Greetings! (aka: Hellllloooooooo)
What a day!
So interesting to read all of your comments about your earthquake experience today. The news is now reporting that it was a Magnitude 5.0 earthquake that originated in Quebec from 18 km in the ground. Crazy!
However, I carried on. I had a race to fuel for and lots of work to do!
The theme of my pre-race eats = Green, Carbo, Clean!
Ezekiel toast with curried couscous and basil…

I got up from the table and promptly put some salsa on it. Perfect-o!

With a Green Juice
Note- this is the first time my juicer has ever gotten any juice out of a leafy green before! I have tried juicing kale before and did not get a drop of juice out of it. I’m not sure what I did differently with this spinach, but it came pouring out. I think it might have been due to placing a couple items on top of the spinach (lemon, apple) to hold it in place…
The juice contained spinach, 1/2 a lemon, 1/2 a cuke, and a tiny apple.

Dessert was Trader Joe’s Fair Trade Dark Chocolate! LOVE this chocolate so much. My heart goes pitter patter.

8 squares for good measure!
Afternoon fueling snacks were a Liberate Raw + GF Glo Bar…

A TJ’s Raspberry Fruit Leather…

I used to eat fruit leather all the time as a teenager. I’d like to make my own in the food dehydrator, actually! Specifically dried mangoes…oodles and oodles of dried mangoes. Mmmmmm.
….and late afternoon, a Green Monster. I wasn’t sure how to fuel for an evening race, so I figured Green Monsters were always fine with previous races so I decided on that! Can’t go wrong with a monstaaaa.
It contained: 1 tbsp peanut butter, 2 cups Red Russian Kale (that was the mystery veggie from last week’s CSA!), 1 cup hemp milk, 1/2 scoop Amazing Grass Chocolate Amazing Meal Powder, 1 tbsp chia seeds, ice, ice, baby.
It was thick and chewy. :ermm: I might have good news on a new blender coming soon though…
So yes, I was fueled up.
But I was still undecided about the 5-mile race in Toronto. This called for a phone call consultation to OSGMOM. She was less than thrilled for me to be going given all the crazy circumstances today. I also consulted Karly.
She said…
I think there have been enough warning signs today to give yourself permission to not go to this race:
1. Earthquake
2. Crazy protests in Toronto
3. Sweltering heat
4. Torrential downpours/severe thunderstorms expected tonight
5. Possible looming tornado!!!!!Do you need anymore reasons? :biggrin:
Sometimes all you need is a worried mother and friend to tell it like it is. Reluctantly, I made the call to skip the race, BUT to make things fun for myself, I hosted my own race, much like Caitlin did with the Chickpea Masala 10k Race.
I called it….
The Earthquake Run & Shake 5 Point Oh…No

I didn’t have much time to advertise though, so the turn out was a bit less than expected!
I approached the start line and checked the mailbox while I was waiting. Awesome.

To my surprise, I was in the FIRST Corral, so that right there was a confidence booster. Sadly, I did not see any elite runners though. I think they were ‘running’ late.
Then, the horn sounded and off I went, filled with adrenaline!
Mile 1:
Right from the start of this race I knew it would be a struggle. The air was thick and humid and the temperature was 29C with a humidity of 37C! The air felt like a damp cloth that had been sitting in a steam room. Gross. Luckily I had my Camelbak on me and it was full with COLD water, so I was good to go. The Camelbak has made my runs SO much better. Having water easily accessible on a run is truly amazing. I am used to the extra weight now too so that is not a factor.
- Mile 1 time = 8:15 min/mile
- Avg heart rate = 162 bpm
- Max heart rate = 174 bpm
Mile 2:
The storm clouds rolled in and the wind picked up!
Hence, ‘OH NO’
I knew right then and there that I had to turn back because the storm was approaching quicker than expected. I pictured the ground opening up and swallowing me whole, but I persisted on. I figured if it did, that would be a pretty cool way to kick the bucket. The wind was refreshing, yet it made the run much more difficult. I was able to pick up a bit of speed despite this.
- Mile 2 time = 8:12 min/mile
- Avg heart rate = 167 bpm
- Max heart rate = 174 bpm
Mile 3:
It started to rain during the last 0.5 mile stretch and this was great inspiration to boot it home! I ran fast and I ran hard. I decided a 5k race would have to do! During the last 1/4 mile it POURED rain and I felt like I was in the Amazing Race or something. That, or I was Rocky. Probably Rocky actually.
3 mile race stats:
- Time: 24:17 min/mile
- Avg pace: 8:06 min/mile

