This morning I started the day with a 60 minute total body power workout. But first I had one of my new Raw and Gluten-Free Glo Bars for energy…
They are a secret for now…I am still testing them! :mrgreen: I’m so excited though!!!!
It takes a long time to get a bar perfect and I accept nothing but the best. I hope to have it nailed down in a couple more trials! I also tested out my newest piece of equipment for the bakery…
I’m a bit scared of this machine, I’m not going to lie!!!
Back to the workout…
My continual goal is to stick with strength training and stretching in addition to my normal cardio workouts. So far I have been able to keep it up, but it does take constant effort not to just skip the strength + yoga/stretching aspect of it! I really don’t enjoy strength and stretching that much, but I do like being strong and not having to rely on knee sleeves anymore, so I will keep at it. If you notice me going long times without mentioning S + S, yell at me!!! ;)
A brisk 3 mile run around the neighbourhood. The sun was just rising and it was crisp and glorious outside! The air smelled like SPRING!
The run:
- Distance: 3 miles
- Time: 28:12 minutes
- Avg pace: 9:24 min/mile
I still need to figure out how to locate my split times on Dwight! I also want to figure out the feature called ‘Mark and lap’. If I understand correctly, mark and lap allows the watch to automatically begin a new lap each time I cross a pre-marked point along my route. I want to mark Murder Hill. In theory, I would be able to compare my murder hill times across runs to see if I am improving my speed. Eric and I tried marking the top of murder hill the other day, but I don’t think I did it right…I still have a good 35 pages to tackle in the manual so hopefully once I do that, and install the software I will have a better sense of what I am doing with it!
I followed my run with a bunch of squats and lunges. I did 50 squats and 50 lunges (on each leg) all with my weighted bar (22 lbs). Legs were shaking like leafs!
I capped it off with 20 minutes of Yoga for Strength over at Yoga Download.
Killer workout. I haven’t had a tough workout like this in a week!
Sketchie was watching me from up high! Creeeepy.
Post workout I had a delicious juice:
In this juice: 1 beet, 1 cuke, 1 piece ginger, 1/2 lemon, 3 carrots.
After working the morning away, it was time to eat again.
Crisped Potato, Chickpea, and Carrots with Homemade Ketchup
- 3 Yukon Gold potatoes, chopped
- 2 carrots, peeled and chopped
- 1/2 cup of cooked chickpeas (or beans/lentils)
- 1-2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- Pinch of sea salt
- Ground black pepper
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- 2 tablespoons chia flour (optional)
Directions: Throw all ingredients except cooked chickpeas into a wok and cook on medium heat for about 1 hour, stirring frequently. Throw in chickpeas at the end of cooking to heat. Serves 3.
Chia flour is simply ground chia seeds and it gives the taters a healthy omega-filled coating!
Homemade Ketchup:
- 2 heaping tablespoons tomato paste
- 1 teaspoon almond milk, unsweetened
- small pinch of sea salt
- 1/4 teaspoon – 1/2 teaspoon agave nectar, to taste (optional)
This lunch was fabulous!
I don’t eat potatoes too much, but when I do get a craving for them I must have them!!
Along with a grapefruit…
This afternoon I am preparing for my meeting with the director of the organic farmer’s market tomorrow! I need to make sure I have all of my paperwork in order and some samples ready to be tested. If everything works out, I will be moving full speed ahead with hiring 4-6 energetic & passionate people to help me sell Glo Bars at the market on Saturdays. I will also be designing a large vinyl sign + other marketing materials, and purchasing a canopy tent! Busy and fun times ahead. I have a feeling this summer is going to be crazy!
Tonight I am hoping that Eric and I get to Costco to get our wetsuits and start talking about our TRY-A-TRI training!!! I feel a bit scared because I have no idea where to begin. Anyone know of any beginner websites with training help? I also realized that our TRY-A-TRI is ONE WEEK after my Toronto Women’s Half Marathon on May 30th! Should be interesting. ;)
Today’s Question- If you could do only ONE form of exercise the rest of your life what would it be and why?
