Good morning!
Ok, I have to admit- Eric and I watched The (Superbowl) Office episode again last night!!! Weeeeeeee. It is seriously funnier the second time around because you anticipate all the funny parts. I swear laughter is the best stress release…I slept like a baby!
Thank you for all of your suggestions about adding frozen fruit to smoothies. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before *Scratches head*.
I had some frozen berries in the freezer that were pretty old. Ok, I won’t lie. They are a good two years old and covered in freezer burn. LOL!!!!! So gross I know. But I thought what the hell. I’m sure every last nutrient has died in the berries long ago, but I figured it was better than ice. Heck, maybe they will give my smoothie a nice aged flavour? ;)

The loot:
- 2 leaves organic kale
- 1 Tbsp flax
- 1 ripened banana (medium)
- 1 Cup Original Almond Breeze
- 1 small handful frozen berries
Just chillin:

After my smoothie, I brought out the other half of my prize loot!

The lo down:
- 160 kcals
- 4g fibre
- 3 g protein
- 8 g fat
It is vegan and gluten free! Sweet! :)

Taste test?
- I liked this bar but it wasn’t my favourite of flavour combinations. I guess I am not a huge tropical nut kinda girl. It was still good though and I would probably try the other flavours!
- I love the short ingredient list: organic dates, cashews, apples, bananas, pineapple, coconut, sea salt.
Thanks Melissa!!! :D
Keep those awesome Valentine’s Day entries coming in!!
There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it’s going to be a butterfly.
~R. Buckminster Fuller

Mykonos, Greece
i love frozen berries in smoothies!
cherries are really good
I was just at whole foods yesterday and was wondering about those Think bars. Good to know that the tropical nut isn’t the best. Maybe I’ll grab another flavor next time I see them.
You only have 2 more days of work! I am very envious!!
Wow – thoser are some burnt berries!! hehe! Your flowers are still looking beautiful!
i like putting in the mixed berries, but a blueberry smoothie sounds great. your smoothie has such a beautiful color (that’s always one of my favorite parts about smoothie making).
you always put up the loveliest pictures and quotes, and they always make me smile, so thank you!
I love all of your honeymoon pics!! They make me CRAVE warm weather!
haha!! – did u die when Angela brought the cat out of her desk drawer!??
Berries are a wonderful addition to your smoothie. Eating berries every day is good for aging and memory =)
My dad totally ate that same Think bar today!! :-D
just bought some frozen berries :) hopefully will make a smoothie soooon!!
Love those think bars! I think I like the other flavors better too though!