Good morning!
Weeee….I won my first contest and the prize arrived last night!!
This lovely package came from the awesome Melissa from Fitness NYC! If you have not checked out her fabulous website please do so! It rocks. :D

Look at the awesome ‘quote’ card that she gave me!! I have this beside my computer screen now. :D

Included in the package: 2 awesome health bars!
- Keribar in Strawberry Chocolate Chip
- Think Organic Bar in Tropical nut
I had not tried either of these bars so I was naturally so excited! I cracked a Keribar open after dinner:

It was so. good. so. so. good!
The stats:
- 130 kcals
- 6 grams protein
- 5 grams fibre
- vegan
YUM! Thanks Melissa!!!
Eric and I watched The Office last night- the 1 hour special after the superbowl that we knew NOTHING ABOUT! What gives!? lol.
And oh my gosh did this episode deliver!!!!!!!!!!!!
I kept saying to Eric….imagine the people who just stumbled upon this episode after watching football….imagine what they were thinking…what the hell is this!? haha.
The opening was possibly the funniest Office moment ever. The cat!!!!! In the filing cabinet!!!!!!
Ok I will stop now. I’m sure this is highly irritating for non-Office fans (do they exist?? lol).
Breakfast was a big let down!
I added some mango and it just made the smoothie taste bitter…I don’t know, maybe the mango wasn’t ripe enough!?

The loot:
- 2 organic kale leaves (1 large + 1 medium)
- 1 Tbsp flax
- 1 cup Original Almond Breeze
- 3 sprigs of Parsley
- 1/2 cup mango
- 1 large banana

I was not a fan of the mango taste in this smoothie- it was pretty tart which makes me think that the mago wasn’t ripe enough! Maybe I should have waited a few days.
See you this afternoon for another powersnack recipe revealed and a video!
PS- We have more snow this morning :( I just heard on the traffic report ‘expect to double to triple your driving time this morning’ UGH!!!!!!
4 days!!
PPS- Check out my Salmon Vegetable Medley featured by Meg on Bites Du Jour!!
PPPS- I was featured as a KERF model today on Kath’s site! YAY!
Perfection is a trifle dull. It is not the least of life’s ironies that this, which we all aim at, is better not quite achieved.
~W. Somerset Maugham
i’m sorry that your smoothie was sub-par. i almost used an unripe mango in mine the other day, but my mom stopped me just in time…who knew they were so dangerous? :)
i did make a kale smoothie the other day, by the way, and i loved it! i balanced out the bitterness with a banana and some frozen berries…mmm!
you just reminded me that i really have to catch up on the office, i’d better get to it!
Love the Office!! I had no idea about the episode either till after it came on!! BTW I saw you on Kath’s blog this morning, so cute!!!
Please forgive if someone else already mentioned this (I didn’t read the comments) – your mango looks a little unripe to me. I think they’re usually a much deeper yellow-gold and softer when they’re more ripe. A good trick for smoothies? Just use frozen mango! It’s cheaper, you’re not paying for the pit that you throw away, it’s easier and quicker (no mess and time for cutting up the mango), and if you thaw the mango out overnight before you make your smoothie, the mango will be so much sweeter (when fruits are flash frozen, they maintain all their nutrients and the extra zap of cold brings out the fruit’s natural sweeteners…pretty sure this is also why rieslings are sweeter wines, because they use the grapes that have experienced that touch of cold before harvetsing!).
Ok, long comment, but hope it helps some!
(And gasp – my husband and I don’t want the Office. We never watched it and the few times we’re seen it we’ve been kinda clueless/ not sure what’s so funny).
If you were a greeting card, that’d be it.
If you were a greeting card, that’d be it.
Ps. the Office WAS hillarrriousss… I used to watch it all the time but school work was always heavy on Thursday nights so I broke my habit. How great was Michael’s Roast…I cried from laughing so hard!
Hi Angela!
Having experienced being a fruitarian, any fruit I would eat would have to be ripe. This way the fruit would be at its sweetest and most delicious!