Hello :) Hope you have had a great Monday!
First, I wanted to talk a bit about Size Healthy.
The reason I did Size Healthy was because I struggled with the size on my tags for years. I let the size on my tag (and other numbers) define how I felt about my body and about myself.
Writing Size Healthy on my tags was one of the most liberating things I have ever done because it finally represented symbolically that I was letting go of what I struggled with for many years and occasionally to this day.
I don’t claim that it will be appropriate for everyone. Not everyone is currently at their Size Healthy and some of you are not bothered by numbers on a tag. I get that!
This was created for people who have had struggles with basing self-worth on a number. Those who, despite being at a healthy weight, struggle with the desire to lose more and more weight. Those of us who have never been happy with our bodies despite being perfectly healthy otherwise.
Size Healthy represents being happy about where you are right now and knowing that your efforts day in and day out should be applauded. Whether you are naturally a size 0 or a size 12, writing Size Healthy on your tag is a small reminder each day that you are doing your best to live a healthy and balanced life.
Size Healthy Around The Blog World:
- Kate: http://happyrunningthoughts.blogspot.com/2010/02/size-healthy.html
- Jacquie: http://sweetestthingdc.wordpress.com/2010/02/17/what-size-are-you/
And now for a twist on a childhood favourite…

Nut Butter, jam, & grilled banana on toast
I first saw grilled bananas on Healthy Tipping Point and I thought it was right up my alley. I decided to create a spin off of the PB & J Sandwich of my youth.
- Ezekiel bread, toasted
- 1 banana, cut into slices and grilled in frying pan until browned
- Nut butter (I used almond butter in this one)
- Jam (I used organic strawberry)
Directions: Slice up a banana and grill on low-med in a lightly greased frying pan until browned. Toast bread and spread with nut butter and jam. Take grilled banana and place over top. Enjoy!

The grilled bananas really made this pop! Much, much tastier than just placing a fresh banana on top. I burned my banana a bit (ok, ok, I scorched it!) and it gave it such a deep flavour.
Foods You Used To Love As A Child:
Yesterday I was talking with a girlfriend about snack foods we loved as children.
Here are some snack foods I used to love as a child:
- Peanut Butter and Jam sandwich on white bread (classic!)
- Cheese Whiz sandwich (I used to LOVE Cheese Whiz as a kid)
- Little Debbie Snack Cakes: Swiss Cake Rolls, Zebra Cakes, Fudge brownies
- Ah Caramels
- Kraft Dinner
- Fruit By the Foot, Fruit Roll-ups, Gushers (let’s be real there is no fruit in those things!)
- Cotton Candy Ice Cream (the blue swirl = amazing!)
- Bubblegum ice cream
- Starburst/Skittles (go hand in hand)
- Kool-Aid
- PENNY CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (100 pieces for $1 buck = jackpot!) Sour Patch Kids, Big Foot, Hot Lips, etc…
- Anything in a juice box ;)
- Salt and Vinegar chips
- Pigs in a Blanket (OSGMOM was the coolest mom on the block when she made these!)
- Mr. P’s Frozen Pizzas (used to be 99 cents!!!)
- Bonkers- the original, not when they brought it back in the late 90’s
- Spaghetti Sandwich (I used to take a dinner roll, stuff it with spaghetti + sauce)
We actually rarely had these snacks foods in the house, but I used to envy my friends who had them and would eat them whenever I could!
I asked my mom about snack foods I loved as a kid and this is what she said, “You will laugh at this…you didn’t like veggies much. You loved sweets, pizza, peanut butter & jam sandwiches, and mac & cheese.”
I clearly remember the days of taking my veggies and feeding them to our dog underneath the dinner table!! I also used to have to sit at the table until I finished my veggies. Sometimes I would hide them in potato skins thinking my mom would never notice! hahah…good times! ;)
Isn’t it funny how our tastes change and evolve?
Tell me what snack foods YOU loved as a kid…I’m sure I am forgetting a TON of them I used to eat. I can’t wait to reminisce with all of you… :mrgreen:
- Check out Caitlin’s Garmin 305 raffle for the Livestrong Foundation!

I loved bean burritos cooked in the oven, mac and cheese, carrots and ranch and of course sour cream and onion chips.
Funny, I didn’t care much for sweets and now that I’m pregnant I’m craving all the foods I grew up with in between the morning sickness!
Two words: Koala Yummies. Those koala-shaped graham cracker/cookie guys filled with chocolate. I don’t even think they’re sold anymore!
I was obsessssssed with Gushers. haha Definitely no fruit in there but they were yummy. haha :) Also — Dunkaroos were a fave of mine. haha
We almost always had healthy food around the house. My parents wouldn’t really buy junkfood. But sometimes we would find these pretzel nuggets stuffed with peanut butter that I would love. For a healthy snack, I’d snack on apples and cheese. Even today, I really love Nutella on some melba toast.
I am still obsessed with penny candy, except it never costs a penny these days! Its like a quarter plus tax! You think you’re going in for ten cents worth of candy, and end up spending $5 hahaha
Smores pop tarts, pepperoni and cheese sandwiches, root beer floats, dd munchkins, middlesworth bbq chips, kraft mac and cheese with cut up hot dogs, lunchables (gross!), and handisnacks
I would eat Goober Grape right out of the jar! It was wonderful.
Kind of a late reply… Used to eat Ham & Cheese Hot Pockets and Pepperoni Hot Pockets at my Grammy’s house. She also always had Kudos bars (chewy granola bars covered in chocolate) and Mother’s Circus Animals cookies (animal crackers covered in pink and white frosting and sprinkles). My sis and I would walk to the corner store and buy Hostess DingDongs. Don’t eat any of that stuff now LOL