It’s official: I’m hooked on 5k races!
My second 5k race is under my belt…err…bib, after yesterday’s Frosty 5k race in Burlington. I had such a blast. There was also a half marathon going down…kudos to the brave souls who ran it yesterday!

Unlike my last 5k race a few weeks ago, the skies were blue and the roads were clear. The temperature seemed innocent enough (-4C), but the wind was bone chilling being so close to the lake. Although, once I started running it wasn’t so bad. The cold isn’t as noticeable when you are breathless and busting some booty on the race course!
One thing I love about winter races? The later start time. The race didn’t start until 10:05am, so that meant that I could sleep in until almost 8am feeling nice and rested when I got up.

For some yummy pre-race fuel, I enjoyed a wrap with a banana and a couple spoonfuls of sunflower seed butter.

and a juicy grapefruit for extra hydration.

We got to the race about 45 minutes early, so I took advantage of the free time to empty my bladder. However, the porta potty line ups were huge and not moving very quickly. I waited in line for 20 minutes, before bailing at the last minute so I’d make it to the start line on time. What a tease! Needless to say, holding my bladder throughout the 5k was not fun. That grapefruit clearly put me over the edge…darn you, grapefruit!
There is something to be said about running a race with hundreds of other people (well, thousands if you count the half marathoners); it’s instant motivation and the excitement is contagious, even in the winter.

After a cold wait, it was finally time to begin!

I got off to a slower than normal start, but it ended up being a blessing because I think I would have gone out too hard. I just wanted to sprint to get warm!

The course itself was a simple “out and back” route on a linear, mostly flat course (along Lakeshore) which is perfect for setting a new PR. I love out and back courses because I get to see the faster people coming back (while I’m still going out) and it’s quite motivating to see them zoom by. The first place finisher had a time of 15:29! Crazy.
I felt so happy during the entire race and I think it was probably one of the strongest races that I’ve run, mentally and physically.
Soon enough I was rounding the last bend to the finish line.
See that YELLOW Powerbar “finish line”? When I rounded the last corner, I thought that was the finish line, so I gunned it as hard as I could only to discover that the finish line was actually a couple hundred metres further!

I was now out of breath and really struggling not to stop and walk to the actual finish line. The spectators really gave me my last bit of motivation to keep running.

There wasn’t any smiling for cameras or even looking for Eric. Just me and the finish line, baby!

The real finish line:
…and then I bolted to the nearest bathroom. :)
My official stats:
Chip time: 22:37
Ranking: 4th in my division (25-29 yr old women), 13th out of 390 women, and 52nd out of 577 runners
Avg pace per km: 4:32 min/km
Avg pace per mile: 7:16 min/mile
I beat my previous 5k race time by just over 30 seconds, so that was a nice bonus. I think the speed work has been helping!

I came home and made a recovery smoothie and then had a hot shower. Hot shower = Best feeling ever after a winter race.

I used this Vega Performance protein powder and added in a big frozen banana and lots of almond milk. Yum.

The nutritional info (click to enlarge)

