This morning I started the day with a 60 minute total body power workout. But first I had one of my new Raw and Gluten-Free Glo Bars for energy…
They are a secret for now…I am still testing them! :mrgreen: I’m so excited though!!!!
It takes a long time to get a bar perfect and I accept nothing but the best. I hope to have it nailed down in a couple more trials! I also tested out my newest piece of equipment for the bakery…
I’m a bit scared of this machine, I’m not going to lie!!!
Back to the workout…
My continual goal is to stick with strength training and stretching in addition to my normal cardio workouts. So far I have been able to keep it up, but it does take constant effort not to just skip the strength + yoga/stretching aspect of it! I really don’t enjoy strength and stretching that much, but I do like being strong and not having to rely on knee sleeves anymore, so I will keep at it. If you notice me going long times without mentioning S + S, yell at me!!! ;)
A brisk 3 mile run around the neighbourhood. The sun was just rising and it was crisp and glorious outside! The air smelled like SPRING!
The run:
- Distance: 3 miles
- Time: 28:12 minutes
- Avg pace: 9:24 min/mile
I still need to figure out how to locate my split times on Dwight! I also want to figure out the feature called ‘Mark and lap’. If I understand correctly, mark and lap allows the watch to automatically begin a new lap each time I cross a pre-marked point along my route. I want to mark Murder Hill. In theory, I would be able to compare my murder hill times across runs to see if I am improving my speed. Eric and I tried marking the top of murder hill the other day, but I don’t think I did it right…I still have a good 35 pages to tackle in the manual so hopefully once I do that, and install the software I will have a better sense of what I am doing with it!
I followed my run with a bunch of squats and lunges. I did 50 squats and 50 lunges (on each leg) all with my weighted bar (22 lbs). Legs were shaking like leafs!
I capped it off with 20 minutes of Yoga for Strength over at Yoga Download.
Killer workout. I haven’t had a tough workout like this in a week!
Sketchie was watching me from up high! Creeeepy.
Post workout I had a delicious juice:
In this juice: 1 beet, 1 cuke, 1 piece ginger, 1/2 lemon, 3 carrots.
After working the morning away, it was time to eat again.
Crisped Potato, Chickpea, and Carrots with Homemade Ketchup
- 3 Yukon Gold potatoes, chopped
- 2 carrots, peeled and chopped
- 1/2 cup of cooked chickpeas (or beans/lentils)
- 1-2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- Pinch of sea salt
- Ground black pepper
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 2 tablespoons chia flour (optional)
Directions: Throw all ingredients except cooked chickpeas into a wok and cook on medium heat for about 1 hour, stirring frequently. Throw in chickpeas at the end of cooking to heat. Serves 3.
Chia flour is simply ground chia seeds and it gives the taters a healthy omega-filled coating!
Homemade Ketchup:
- 2 heaping tablespoons tomato paste
- 1 teaspoon almond milk, unsweetened
- small pinch of sea salt
- 1/4 teaspoon – 1/2 teaspoon agave nectar, to taste (optional)
This lunch was fabulous!
I don’t eat potatoes too much, but when I do get a craving for them I must have them!!
Along with a grapefruit…
This afternoon I am preparing for my meeting with the director of the organic farmer’s market tomorrow! I need to make sure I have all of my paperwork in order and some samples ready to be tested. If everything works out, I will be moving full speed ahead with hiring 4-6 energetic & passionate people to help me sell Glo Bars at the market on Saturdays. I will also be designing a large vinyl sign + other marketing materials, and purchasing a canopy tent! Busy and fun times ahead. I have a feeling this summer is going to be crazy!
Tonight I am hoping that Eric and I get to Costco to get our wetsuits and start talking about our TRY-A-TRI training!!! I feel a bit scared because I have no idea where to begin. Anyone know of any beginner websites with training help? I also realized that our TRY-A-TRI is ONE WEEK after my Toronto Women’s Half Marathon on May 30th! Should be interesting. ;)
Today’s Question- If you could do only ONE form of exercise the rest of your life what would it be and why?
- Biking
- Working out at the gym (on any equipment)
- Running
- Swimming
- Hiking
- Rock climbing
- Trail running
- Walking
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Sport (e.g., volleyball, hockey, basketball, etc)
I think I would have to go with trail running. I did a bunch of trail running last summer and I loved it. I can’t wait to get back into it this year.