[That is not all sweat… it was raining too! But yea, it’s mostly all sweat I guess. lol]
As I approached the ‘finish line’ no one was in sight and amazingly, I WON the race! :lol: I even took home this awesome 1st place ribbon!

I can assure you, I will not be taking this bad boy off for a while.
I have some post-race fuel waiting to be consumed. Have a good night!
Hee hee, that’s just too cute :)
I get so frustrated with the little amount of green juice I get from my romaine & kale in the morning – I’ll have to switch up the order like you did!
Ange – where do you buy your Amazing grass from? I can’t find it at any local health stores (I live in Niagara on the Lake)
Holy cow, I don’t know how you managed to run in yesterday’s weather! I was working up a sweat by just sitting around! I love how you made up your own race though. That certainly would make a run more exciting! :D
You are too funny. Does your husband just sit back and laugh at you or is he a willing participant? Love the ribbon.
Congrats! You are so awesome!
You are hilarious! I am curious – how come you post your running stats in miles rather than kilometres?
Hahaha I LOVE how you made your own race! And I think your ribbon is gorgeous! :) I was curious about trying kale in a green monster this week, but read that kale doesn’t taste so hot in smoothies – what did you think? Was it a stronger, leafier taste than the usual spinach?
:) sounds like an amazing run!!
I love the idea of having your own race! Way to be flexible and stay motivated :)
awww, your race was so cute! congrats on getting first place, woohoo!
Haha, you’re too funny! Way to not let the circumstances of the day get you down :)
Love your workout top!
Haha this post was hilarious! Props for the first place!
I had a small migraine last night but instead of calling off my workout I decided to push through and did 2 miles on the treadmill and did some squats and ab work with the bosu ball (I love love love the bosu). I also did a few bicep curls with some 10 lb weights.
You are too cute. Put a smile on my face.
Yum, that curry couscous looks good on the ezekial bread…I’ve run a few evening races in the past and am never sure how to fuel either. I don’t know how my tummy would handle a GM before a race though. Good job attempting to get your run in regardless of the decision you made for the actual race. You have the most creative mind gal! Love it!!!
How do you figure your mile splits on your Garmin, I still have yet to do that since I use an interval in my runs?
Haha, love that you did your own race instead!! Yes, I would say there were definitely greater forces at work keeping you from that race ;) The epicenter wasn’t too far from Ottawa (33 miles). It scared the crap out of me!! My sister lives in a high rise and I was scared the shaking was going to get worse and topple the thing! I expected the rain storms and tornado warnings in Ontario, but not the earthquakes ;)
haha, I love this post!! What a great idea. I’ve never hosted my own race, but once during high school XC, one of our meets got canceled and so my coach decided that we’d just have our own little race instead. It definitely made me run faster than I would have at a normal practice.
Good call on skipping the original race and great job on the one you hosted!! :)
You are so cute! I love that you made your own race!!!!! And, you won!!!
My husband and I are just barely starting to run, so once again I’m loving this blog! We’ve done a mile run twice this week. We were much faster than we thought and we improved between day one and two!
I have a hard time getting juice out of kale too, and I also think it is waaayyy too tasty to waste on juice. Collards are pretty good through the juicer, but the best thing so far is this giant bag of southern greens I bought at Trader Joes! I just shove 2 hand fulls in the juicer and I get about an ounce of super dark concentrated beautiful greenness. Then I throw in an apple or two and a carrot!
Thank you again for your blog…hopefully I get some work done at work today though. I’m feeling addicted to reading!