- Biking
- Working out at the gym (on any equipment)
- Running
- Swimming
- Hiking
- Rock climbing
- Trail running
- Walking
- Yoga
- Pilates
- Sport (e.g., volleyball, hockey, basketball, etc)
I think I would have to go with trail running. I did a bunch of trail running last summer and I loved it. I can’t wait to get back into it this year.
i searched every where for an advance beginner tri program and I think that the Idiots Guide to Triathlon training is the best, I have all the workouts on my computer if you are interested. many of the beginner programs are for people who do not currently exercise.
Eric doesn’t currently workout.. and since I will be training with him, I am going to be training at his level (whatever he is comfortable with)! So I think a beginner’s is best :)
Belly dance. Dancing to me doesn’t feel like a workout, just like fun. I am a belly dancer and burlesque performer, and I also do some Nia in between. Love dance!
Great blog, thanks Angela! Your recipes always look amazing
I would have to say ice hockey! I love it and it is the best full body workout =) but yoga is right behind it on my list!
wow, your post was CHOCK FULL of great stuff! i love the workout…that sounds like exactly what i was planning on doing today :) plus that’s great news about the farmer’s market and hiring some people to work it – you’re gonna take over the world! :)
When I went to publish it I was like WHOA this is so long! haha. So much for shorter posts today!
Definitely running. I love getting on long stretches of road and just going. It clears my mind, and it makes me feel invincible!
Definitely running!!!!
Your lunch sounds SO good!!! I swear I could eat potatoes every single day and never get sick of them. Especially when I have some ketchup!
Hey! I cannot believe it has taken me so long to consistently read your wonderful blog! you look freaking AWESOME. congrats on the tri thing! thats so exciting! LOVE Your fresh juices!! so healthy. I would def BIKE the rest of my life-bc my knees would hate me if i ran and im a terrible swimmer! haha!
Thank you! :) Your blog is great too! I am going to try carrot fries soon by the way.
I would hate to never be able to do yoga again – I just wish it was less expensive now so I could do it more often!
I would either do yoga or hike in beautiful settings, if I had the opportunity to do so everyday. I love running to an extent, but my body doesn’t!
Definitely hiking. I love being outdoors, it is so soul soothing :)
Definitely running! Nothing gives me the same feeling of accomplishment. But it would also be a sad, sad life without hiking.
I didn’t know you got a dehydrator!! That baby is on my wish list. I’ve been meaning to email to ask what you do with your test batches of Globars…or the ones that don’t turn out ‘right.’ Do you save them for yourself? Throw them away (gasp)?
Eric brings them to work! They are always tasty, just not perfect!
I love love love to dance. All forms!!
ohhh how did I forget about dance!? Love it. Great idea.
I would definitely say yoga for sure but I’d also want to do hiking. Something outdoors. If I never spend another minute in the gym, I won’t be sad. ;) The older I get, the more I want to be one with nature. :)
That’s a three way tie between hiking, walking, and pilates.
Hiking and walking are relatively the same though. Since I can’t run I walk. I’d take real hiking over paved walking any day though!
How about hiking to a beautiful spot at the top of a mountain followed by pilates? Amazing, no? :)
HOmemade ketchup sounds amazing! My hubby would probably love it. I would choose walking. It can be done anywhere and you can change the intensity on your own.
What a hard question!!!! Swimming is my first love. That would be my first choice I guess. Hiking is a close second.
I am so into that homemade ketchup!
I will say swimming – one because I did it last night, and two because I have so many joint problems that if I was limited to only one form of exercise it would have to be the one that was easiest on my joints
There is a restaurant in boulder that makes THEE most amazing ketchup ever. I know for sure there is basil in it and possibly a little rosemary or other spice. I literally could eat it as a cold tomato soup! Thanks for the vegan oats shout out! :) Sooo exciting about the tri. For the past 2 years doing a tri has been in the back of my mind. I will definitely get there at some point! I’ve been swimming like a mad woman lately and loving it.
I love hiking — it’s fun because it’s exercise BUT you’re also able to be social. Plus I usually bring a picnic and any form of exercise that incorporates eating is good to me. :D
Can I pick skiing? Either that or running and swimming!
Love your blog btw! I have just started my own: – random musings, healthy living, my wedding! Hope you enjoy as much as I enjoy yours. X