Sometimes, my photography closets (err…folders) get cluttered because I have this silly little habit of photographing everything that I cook or bake. And I rarely leave the house without bringing my camera along to snap a picture of whatever I see fit.
You don’t want to know how many photos I have on my computer. Also, please don’t tell Eric how long it’s been since I migrated my photos to my back up drive! You know, the back up drive that he bought specifically for my photographs? Yea, that would be the one.
But Spring is here, even if I look outside and see more snow than we’ve had all Winter long. In the spirit of Spring Cleaning, it’s time to clean out my photography closets and let some lost but not forgotten recipes take the stage!
But first, some dirty secrets so I can ‘clean’ the air…
- Often, I take pictures of recipes that I don’t post. Duh.
- Frequently, said pictures get buried in Lightroom and I’m too lazy to find them. They die in Lightroom.
- Sometimes, I eat wonderful things that never make it to the blog. Sometimes, I eat horrible things that never make it to the blog. Sometimes, I eat delicious things (but think you will hate them) that don’t make it to the blog.
- It’s complicated.
- Occasionally, I make a tasty dish only to forget ingredient measurements. Note to self: Find pens. Store in kitchen. Get tested for early onset Alzheimer’s.
- Now you know why I take photographs of my ingredients. :)
- Occasionally, I delete photos off my camera by mistake. Poof. Gone forever. Sometimes I don’t even care.
- Once and a while, I lose a recipe (if I do manage to write it down) and then I can’t replicate it even after 3 trials. (S’more Cake In A Jars I’m looking at you!)
- I’m sorry. I really am. I’ll keep trying.
- Rarely, do I let a good recipe fall off my radar completely...
Lost but not forgotten recipe #1: Mango Kiwi Vegan Overnight Oats for no-brainer breakfasts.

I have an OXO Mango Splitter and it helps slice out the pit in one easy motion creating two clean halves to work with. Normally, I’m not big on tools like this, but I really do use this mango pitter every single time! The added bonus is you get to chew the pit as you go!
Do you use any OXO kitchen products? I’m in love with my can opener, citrus juicer, salad spinner, Y Peeler, and of course the Mango Splitter. I tell everyone I know about OXO…their products are life changing.

Mango Kiwi Vegan Overnight Oats
Yield: 2 servings
- 1/2 cup oats
- 1/4 cup chia seeds
- 2 cups non-dairy milk
- 1/2 tsp almond extract
- 1 mango, pitted & chopped
- 2 kiwis, peeled & chopped
- Splash of maple syrup if desired
Directions: In a medium sized bowl, mix together the oats and chia seeds. Whisk in the milk and extract. Stir in the chopped mango and kiwis and place in the fridge overnight. In the morning, portion out your serving and add a splash of sweetener if preferred.

Lost but not forgotten recipe #2: Orange Creamsicle Vegan Overnight Oats. Also for no-brainer breakfasts.

Orange Creamsicle Vegan Overnight Oats
- 1 orange, peeled & chopped
- 1/4 cup regular oats
- 2 tbsp chia seeds
- 2 tbsp coconut milk (the cream part from top of can)
- 1 cup non-dairy milk
- 1/4 tsp almond extract
- maple syrup, to taste (optional)
- Sweetened shredded coconut, to garnish
Directions: In a small bowl, mix together all of the ingredients except for the shredded coconut. Stir well and place in fridge overnight. In the morning sprinkle on sweetened coconut or other desired toppings.

Normally I’m not a big fan of oranges in my oats, but this was very light and fresh tasting!

Lost but not forgotten recipe #3: Cheezy Nacho Kale Chips from Averie.

I never knew kale could taste this good! Just like nacho chips…only better.

Lost but not forgotten recipe #4: My favourite vegan pesto using the pesto recipe from my Project Food Blog Pizza Challenge!

This big bag of Pesto basil from Whole Foods works great for this.

Vegan Pesto
Adapted from my Garlic Scape Pesto.
1/4 cup + 2 tbsp raw cashews
2/3 cup of my homemade Vegan Parmesan Cheese
4 cups fresh basil, stems trimmed off and roughly chopped
Juice of 1 fresh lemon (3-4 tbsp approx)
1 cup extra virgin olive oil (you can cut this in half for a thick paste)
1-2 small handfuls of fresh spinach
4-5 cloves garlic
1 tsp sea salt
Directions: In a food processor, add the cashews and oil and process until smooth. Now throw in the garlic, parmesan, and fresh lemon juice and process more. Add in the basil and spinach and process until smooth. Adjust seasonings to taste. This will make enough for about two pizza crusts worth. I loved this recipe because there was leftover pesto to dip the crusts into!
It is amazing as a sauce for pizza like I used in my Roasted Tomato, Onion, and Basil Pesto Pizza.

This version I made below is thicker because I cut the oil in half. If you want a more traditional pesto, use the full amount of oil, but if you want a thick spread, cut the oil in half.
It’s luxurious on bread.