Sketchie was overjoyed to hear about my race. Not.
So as you can tell, I’m loving the 5k distance. I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised because I used to run short distances in track and field and always loved them.
Here are some things that I love about 5k races…
- Shorter recovery time: I’m not too sore after my 5k races (just stiff muscles). After my last 5k race I took a couple days off exercise and then I felt fine to get back into my normal routine. After my half marathons however, I had to take 2 weeks off exercise to recover and occasionally sustained mild injuries. The reduced down time with the 5k is a major plus in my books! Of course, that’s not to say that you can’t get injured running a 5k because you obviously can with any distance.
- Less training time: My 5k training runs are between 3-5 miles, about 4 times per week. I don’t have to spend more than about 25-45 minutes out of my day to train. This is a huge plus when busy.
- Less Prep: I don’t need to bring water, energy gels, or anything else like I do with longer distances. It’s quite effortless to prepare for.
Have you ever run a 5k race or are you thinking about running one some day? For all of you runners: what is your favourite race distance?
If you are looking to start running, I’ve heard great things about the Couch to 5k 9-week running program. If you start now, you can run your first 5k race at the beginning of May! Maybe if some of you have done the C25k before, leave a comment below telling us about your experience. It may help others who are thinking about starting.
Wow you’re fast! That looks like a lot of fun. I did the Couch to 5k last year, and went from never having run a step to getting hooked! I’m ready for some races around here, although I’m not as fast as you. I’m gonna start doing your speed workouts….
You killed it! Congrats :) I have a love hate relationship with 5ks. Love the minimal prep time like you mentioned and that it’s only 20-25 minutes of running but also hate that it’s only 20-25 mins of running b/c I feel a lot more pressure to sprint and run FAST the entire time. No pacing myself like in a half and that is exhausting in and of itself!
Yea that is so true! Pros and cons to every distance I guess :)
Congratulations on the new PR! I love how unamused Sketchie looks. I guess Sketchie would prefer that you stayed home and petted him!
Congratulations on your speedy race! :)
I’m a C25k graduate. I completed the program over the summer of 2010 and ran my first 5k that September. It really works! I definitely hit a mental block when I hit the 20 minute point, but my advice is to change the scenery (I went from running only on the treadmill to running outside) to keep up the motivation. I went on to complete a half marathon about a year after starting the program. Just stick with it!
Thank you for sharing Jessie! Congrats on all the progress you made. Running a half marathon after just a year of running is quite a feat!
Wow. Congrats on your new PR. You are one fast runner. I’m currently training for my first race (10K) and seeing other people run races that fast really keeps me motivated…thanks for that!
Excellent time!! Looks like you had fun even if the kitty didn’t seem impressed. ;-)
The Mr is looking to run a 5K some day. I’ll just quietly cheer y’all on from the sidelines!
Congrats on a great race and PR, Speedy Gonzales!
I LOVE your new header!
Great race time! It’s amazing what having to pee and cold weather can do… not to mention you’re in stellar shape. :) Congrats!
I think my bursting bladder shaved off about 10 seconds at least, heh
My favourite distance is the half-marathon, hands down. I’ve run 7 since 2010, and am planning (hopefully) to run 4 more this year. Though I agree with you on the 5K being a super fun distance, its a nice change from a longer distance because its so quick and you get the opportunity to increase your speed!
Excellent work!
One of my goals this year is to run a 5k. I’ve definitely got to check out more of your racing and training posts and reread them for good tips. Congrats on another race!
That’s awesome. Congrats!
I have been thinking of starting C25K so it’s interesting to hear other people saying it has worked.
You ran by my house yesterday haa and I wanted to look out for you and cheer you on but I was freezing haa I did mentally say GO ANGELA GO !!
well, thank you! I probably wouldnt have gone outside either ;)
Wow! Congrats! I am so impressed with how much your times have improved. That would be a full on sprint for me the entire way, which I don’t think is possible. :)
Awesome time! (crazy pace) …I was one of the brave souls running the half marathon (my 1st) it was a great course nice and flat and we did luck out with sunny cool day! Perfect running weather! Congrats! :)
Congrats for running the half! I don’t know if I could do it in that weather. Hope you had a restful second half of the day.
You are inspiring Angela! I am looking forward to running in my first 5k this year. We are just moving to Calgary next month, and i am going to look up a 5k race as soon as we get settled there. You do run fast that is for sure! I am training on the treadmill now 3 times a week and the stepper twice a week. I am probably running a 11 min mile now, so I have a way to go, but i just love to run :)
As long as you enjoy what you do, nothing else matters :) Goodluck with your first 5k!
What a speedster you are! Awesome time!
I ran numerous 5k races as a part of my high school cross country team. In fact, it’s the only distance I’ve ever run!
At our invitationals there were ALWAYS ridiculously long lines at the bathrooms so my team usually resorted to going in the woods! This made my (40 year old and male) coach SO uncomfortable! I’m laughing out loud thinking back to those days…
Awesome race!!!! Congrats!! I haven’t ever done a 5k but I’m starting training now for my second 1/2… Which I love! :)
Nice work on the race! In the two or so years that I’ve been running, I’ve only done a couple of races – a 10k and a 5k. They’re a ton of fun, though, so hopefully I’ll get some more under my belt.
During normal workouts, I usually find it easier to motivate myself to go for distance rather than speed, so my pace isn’t all that great. That’s something I need to work on, though, since it’s becoming more and more difficult to squeeze the miles into the allotted time.
i just can’t bring myself to spend the money for race fees, but there are definitely times that i would totally consider doing one…money is motivating after all!
Your race story was inspirational! As a new runner, I’m always intimidated by cold weather — I run around the track at my gym to train for my first 5k, which is in early June. As I gain more speed and become a more confident runner, perhaps I’ll transition to running outside — your post makes me want to get out there and run around in the snow! :)