I don’t think I ever even ate peanut butter until I was around 16. Then that was it, I was a goner :(
I used to love peanut butter and mayonnaise sandwiches – don’t gag, they were wonderful! Although my parents were not impressed at all and tried to take them away from me, lol.
Plain tortilla chips with cheese and salsa. Basically, nachos, but I hated sour cream and guacamole [oh how things change!]
Cinnamon Toast Crunch with lots of milk
Toaster Strudels!!! OMG… those little packets of fake icing they came with. Like crack.
Cheez Whiz on english muffins… I would probably still eat this if someone hadn’t told me Cheez Whiz is GREY before they dye it in the lab!
Potato chips – of course. Mainly barbeque or sour cream and onion.
Corn chips like Doritos.
Peanut butter/jam sandwich with a mug of hot chocolate on the side. STILL my favourite comfort food.
PS: You know I NEVER liked white bread? My Mum said I used to tell her it looked like paper. At least I can be proud of that!! ha ha
Cheez Whiz is GREY before they dye it in the lab…
You just cured me of my love for Cheez Whiz :) thanks
I loved pork chops and mushroom soup. Don’t miss eating them now….have been a vegetarian for 9 yrs.
My mom used to make cheese dreams you made them with half a hamburger bun, cheeses whiz and bacon and then they were grilled in the oven. We thought they were great but now I do not think I could look at them. A penny candy I wish I could still find are mo jos a little spearment candy that were chewy and they were 2 for a penny.
Oh my lordy – my tastebuds fired up when I read about bonkers! I used to LOVE those magical candies with the two toned “”””””fruit””””” flavors!!
Your list is pretty much what my list is – sweets sweets sweets (helllo, sweet tooth lex!!) – and of course, cheese whiz! haha!
I also used to love pop tarts un toasted! oh my – those were SOME crazy days!
Your childhood food list definitely brings back memories!! I loved pigs in a blanket, Kraft mac ‘n cheese, and cinnamon sugar pop-tarts! Haha :)
Oh my gosh, what a fun question! I used to love Cheez-Whiz on Ritz crackers, cheese and butter sandwiches (cold), Fruit Roll-Ups, and Honey Nut Cheerios! I can’t remember the last time I had Honey Nut Cheerios. Might have to go buy some at the store now!