Usually around mid-to-late August, I can’t help but think about Fall.
Don’t get me wrong, I love summer and cherish every second of it (and yes our summer in Canada can be counted by the second!), but my mind wanders to thoughts of Fall around this time.
Crisp, bright, crunchy, and cool fall.
Comfy sweaters.
The smell of fireplaces and those final uses of the BBQ.
Raking leaves until the blisters on my fingers hurt so bad, I must come inside.
Ok, so maybe fall isn’t all it is cracked up to be. I just can’t decide if I am on Team Summer or Team Fall right now.
Tonight’s recipes are a clear reflection of my indecisiveness toward the seasons.
First, I decided I would make a summer bean salad so delicious and easy, I’d feel like I was sitting on the beach at some posh women’s yoga retreat. My body was also in post-vacation shock, so anything longer than 10 minutes to prepare was simply out of the question.

Second, I decided I would honour my Fall cravings with a beautiful Maple Butter Baked Pepper Squash so warm and fuzzy I’d feel like I was cuddled up in front of a bonfire wearing a big hooded sweatshirt.
This meal is for those days when you are town between your love for summer and your yearnings for Fall.

Easy & Delicious Summer Bean Salad
- 1.5 cups cooked black beans
- 1.5 cups cooked kidney beans
- 1/2 large green pepper, diced
- 1 large patty pan squash, diced
- 1/4 red onion, diced
- 1 corn on the cob, corn removed
- 2-3 tbsp sunflower seeds
- Easy Bean Salad Vinaigrette (3 tbsp vinegar, 2 tbsp sunflower oil, 1 tbsp pure maple syrup, 1/4 tsp Himalayan sea salt, 1/8 tsp freshly ground black pepper)
- 1/4-1/2 tsp Dried parsley
- Sea salt and pepper to taste
Directions: Dice vegetables and throw all ingredients except the vinaigrette and sunflower seeds into a large bowl. Set aside. In a small bowl prepare the Easy Bean Salad Vinaigrette. Pour the vinaigrette over the diced vegetables and bean mixture and mix well until coated. Sprinkle with sunflower seeds and parsley and additional sea salt and pepper if necessary. Serves 4-5.

Summery: Check; Delicious: Check; Easy: Check, check, check.

This tastes incredible, not to mention it is healthy and filled with protein, healthy fats, and fibre.
Simple food is delicious food.

To satisfy my Fall cravings, I served it with a baked Courge Pepper Squash.

Maple Butter Roasted Courge Pepper Squash
- 1 Courge Pepper Squash, split in half & seeds removed
- 2 tbsp Earth Balance
- 1-1.5 tbsp Pure maple syrup
- Pinch sea salt
- 1 tsp Sucanat (or brown sugar)
Directions: Place about 2-3 inches of water in a large & deep casserole dish. Take prepped squash (sliced in half and seeds removed) and place cut side down into the water. Bake at 425F for about 30 minutes or until tender. Remove from oven and cool for about 10 minutes. Flip squash and immediately place Earth Balance, Sucanat, maple Syrup, and sea salt over top of both halves. Serve immediately. Serves 2.

The squash tastes like a warm, sweet embrace on a chilly night.
Or maybe I am just weird like that.
Either way you have to try this. Quite possibly the best tasting squash I have ever had! Buttery, sweet, and slightly crunchy from the Sucanat. Ohhhhh me oh my.
Ok, now it’s your turn: Team Summer or Team Fall? Also, what are your favourite Fall recipes or foods?
Oh I am getting all excited just thinking about it!
Definitely team fall over here!
As much as I love summer, nothing beats those cool, crisp nights and warmer days. And the TREES!!! Don’t get me started on how gorgeous the trees become! :)
I am Team Fall 100%. Fall is my favorite season!!! Bring on the pumpkin patches, light jackets, jeans & long-sleeved shirts, curling up on the couch with a good book, blanket & tea! I have a sweet tooth, so I love all the fall goodies. I just created a homemade hot chocolate that I made yesterday. You can find it here: Yum, Yum!
Your descriptions of both the salad and squash were so romantic and passionate. I loved it! I am 100% on Team Summer, having lived in Texas all of my life until 3 years ago when I moved to DC. While I love comfortable, cool temperatures, squashes and root veggies, I absolutely hate knowing that winter is just around the corner. Plus, who likes having to put on a bulky coat all the time?! :-)
firstly your dinner looked great…i love any type of bean salad.
i love the summer so much….i grew up in NW Ontario and love the lake life!!
we are lucky to have 4 seasons here so we can experience it all…
you read my mind yesterday with the feeling of fall coming….looking forward
to fall cooking while also keeping up raw, seasonal foods. we ate at one
of the best restaurants in vancouver last night, Vijs (fusion, indian food). if anyone ever comes this way its a must. everything is cooked though, so i’m feeling a bit heavy this
morning, but it is worth it for that every so often.
I LOVE fall! It’s definitely my favorite time of year. Summer is just tooooo hot for me. I love pumpkins and apples and sweaters and leaves… everything about it! :)
Is courge pepper squash the same thing as an acorn squash? I love acorn squash halved and baked with something buttery and something sugary! I’ve eating it for breakfast before.
I totally love fall! It is a nice break from the extreme heat of summer. But it is bittersweet to me, because I HATE winter. I spend all of winter bundled up as if there is a snowstorm raging with blankets around, behind, and underneath me.
gorgeous salad. and now i really want some squash!
I totally LOVE fall … but I hate that winter follows it, and winters in Saskatchewan are BRUTAL!!
I’m completely torn also between summer and fall right now! I love summer and am already starting to miss it, but I can’t help be excited about all things fall. Cool nights, sweaters, cute boots, and really anything pumpkin. This does look like the perfect in between meal for the seasons. Thanks!
Fall all the way! I cannot wait. I even decorate my house and front walkway in September. My birthday is Aug. 31st, so I feel like I get to celebrate the end of summer & usher in Fall at the same time.
I love all the fresh fruits, especially berries and peaches during the summer, but the cool weather for running in the fall. And the pumpkins. :)
I haven’t had a good squash in forever…
I’m totally Team Fall! Since we have been battling a 100* summer for the last 6 months or so down here in the south, I am desperately ready for some cool, crisp fall weather!
Team Fall, all the way! My boyfriend and I were JUST talking about how we can’t wait for fall, but at the same time, fall is all too short of a season in Minnesota! Though fall = more law school class, so maybe fall can wait a little while longer??
Do you have a specific race you are training for this fall, or were you just doing a 10 mile long run for fitness?
I’m definitely team fall! I love all of the warm colors and making comforting fall dishes. One of my favorite fall side dishes is to saute apple, celery, carrots, and white onion with a touch of cinnamon- delicious and festive! That maple butter roasted squash looks heavenly. Def another recipe of yours that I need to try!
I’ve been torn about the same thing lately! When it is so hot and humid I’m ready for fall, but I just love summer too, so I guess I’ll just savor this last month or so and enjoy fall when it comes! :) I was reading your recipes and thinking to myself, “you know, I will totally make this and not be disappointed, because everything I have tried from here turns out so so good.” I just wanted you to know that! Plus, it always tastes so good, I make it multiple times-like your better than bottled balsamic, and roasted butternut squash-made that a couple times last fall with garden bnut squashes. Ok, now I’m excited for fall again! Now, why haven’t I made your vegan overnight oats yet?!
I love everything about the fall. Cool crisp weather, pumpkiin oats, pumpkin BEER, football!!!, leaves changing colors, warm sweaters…ohhh I can’t wait!