Just have a breath mint handy. ;)
Lost but not forgotten recipe #5: Savoury Pesto Oatmeal

Savoury Pesto Oatmeal
- 1/2 cup regular oats
- 1 cup non-dairy milk (unflavoured/unsweetened)
- Kosher salt, to taste
- black pepper, to taste
- 1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
- Seasonings & herbs of your choice
- 1 tbsp nutritional yeast
- 2-3 tbsp pesto
- Stir-fried veggies (I used cooked onion, tomato, minced garlic)
- Chopped walnuts (optional)
Directions: Add oats, seasonings/herbs, and nutritional yeast into a medium sized pot. Stir well and add in milk and oil. Bring to a boil and simmer on low for about 8-10 minutes, stirring often. When it is ready remove from heat and stir in the pesto and optional walnuts. Serve with stir-fry veggies and a dollop of pesto on top.
This Savoury Pesto Oatmeal was good, but my favourite savoury oatmeal is still my Mexican Loaded Savoury Oats…

I think I know what I’m making for lunch today…it has been too long!

And finally, a smoothie recipe that I just can’t get enough of lately…

Goji Berry Bliss Smoothie
- 1/4 cup goji berries (or more to taste), soaked in water until soft and puffy
- 1 cup almond milk
- 1 frozen banana
I was creeping in the bulk section of Whole Foods last week and I overheard a fun tip about Goji berries: Grab some Goji Berries. Soak them in water until puffy and soft. Throw them into your smoothies. The soaked berries will make the smoothie a vibrant orange or pink colour (depending on how many you use).

So there you have it. My photography closets are now cleaned out and ready for a new season of delicious eats! Any recipe requests?
Now, it’s time to tackle the baskets. This could get hairy…

hm my comment from earlier was awaiting moderation and never got approved? Did it go to spam, whats going on?
I just found your comment in my spam box, but it is now posted.
I’m mostly excited about the savory oatmeal recipes because I haven’t tried it yet! Can’t wait to give it a go! Do you have any vegan brownie recipes? with maybe low sugar? thanks!
Lovely photos, as always!
As for recipe requests…I vote for a vegan cheesecake that’s not too nut heavy. :)
Sometimes my pictures don’t make it onto my blog either, but it’s usually because they’re just way too ugly. :P Nomatter how hard I try, pumpkin mixed with oats and yogurt will never be photogenic haha.
Pesto Oatmeal!!! just think of the names makes me drooling ! great innovation!
So many great recipes to try! Can’t wait to tackle the savoury oats, smoothie and pesto. I’ve only had my blog for 2 months and I have tons and tons of photos – I can’t imagine how many you must have tucked away!!
Love that picture of you! Look gorgeous :)
thanks Paige!
Pesto oatmeal!!! That is crazy wild awesome!
hahah yeaaaaaa it was good
Oooh my cat loves to sit in my baskets on my bookshelves all the time. He also loves to sleep in my Vera Bradley duffel bag but not my other duffel bags…cats are strange yet adorable :)
I love this! What great recipes. I definitely forget to photograph some really delicious food sometimes and I always regret it later because describing a yummy meal isn’t as good as seeing a beautiful picture of it!
I have yet to find a way to organize my photos on my computer. My Iphoto is such a mess right now. Question: I’ve seen goji berries a lot recently. What do they taste like? Can you compare them to anything? Just curious :-)
Awesome spring cleaning, Ange! I have way too many recipes/photos in my drafts folder, but that doesn’t really bother me much. :)
Requests?! What about something with kohlrabi? :)
My request is a recipe for Stuffed Artichokes — I’ve been craving Artichokes lately and can’t seem to get enough of them.
I have been obsessed by your blog since I found it last week! I have already made several of your recipes, and shared your site with a ton of my friends/family. I cook very similar to you- increasing nutrition, fiber, lowering fat/sugar- and you have inspired me to try new things. I haven’t been cooking a lot lately- but the past week I have had so much fun with it! Thanks for sharing all your ideas.
I love that you put chia in everything. It’s amazing!
Okay, I have been waiting & hoping for the smore & pumpkin cheesecake in a jar recipes!!! The apple one was so amazing & delicious that I made it several days in a row :) At least now I know what happened to poor mr.smores! :)
I just want to thank you for all your yummy recipes. I’m a “new vegan” (going on 4 weeks!) and you make being vegan SO EASY!! So Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!
This post made me so hungry. The vegan pesto looks AMAZING. I’ll definitely be trying it out!
Love this post! Mangoes in oatmeal are DIVINE :)
O.K………….This is hard to believe but I was thinking about the S’mores Cake in a Jar YESTERDAY!! I had posted a couple comments about a week and then 2 weeks after the apple cake in a jar post requesting the s’mores recipe and for some reason it crossed my mind yesterday. I thought about requesting it again but I decided it was useless since it has been so long. Coincidence?
Keep trying!! :-)