I noticed you left strength training off the list.. learn to love it! I would choose lifting – I LOVE it!
Hmmm…If I had to choose, I would pick bodyweight exercises because no equipment is needed and you can get a combo of strength and cardio. The strength can come from moves such as lunges, squats, and pushups, and the cardio from high knees, jumping jacks, and lateral jumps.
Love the homemade ketchup idea! Sounds delicious.
I think I would pick volleyball. I played in highschool and some college, and I dearly miss it. It’s such a great heart pumping, full body, plyometric workout. I love it!
Ohh I’ve always wanted to try a dehydrator!!
That’s a tough question! I’d probably pick trail running or pilates- but they’re both so different I don’t know that I could pick one over the other!
Ahh food dehydrators. I saw a raw vegan “meat”ball recipe on youtube that I always wanted to try. Rumor has it, they’re really epic. :o
I would dance! I love dancing! I love the way it makes me feel so free and happy when I do it. The body just moves how it was meant to move while I dance, and it’s fun. Any sort of dancing will do it, if I can get into the rhythm of a song, I can dance, and I’d do it for the rest of my life. ;)
Hiking for sure! I love the outdoors and exploring nature ;)
I cannot wait for these raw/gluten free bars to come out!
I am dying to try them!
Ohhh, tough choice. If I could only do one, I would go with running. I love feeling strong and knowing that every time I run I am building a stronger healthy body!
I would definitely have to say hiking — preferably in some huge mountain range so then I could also combine trail running and rock climbing! :) I live in a city on the east coast now where there are few trails and no mountains…I’m sorely missing them.
Also — that homemade ketchup looks amazing! I can’t wait to try it!
Good luck with your big meeting tomorrow :)
Holy comments! I would pick body pump !
I would cross-train like crazy! Whip out a calendar and start planning!
Love the look of that meal- yum!
I am good at the stretching part of working out (yoga!) but not so much the strength. I prefer running!
However, if I could pick only ONE exercise, it would have to be yoga! Because there are so many choices in it, and I love it!
Yoga came to my head at first, but then I thought, what if I couldn’t walk. I walk everywhere I go in the city for the most part and that’s my favorite thing to do to explore a new place too… hmmm…
I’d have to say working out at the gym. With two knee injuries it’s really the only way I get to work out. Plus, then I’d have all the equipment needed for my physical therapy exercises right there. But if we’re in a pretend I’m-fixed world, I’ll go with yoga.
If I had to choose one it would be yoga (closely followed by hiking, then trail running, running, and pilates). Everytime I get or hear about an injury I remember how thankful I am to have a body that can do all these amazing things:)
when i did my first tri, i found that site was full of FREE training programs, people with knowledge and i think without finding it, i would have never gotten through my first tri.
thank you!
it would probably be tennis , since I like the sport a lot and I get a full body workout. I would suggest for a training program to go over to hal higdon’s webpage , just google it , I am pretty sure he has plans catered to beginner who is trying a triathlon . Hope it helps . About Glo bars , I have been meaning to try it , will you have a veriety pack on the website soon ? I am not sure which flavor I would like and wanted to try a variety pack but I have been checking regularly and they are always SOLD OUT :(
I know Hal Higdon has a lot of stuff on marathons, but I didn’t know he had training programs for triathlons? I hope he does!
thanks will check out Hal!
New variety pack should be up in a couple weeks. :)
Trail running for sure, though pilates is a close second. With trail running, I feel so primal…it sounds crazy, but I feel like with every step I take, there is some sort of connection between myself and my ancestors. I think it’s because I am surrounded completely by nature, I can’t hear any cars, and my ears are primarily filled with the chirps of birds. I don’t get that feeling with any other exercise.
Pilates…well, that just kicks my butt! Plus I get great results from Windsor Pilates, so it’s up there as my fav workout.
I feel the same way about the trails!
Hiking, definitely hiking! The mix of endorphins, fresh air, sunshine (well, sometimes!), gorgeous views and the sense of accomplishment you get from climbing a mountain = one very happy me.
Between hiking uphill with a heavy overnight pack and using your upper body for scrambling (or using hiking poles) you pretty much get all the exercise you need!
Definitely running! It feels good physically and calms my mind all at the same time :)